A NIL Deal to Support - Ron Harper Jr

Does anyone know what Ron intends to do with his proceeds? What if he plans to give all or some portion to charity? Or to a fund for RU athletics? Or to help the non-star players with some needed cash?

Even if he decides to keep the money for himself, it’s still better than some outside organization profiting where Ron would get nothing from the use of his image, if NIL did not exist.
Does anyone know what Ron intends to do with his proceeds? What if he plans to give all or some portion to charity? Or to a fund for RU athletics? Or to help the non-star players with some needed cash?

Even if he decides to keep the money for himself, it’s still better than some outside organization profiting where Ron would get nothing from the use of his image, if NIL did not exist.
Who’s disagreeing with this?
In the end what will end up happening is all schools need to retrofit their athletic programs for athletes to earn NIL. This will add to expenses and reduce revenues and hurt donations to non NIL things. Non revenue programs will be cut. Eventually schools will have to make a decision if ig time athletics is worth it given the cost to run it.

It is naive to think it wont impact income statement of most athletic programs.
I think your being too cynical. This NIL thing is just getting off the ground but I think the concern you have is going to converge into a positive solution for everyone - the opposite of what you are saying. Kids are going to find out that adding on the clause “25% of proceeds on all sales will go to R-fund. Or the equivalent” will not only end up generating significantly more sales but will also help with their overall likeness image looking forward. It’s brand new right now - that will take time. But that’s where I see this going and I don’t think it’s a bad thing for anyone if that happens. Just my take.
What’s the big deal a guy selling a few shirts?
What’s the bid deal? Nothing! To not be in control of your own image and likeness is criminal imo….it’s yours at birth, you own it.
But don’t be so blasé about calling it a few shirts, there’s no limit.
Sell a million of them….lol
“Suriano signs NIL deal with ABC landscaping”
The deal includes 100 thousand up front money in exchange for the National Championship wrestler promoting ABC Landscaping company, unlimited use of the wrestlers name and likeness and making appearances.
When I read that I’ll believe it.
Not happening!!!!!
Even these nice little NIL deals Geo and Harper have are well documented and envolve reputable companies.
By the way Saint Pup, I respect your thoughts and enjoy the back and forth, good sports talk man
The feeling is mutual Zapaa - I enjoy a good, civil debate - unfortunately some people take things too personally on these boards and they devolve into a teenage cat fight - lol.

I just think now that the flood gates have open, the money will flow more freely whether above board or not. Do I think Suriano got his money one way or another? Absolutely! I’m just surprised nobody from NJ made a serious run at him.
capitalism is great--embrace it
I think the problem is, and has always been, you are mixing capitalism with amateurism - that is a recipe for disaster…..or what the current NCAA is today!
The feeling is mutual Zapaa - I enjoy a good, civil debate - unfortunately some people take things too personally on these boards and they devolve into a teenage cat fight - lol.

I just think now that the flood gates have open, the money will flow more freely whether above board or not. Do I think Suriano got his money one way or another? Absolutely! I’m just surprised nobody from NJ made a serious run at him.
I actually think NIL will reduce the instances of foul play and cheating.
The Ohio States and Alabamas let their brand do the talking, they don’t need to cheat now.
I have yet to see an incoming freshman or portal player receive an NIL deal to entice them to a university, they are enticed by the prospect of getting a deal
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Hey Ron. I’d like to put an order in for 30,000 shirts…..I’d like delivery October 2022.

Tell Cliff I’d like 10,000 of his T shirts with delivery of October 2022 too.
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How much will people like NIL if we find out some 66 year old Syracuse fan wanted to pay Cliff and Jaden Jones $500,000 each to join him and his son in a foursome at the Syracuse Country Club.

Edit…..golfing foursome BTW
How much will people like NIL if we find out some 66 year old Syracuse fan wanted to pay Cliff and Jaden Jones $500,000 each to join him and his son in a foursome at the Syracuse Country Club.

Edit…..golfing foursome BTW
That’s a lot of money to pay players who go to Rutgers just to play golf with him and his son.
Hell of a free market deal
That’s a lot of money to pay players who go to Rutgers just to play golf with him and his son.
Hell of a free market deal
10 bitcoins each. A few shares of Tesla or Nvidia.

a ton of wealth has been created, why die with it. If you’d like college basketball……

The scenario is now legal.
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How much will people like NIL if we find out some 66 year old Syracuse fan wanted to pay Cliff and Jaden Jones $500,000 each to join him and his son in a foursome at the Syracuse Country Club.

