Ash just said...

Flood never embarrassed the program ON THE FIELD like this.

Let's not go there. Flood embarrassed the program in every way, including in bringing NCAA sanctions down on the program. I sat in the rain in Orlando to watch the worst coached games I've ever attended. If Ash inherented Schiano's roster, he'd look like a much better game day coach . . . . Just saying.
Let's not go there. Flood embarrassed the program in every way, including in bringing NCAA sanctions down on the program. I sat in the rain in Orlando to watch the worst coached games I've ever attended. If Ash inherented Schiano's roster, he'd look like a much better game day coach . . . . Just saying.

That game in Orlando...was what's called a bowl game. After a 9 win season. It was also an overtime loss to an ACC team. No comparison to the embarrassments we suffer weekly now as the worst team in P5.
That game in Orlando...was what's called a bowl game. After a 9 win season. It was also an overtime loss to an ACC team. No comparison to the embarrassments we suffer weekly now as the worst team in P5.

Ok Mrs. Flood. I give up! ;)
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Ok Mrs. Flood. I give up! ;)

I mean I hate to repeat myself, but I will. Flood was not good. Flood also beat the following P5 teams (current) in 4 seasons:

Arkansas again
Washington State
Indiana again

Also Navy and Army twice for good measure, plus Cincy, UConn, SMU, etc.

Chris Ash has exactly omen FBS win. A squeaker vs New Mexico. Has not yet won a single P5 game.

Ash might be better than Flood but he's got a ways to go to prove it.
I cannot believe the Flood love on here tonight. Forget the Kent State trainwreck, does no one remember that complete no-show at lousy Pitt that cost us the Big East title? I won't even get into that bowl game against VT. And that was just 2012. 2013 brought us 35-point home losses to blue bloods like Houston and Cincinnati. Though we did manage to keep it within 4 scores in losses to UCF and UConn. Flood did beat a turmoil-ridden UM team in 2014, but was destroyed by OSU, Nebraska, Wisconsin and MSU. Finally, 2015 offered losses of 42, 38, 33 and 27 in conference. Culminating in gagging up a big halftime lead in that pillow fight with Maryland as his encore.

And that's just ON the field.

Bear Bryant, Ash is not. But Flood was a total disgrace.
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Most of us could show up at OSU and tell the kids to make a tackle. Those kids made Ash, not vice-versa. Plus he was assistant DC, I wonder who was running the show?
I said this last year and anyone that needs more than last year's body of work as a head coach to decide whether coach Ash can actually coach needs to have their head examined. Let's not forget he didn't show up for almost a month after being hired cuz he wanted to coach Ohio State's bowl game.
I mean I hate to repeat myself, but I will. Flood was not good. Flood also beat the following P5 teams (current) in 4 seasons:

Arkansas again
Washington State
Indiana again

Also Navy and Army twice for good measure, plus Cincy, UConn, SMU, etc.

Chris Ash has exactly omen FBS win. A squeaker vs New Mexico. Has not yet won a single P5 game.

Ash might be better than Flood but he's got a ways to go to prove it.

That would be a useful comparison if Ash inherited Schiano's roster and not the shitshow that Flood left. Talent trumps coaching every time. How else can you explain a first year 34 year-old coach at UO schooling a future hall of fame coach like Urban Meyer tonight at Ohio State.
The only Flood loss that compares is Kent State (went on to be ranked and almost made an at large bcs before a late loss) and that came in a season with 9 wins.

When did Flood have a loss this bad? When did Flood lose 78-0? He had plenty of bad days but at less he won a few games! Here are some teams Flood beat:

Arkansas (x2)
Washington State
Indiana (x2)

Chris Ash has yet to win a single game against a P5 opponent. He has won one FBS game, barely beating New Mexico.

He suffered perhaps the worst defeat in the history of Big Ten football 78-0, without a first down until the fourth quarter.

Flood was not good and had plenty of lousy days but Ash has a long way to go to sniff his jock, frankly.


Flood inherited a roster with 7 NFL Draft picks and the best recruiting class in school history. Within 4 years he annihilated our roster and handed it to Ash with a bunch of kids who do not belong at this level...oh and here are some NCAA Sanctions on my way out.

