Whoa Nelly, the thing is you're looking at this retrospectively which is not fair. This is 2012 and this hope that you were going to be invited to join the B1G has been dashed; Nebraska has been invited instead. The only FB coach who's had any modicum of success is bailing. The Big East conference is dissolving. It looks like you're going to be stuck in CUSA 2.0 forever. Your conference hires consultants to bad-mouth you so that no major conference will look at you.I don't want to sound like a former coach apologist again, because ultimately he was never going to succeed, but you would have thought SOMEBODY would have recognized and said: "Hey, this guy was a our last choice, and even Schiano did not take him to Tampa Bay---we better get some good coordinators to prop this guy up to avert disaster." But instead, the $1.8 million in savings over Schiano's salary gets deep sixed.
No. But I would not hire a new coach with a sketchy at best resume for the HC job, cut the pay of the HC by $1.8 million, and proceed to provide peanuts assistant coach budget. Don't recall the situation being that dire in 2012 anyway. The way corporate budgets work is you spend what you had in previous years and try to increase your spend each year. Don't know what the AD advocated for at the time, or if Barchi held a gun to his head, but slashing the coaching budget by nearly $2million was pennywise and pound foolish, especially when it was known we were vying for B1G membership.Whoa Nelly, the thing is you're looking at this retrospectively which is not fair. This is 2012 and this hope that you were going to be invited to join the B1G has been dashed; Nebraska has been invited instead. The only FB coach who's had any modicum of success is bailing. The Big East conference is dissolving. It looks like you're going to be stuck in CUSA 2.0 forever. Your conference hires consultants to bad-mouth you so that no major conference will look at you.
Tell me, under those circumstances you would break the bank to bring in a big hire?
No. But I would not hire a new coach with a sketchy at best resume for the HC job, cut the pay of the HC by $1.8 million, and proceed to provide peanuts assistant coach budget. Don't recall the situation being that dire in 2012 anyway. The way corporate budgets work is you spend what you had in previous years and try to increase your spend each year. Don't know what the AD advocated for at the time, or if Barchi held a gun to his head, but slashing the coaching budget by nearly $2million was pennywise and pound foolish, especially when it was known we were vying for B1G membership.
Wonder if Pernetti even put up a fight? Don't know many people in corporate world who would take a budget cut from $2.5 million to $700K sitting down. But maybe I should stop thinking they run Rutgers Athletics like a business--that's the problem. But it is a business, and should be run as such. Guess maybe the BOG had to be heavy handed because of pressure from the subsidy, but still, such a dramatic cut in the coaching budget is still unbelievable.I believe that McCormick was President when Flood was hired but one thing we know for certain, historically the BOG has been a cheap bag of suits for years....there is no disputing their foolish ways regarding sports from the 70s right up to about 2015
Wonder if Pernetti even put up a fight? Don't know many people in corporate world who would take a budget cut from $2.5 million to $700K sitting down. But maybe I should stop thinking they run Rutgers Athletics like a business--that's the problem. But it is a business, and should be run as such. Guess maybe the BOG had to be heavy handed because of pressure from the subsidy, but still, such a dramatic cut in the coaching budget is still unbelievable.