Edit…..golfing foursome BTW
Not seeing why the amount of money a player gets through NIL should matter, or how old the guy is who puts up the money. Strange take.
I don’t think eventual paying for players is a strange take.
That wouldn’t be within the parameters of NIL. Are you saying NIL will eventually lead to direct legal payments to players? And if so, why would that matter, as long as every player at every school is legally entitled to it? If it’s illegal then it’s no different than what goes on now.
I am. It's going to destroy intercollegiate athletics at most schools (including our school) and ultimately result in schools dropping programs and less kids getting scholarships.
Not sure why people can’t see this as the obvious progression of events.

I don’t know the solution. It isn’t right coaches make 4,000,000 and players get 0
Not sure why people can’t see this as the obvious progression of events.

I don’t know the solution. It isn’t right coaches make 4,000,000 and players get 0
Why is it the obvious progression of events? Please explain.
I'm not really seeing this doomsday scenario where Texas/Alabama sign players to $1mm/yr contracts and everyone else just quits. I mean if these schools wanted to create their own professional league and pay their players was there even anything stopping them from doing that before?
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Why is it the obvious progression of events? Please explain.
A Texas scholarship offensive linemen gets paid 50,000 per year.

To compete efforts of the athletic department needs to be focused on NIL for players. Instead of revenue directly going to athletic department it goes indirectly to athletes.

Athletic budgets need to get trimmed and sports are cut.
A Texas scholarship offensive linemen gets paid 50,000 per year.

To compete efforts of the athletic department needs to be focused on NIL for players. Instead of revenue directly going to athletic department it goes indirectly to athletes.

Athletic budgets need to get trimmed and sports are cut.
Athletic departments can’t focus on something they have nothing to do with.
They need to continue to raise massive amounts of money for facilities, budgets and pay coaches.
I'm not really seeing this doomsday scenario where Texas/Alabama sign players to $1mm/yr contracts and everyone else just quits. I mean if these schools wanted to create their own professional league and pay their players was there even anything stopping them from doing that before?
The schools have nothing to do with it Flux
The schools have nothing to do with it Flux
Yes, but isn't what people are worried about that this will lead to schools directly paying players and that that will kill everything?

I guess I'm not really seeing how brining the bagmen more out into the open is really hurting things.
Yes, but isn't what people are worried about that this will lead to schools directly paying players and that that will kill everything?

I guess I'm not really seeing how brining the bagmen more out into the open is really hurting things.
Schools can’t pay them.
NIL licensing deals can’t be associated with the schools.
Athletic departments can’t focus on something they have nothing to do with.
They need to continue to raise massive amounts of money for facilities, budgets and pay coaches.
No one will care about facilities, they don’t fit in a wallet. That was yesterday.

If going to your school won’t bring in $ you won’t be able to compete.
No one will care about facilities, they don’t fit in a wallet. That was yesterday.

If going to your school won’t bring in $ you won’t be able to compete.
This viewpoint is very strange to me, like some switch has been flipped completely changing everything. The once pure world of college football and basketball now corrupted by money?
This viewpoint is very strange to me, like some switch has been flipped completely changing everything. The once pure world of college football and basketball now corrupted by money?
Pre 2021 the way to legally compete was facilities. Now it is NIL.

Spending resources to fundraise for a facility right now is a complete waste. 4 star player is going where the NIL money is.
A Texas scholarship offensive linemen gets paid 50,000 per year.

To compete efforts of the athletic department needs to be focused on NIL for players. Instead of revenue directly going to athletic department it goes indirectly to athletes.

Athletic budgets need to get trimmed and sports are cut.
Think bigger picture and longer term. Any conference can increase the amount they charge for broadcast rights for all their schools (and every school in any conference can raise the prices of tickets, concessions, and memorabilia, logo wear, etc.) to offset donations that go directly to players and not to the schools.

For the non-revenue sports, there will be ways to get scholarships funded. Speedo could become the Official Sponsor of the B1G Conference Swim teams, with all the proceeds going toward swimmers scholarships. Nobody has to be left out of the windfall that will come from sponsorship fees.

I’m sure there are hundreds of other ways that this NIL thing can evolve into funding for every athletic scholarship and non-athletic ones as well. The outcome you’re imagining doesn’t have to be the only one.
Pre 2021 the way to legally compete was facilities. Now it is NIL.

Spending resources to fundraise for a facility right now is a complete waste. 4 star player is going where the NIL money is.
Ok. Why are practice facility + underground bagman arms races better than NIL arms races?
Ok. Why are practice facility + underground bagman arms races better than NIL arms races?
Bagmen are legal and prices are public knowledge. I’d think breaking law kept a lot of players and actors from participating. That changes now that it is legal.