He can fvck himself for how he destroyed this place IMO
Let's not go there. Flood embarrassed the program in every way, including in bringing NCAA sanctions down on the program. I sat in the rain in Orlando to watch the worst coached games I've ever attended. If Ash inherented Schiano's roster, he'd look like a much better game day coach . . . . Just saying.
Over and over and over again.
Now that we know it was Ash after all, maybe we can
fire him and hire Mehringer as head coach.:)
I cannot believe the Flood love on here tonight. Forget the Kent State trainwreck, does no one remember that complete no-show at lousy Pitt that cost us the Big East title? I won't even get into that bowl game against VT. And that was just 2012. 2013 brought us 35-point home losses to blue bloods like Houston and Cincinnati. Though we did manage to keep it within 4 scores in losses to UCF and UConn. Flood did beat a turmoil-ridden UM team in 2014, but was destroyed by OSU, Nebraska, Wisconsin and MSU. Finally, 2015 offered losses of 42, 38, 33 and 27 in conference. Culminating in gagging up a big halftime lead in that pillow fight with Maryland as his encore.

And that's just ON the field.

Bear Bryant, Ash is not. But Flood was a total disgrace.
flood was a disgrace but right now on-field (not off) Ash is on pace to do worse than flood
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Flood inherited a roster with 7 NFL Draft picks and the best recruiting class in school history. Within 4 years he annihilated our roster and handed it to Ash with a bunch of kids who do not belong at this level...oh and here are some NCAA Sanctions on my way out.

He can fvck himself for how he destroyed this place IMO
flood sucks, but wait according to the mods and many on the board, Austin is a high round draft pick, so is turay, grant should be drafted, many are saying hampton will be too, robert martin maybe also and that Tariq cole is a high draft choice as well, not to mention many saying gus edwards and Jerome Washington are nfl guys too (these are ash guys not Flood) I hate flood but these are all his recruits minus the last two (no I don't think this team is as good as the one flood inherited) but it should be a lot better than this
Let's not go there. Flood embarrassed the program in every way, including in bringing NCAA sanctions down on the program. I sat in the rain in Orlando to watch the worst coached games I've ever attended. If Ash inherented Schiano's roster, he'd look like a much better game day coach . . . . Just saying.
Over and over and over again.
I was a Flood supporter until his last year. Something seemed off at that time. Did not understand extent of what a train wreck he was until NJ Coaches spoke more freely as did recruits.
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flood was a disgrace but right now on-field (not off) Ash is on pace to do worse than flood
On pace?

I don't like the comparison because eff Flood, but Ash, 14 games into his career, has zero on field positives to his credit.

I'm pretty down on Bolin right now, but let's not forget this guy had some impressive games while at Louisville. Why is he looking so unimpressive here?
On pace?

I don't like the comparison because eff Flood, but Ash, 14 games into his career, has zero on field positives to his credit.

I'm pretty down on Bolin right now, but let's not forget this guy had some impressive games while at Louisville. Why is he looking so unimpressive here?
yes on pace because ash still has nearly 3 years worth of games to match flood's tenure, but so far he is on pace to win 0 games against p5 teams lol so he is on pace to be way worse than flood on-field, but can't make that determinant until he gets the same amount of time
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I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and relax. It's not the end of the world. Yes this is a disappointing loss and posters need to vent but some of the suggestions on this board are outlandish.

Agree. A very bad loss for Ash, but he has a 3-5 year roster rebuilding job to do at RU. There is no quick fix with the roster he inherited from Flood. And his players, incldg transfers, have not made much of a difference from last season.

But to want to dump Ash because of the result of Game 2 of Season 2 is just reactionary and short sighted. He deserves 3+ years to rebuild our program IMO.
On pace?

I don't like the comparison because eff Flood, but Ash, 14 games into his career, has zero on field positives to his credit.

