9 Fall practices at Washington State open to the public

not that bold. Alienating the fan base when you butt is on fire is not what you want to do. Besides everyone knows the WSU. isn't it about 10 plays total?
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That's excellent! Hopefully we have someone out there who can visit all 9 practices, perhaps sneak a little film (Google Glass anyone?) and ship back lots of information our coaches can use.
The offense is simple, with no real tricks to it. No need to close practice. Hi O is based on repetition of plays, not different plays. Heck, he does not even call the plays, the QB does. He only calls the formation.
That's excellent! Hopefully we have someone out there who can visit all 9 practices, perhaps sneak a little film (Google Glass anyone?) and ship back lots of information our coaches can use.
I hope that you are serious because there is no way that we should let an opportunity like that go by.