Abolish instant replay


Heisman Winner
Aug 11, 2017
The defense of instant replay, no matter how criticisms are leveled (it takes too long, it goes against the spirit of the game to review frame-by-frame a sport played at real time, etc) is that "they have to get the call right."

They sure "got the call right" last night. It touched Moretti's hand last before going out of bounds. Of course, the replay also shows Kyle Guy hacking Moretti on the arm one second before that. But hey, they "got the call right" and awarded UVA possession.

They could be like the NFL and make non-calls like that (and the Rams pass interference) reviewable, thus slowing the game down further and subjecting us to more and more instant replays. Woohoo.

Or we could, as a sports collective, decide that all these replay reviews are a net negative on the games. Get rid of it. Or at least severely restrict it... 45 second time limits and the officials have to watch it at full speed. If it's not obviously and egregiously wrong, the call on the court stands.
The defense of instant replay, no matter how criticisms are leveled (it takes too long, it goes against the spirit of the game to review frame-by-frame a sport played at real time, etc) is that "they have to get the call right."

They sure "got the call right" last night. It touched Moretti's hand last before going out of bounds. Of course, the replay also shows Kyle Guy hacking Moretti on the arm one second before that. But hey, they "got the call right" and awarded UVA possession.

They could be like the NFL and make non-calls like that (and the Rams pass interference) reviewable, thus slowing the game down further and subjecting us to more and more instant replays. Woohoo.

Or we could, as a sports collective, decide that all these replay reviews are a net negative on the games. Get rid of it. Or at least severely restrict it... 45 second time limits and the officials have to watch it at full speed. If it's not obviously and egregiously wrong, the call on the court stands.

Not advocating this by any stretch, but I'm curious what would happen if refs were allowed to call anything they saw in a replay review. Reviewing an out of bounds call, or a shot clock violation, or goal tending, or a 2pt/3pt determination? You get to call any other violation that you see on the monitor at that time - fouls, traveling, whatever.

"The ball was still ascending as the ball was blocked, so there is no goal tending. However, there was also a foul on the play that will be assessed against #25, and the shooter will be awarded two shots"

Would be a crazy world.
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Not advocating this by any stretch, but I'm curious what would happen if refs were allowed to call anything they saw in a replay review. Reviewing an out of bounds call, or a shot clock violation, or goal tending, or a 2pt/3pt determination? You get to call any other violation that you see on the monitor at that time - fouls, traveling, whatever.

"The ball was still ascending as the ball was blocked, so there is no goal tending. However, there was also a foul on the play that will be assessed against #25, and the shooter will be awarded two shots"

Would be a crazy world.

This kind of happens with flagrant foul reviews. They'll call a foul on the floor in a scrum under the basket on one guy, then review it and see on replay that the guy they whistled for the foul is actually the one who got hit in the face or whatever. But that foul has to stand by rule, so it ends up being a dumb thing where that guy gets a foul against him but the other team gets hit with a flagrant.
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Sort of a thorny problem. We need them for clock issues, for who has possession when the ball goes out
of bounds, for whether it is a common or flagrant foul. Those can be cleared up with replay. Perhaps there
should be a “booth” a la football. Probably quicker decision.
They could be like the NFL and make non-calls like that (and the Rams pass interference) reviewable, thus slowing the game down further and subjecting us to more and more instant replays. Woohoo.


Terrible reference.
NFL limits the number of replays per game.
The expansion of “what is reviewable” has little to zero effect on length of games.

Coaches are still limited to 2 (maybe 3) reviews per game.
the thing that bothered me about that play was the Virginia player clearly knocked the ball out of Moretti's hands (and was fouled earlier). it's almost impossible to have the ball stripped from your hands and it not be touching you last. its almost too perfect of a system. Moretti didn't go after the ball, back in the old days that's an easy call. IDK.
The problem too with some of these OB calls is that a ref might see a foul where it's being knocked out of bounds but just give the ball to the other team instead of calling the foul. Then if they look at it on replay it'll show it was really off the other guy. I was hoping the refs were going to see that hack and just leave the call to stand
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Same. Let the call stand. Like the notorious double dribble call, player was hacked first. Getting ridiculous with replay.
If original call is against you, coach has some number of challenges. Within that framework, entirety is reviewable. Only ref initiated reviews concern the clock.
I agree with much of what everyone here has said, but I still like the replay. I would however, like to see them allow a certain amount of replays per coach during the game and only give it to the officials in the last 3 minutes of a half. But I still think replay works.
that's a good point, talked to a HS ref, and he told me pretty much that exact thing. He said fans don't see it that way, but coaches do, especially if they have a dialogue on the court. Think those days are over....Moretti was molested on that play, he severely out-hustled the Virginia players for the ball, and he gets that screw job. smh

The problem too with some of these OB calls is that a ref might see a foul where it's being knocked out of bounds but just give the ball to the other team instead of calling the foul. Then if they look at it on replay it'll show it was really off the other guy. I was hoping the refs were going to see that hack and just leave the call to stand
The problem too with some of these OB calls is that a ref might see a foul where it's being knocked out of bounds but just give the ball to the other team instead of calling the foul. Then if they look at it on replay it'll show it was really off the other guy. I was hoping the refs were going to see that hack and just leave the call to stand
Exactly exactly exactly, especially when it's sort of a cheap foul or a close call.

Fouls are finite and a lot of times refs just make an out of bounds call based on what feels right. This makes the ref's job tougher when they can't effectively downgrade a foul to a possession call, end up with a lot of guys getting double screwed like Moretti last night.
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I liked the old replay system that I think the USFL used. Refs can only review when a coach challenges. Coach has unlimited challenges with the stipulation that if the call stands, he loses a time out. Can't challenge if you're out of time outs.
I liked the old replay system that I think the USFL used. Refs can only review when a coach challenges. Coach has unlimited challenges with the stipulation that if the call stands, he loses a time out. Can't challenge if you're out of time outs.

That is basically the current NFL system.
Coaches limited to 2 challenges (gain a 3rd only if both are successful). Lose a timeout if challenge unsuccessful.

However, all reviews in final 2 min of half/game are referee initiated.
I think that for the time being they need to let the officials make an allowance for a missed foul call when reviewing to determine possession. Essentially, if it goes off of a player from team A because a player from team B fouled him - then team A retains the ball without any foul called on the player from team B. It may not solve the problem completely but at least it doesn't ignore the foul.
honestly, should be simiar to College Football. You have a replay judge, and he should be able to buzz the refs about something egregious that they want to review
The biggest issues with replay to me are a)lack of allowance for the refs to use discretion (I.e there is only a yes or no option on the review and not an ability for a nuanced response) b)killing of the flow of the game and c)replays are officiated differently than the game is intended. If Player A has the ball in his hands and Player B swats it out, any pair of eyes will say it’s Player As ball. But slowing things down to milliseconds has allowed it to be “Player B swatted it, but it was on Player As fingertips last, so it’s Player Bs ball. To me this is actually a departure in how the game is called in all non-replay situations and a huge inconsistency.

I also don’t get why officials shouldn’t be allowed to use their brains after seeing a replay if there is a foul that is missed that affects possession. Maybe they shouldn’t be allowed to call a foul but at least give the ball to the correct team. Officials can huddle and change a call in real time, why not after replay?
One other item I think is overlooked is the ablity ot the coaches to huddle with the teams during the stoppage for replay. This provides a distict advantage to a team which may have limited or no time outs left. The on court playeres should have to huddle in a neutral location on the floor (i.e. far corner opposite your bench).
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