I'm pretty down on Bolin right now, but let's not forget this guy had some impressive games while at Louisville. Why is he looking so unimpressive here?
Bolin had a 13/10 INT ratio before coming here. I raised that before. He did not look particularly impressive in our first 2 games. He's a nice kid, and purportedly a good leader, but if the first 2 games is indicative of what we will get from a 5th year senior, we should put Gio and Lewis out there to develop.
"Rebuilding" a roster of 3 stars with a roster of 3 stars. Good luck with that. And it seems he's no mental giant when it comes to gameplan, adjustments or playcalling.

So exactly what are his strengths?
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You guys sit here and cheer these 3 star recruits with offers from Temple, Bowling Green and Buffalo and act like it's an accomplishment. We're not getting good players and it shows on the field. It's that simple.
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flood sucks, but wait according to the mods and many on the board, Austin is a high round draft pick, so is turay, grant should be drafted, many are saying hampton will be too, robert martin maybe also and that Tariq cole is a high draft choice as well, not to mention many saying gus edwards and Jerome Washington are nfl guys too (these are ash guys not Flood) I hate flood but these are all his recruits minus the last two (no I don't think this team is as good as the one flood inherited) but it should be a lot better than this

While Ash's co
"Rebuilding" a roster of 3 stars with a roster of 3 stars. Good luck with that. And it seems he's no mental giant when it comes to gameplan, adjustments or playcalling.

So exactly what are his strengths?

If there is one thing Ash is doing well, it is player development. Flood didn't develop players very well.

"Rebuilding" a roster of 3 stars with a roster of 3 stars. Good luck with that. And it seems he's no mental giant when it comes to gameplan, adjustments or playcalling.

So exactly what are his strengths?

Not remotely close to being accurate. Flood's specialty was offering a kid who had Temple, Purdue and Old Dominion (if not some FCS offers). Then the moment a decent school came in he basically gave up. We are recruiting better under Ash, that is pretty clear if you are paying attention at all.
That would be a useful comparison if Ash inherited Schiano's roster and not the shitshow that Flood left. Talent trumps coaching every time. How else can you explain a first year 34 year-old coach at UO schooling a future hall of fame coach like Urban Meyer tonight at Ohio State.

That's all well and good. It may turn out Ash is better in the long run. But it's fair to point out there is as of yet zero evidence that he is better.
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No Rutgers fan can say that coach Ash is better than coach Flood. As a matter of fact right now at this very moment one could make the argument that Flood would have the edge. Where Ash is leaps and bounds better than Flood is keeping a clean program and let's be honest that's why he was brought in by Hobbs and Barchi. Does anyone here truly believe that the primary goal behind Ash's hire was to win football games or clean up the program? That's on the Institution and the Institution has the fanbase by the balls because 60% are in full support of this idiology and the other 40% want to be competitive and win games. Which is why I coined the phrase a tale of two fanbases.

We can mock and ridicule Penn State all we want with the tsunami of put downs and insults but one thing is for certain, their fanbase, Institution and alumni are all in concert with respect of winning a National Championship and that in a nutshell is why they're successful.
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We can mock and ridicule Penn State all we want with the tsunami of put downs and insults but one thing is for certain, their fanbase, Institution and alumni are all in concert with respect of winning a National Championship and that in a nutshell is why they're successful.

WTF?? You've already outed yourself as a hardcore PSU fan. Don't insult our intelligence with this weak sauce.
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WTF?? You've already outed yourself as a hardcore PSU fan. Don't insult our intelligence with this weak sauce.
Grow up and read the quote first and foremost ask yourself if it makes sense. How old are you 16?
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Stop comparing Ash and Flood.

Flood inherited a program left by a coach that was selected by a NFL team

it took Flood 2+ years to ruin the foundation. How can we expect Ash in 1 1/6 years to build it back
While Ash's co

If there is one thing Ash is doing well, it is player development. Flood didn't develop players very well.

Not remotely close to being accurate. Flood's specialty was offering a kid who had Temple, Purdue and Old Dominion (if not some FCS offers). Then the moment a decent school came in he basically gave up. We are recruiting better under Ash, that is pretty clear if you are paying attention at all.
So these players are only nfl prospects Cus ash developed them? This is a ridiculous defense of ash