Ash just said...

Stop comparing Ash and Flood.

Flood inherited a program left by a coach that was selected by a NFL team

it took Flood 2+ years to ruin the foundation. How can we expect Ash in 1 1/6 years to build it back

No one is asking us to now be back where we were when Schiano left. This was friggin EMU and we were at home.
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No one is asking us to now be back where we were when Schiano left. This was friggin EMU and we were at home.

If it were fantasy football you should be really pissed. Unfortunately we can't change our lineup with a mouse. We are playing graduate transfers at QB and RB. That tells you all you need to know. This is a Flood loss
This was not a Flood loss. This was a poorly coached, flat, unmotivated, highly penalized, confused, awful time managed team.

None of this loss was about talent which is why so many of us are so upset.

The first time EMU ever beat a B1G team in 39 attempts!!

It does not bode well.

Compare this to hiring a proven winner like in hoops. Knight and day
If it were fantasy football you should be really pissed. Unfortunately we can't change our lineup with a mouse. We are playing graduate transfers at QB and RB. That tells you all you need to know. This is a Flood loss

Disagree here (and I'd like to blame Hurricane Irma on Flood). I've defended Ash until now, but I can't defend him in a HOME game against a MAC team when we have with more size, talent, and athleticism. The penalties were ridiculous, time was mis-managed and we appeared unmotivated. This one is on him. You can blame Flood for the Washington and B1G games.
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No Rutgers fan can say that coach Ash is better than coach Flood. As a matter of fact right now at this very moment one could make the argument that Flood would have the edge. Where Ash is leaps and bounds better than Flood is keeping a clean program and let's be honest that's why he was brought in by Hobbs and Barchi. Does anyone here truly believe that the primary goal behind Ash's hire was to win football games or clean up the program? That's on the Institution and the Institution has the fanbase by the balls because 60% are in full support of this idiology and the other 40% want to be competitive and win games. Which is why I coined the phrase a tale of two fanbases.

We can mock and ridicule Penn State all we want with the tsunami of put downs and insults but one thing is for certain, their fanbase, Institution and alumni are all in concert with respect of winning a National Championship and that in a nutshell is why they're successful.

You may not like Barchi, and I may not either. But Barchi does very much want RU to be seen as a B1G school. That means we have to at least be competitive in football, even though we aren't getting the money the other B1G schools (aside from Maryland) are. Barchi is not going to stand for a program that is a joke on the field. OTOH, he is a smart enough guy to realize that rebuilding is going to take a long time, and that two years won't be enough to judge Ash. There's a reason Ash was given a five-year contract; everyone understood it would take that long to judge results.
Stop comparing Ash and Flood.

Flood inherited a program left by a coach that was selected by a NFL team

it took Flood 2+ years to ruin the foundation. How can we expect Ash in 1 1/6 years to build it back

Like some other guys mentioned, the issue wasn't about talent, it was about mismanagement and incompetent play calling. There was no reason for us to lose to EMU, period. Now thanks to Ash and Kill, we're EMU's first B1G win out of 39 consecutive B1G games.
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We can mock and ridicule Penn State all we want with the tsunami of put downs and insults but one thing is for certain, their fanbase, Institution and alumni are all in concert with respect of winning a National Championship and that in a nutshell is why they're successful.

Thank goodness you got to throw that last part in there as if you aren't completely transparent as is.
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Thank goodness you got to throw that last part in there as if you aren't completely transparent as is.
Meant no disrespect. Just pointing out that it helps to have all three facets in agreement, especially the backing of the Institution. Sorry AGK but in almost 40 years of being a fan I've never felt that Rutgers University was all in. There was a glimmer of hope during the Mulcahy and Schiano era and the program experienced some success. Listen to me, the faculty, chairmen and Chancellors have a tremendous amount of clout on how soft and hard money gets divided up here at Rutgers. Even when we become full members you will see a major push on how that money gets appropriated. Mark TRAPS words there is going to be some very creative accounting in order to tap into the additional money. Also that clout I speak of goes beyond revenue. Yes, success is welcome but within reason, go too far and try to win a Rose Bowl by cutting a corner or two and program will face severe internal consequences. These conditions make building a solid B10 football program very very difficult. Theses issues do not exist at more successful programs, if they did they wouldn't be successful. Right?
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Unfortunately, there is some truth to what Trap says. The successful programs in football are all in a every level. Football success is paramount at those schools. Everyone sees the benefit in it, including the academic side.

At Rutgers, I am not sure that will ever be the case, especially as we see the faculty moving more and more to the far left, which doesn't seem to be particularly interested in athletic success.

If the academic side starts taping into the B1G payouts, that will ensure failure. Let's hope that doesn't happen.
Unfortunately, there is some truth to what Trap says. The successful programs in football are all in a every level. Football success is paramount at those schools. Everyone sees the benefit in it, including the academic side.

At Rutgers, I am not sure that will ever be the case, especially as we see the faculty moving more and more to the far left, which doesn't seem to be particularly interested in athletic success.

If the academic side starts taping into the B1G payouts, that will ensure failure. Let's hope that doesn't happen.
Thank you for your honesty. Very much appreciated. Yes a tough pill to swallow but it's the truth.
Flood was the best gameday coach by far.

Too bad he had no discipline and knowledge how to run the program correctly
Half of you guys would lick Schiano's ball sack if given the chance. He lost to Tulane in year 10. It's way too early to write this guy off.
VK, you know a lot about football. What is your take on what you saw from the head coach yesterday?
Disagree here (and I'd like to blame Hurricane Irma on Flood). I've defended Ash until now, but I can't defend him in a HOME game against a MAC team when we have with more size, talent, and athleticism. The penalties were ridiculous, time was mis-managed and we appeared unmotivated. This one is on him. You can blame Flood for the Washington and B1G games.

We had more talent and athleticism?
Thank you for your honesty. Very much appreciated. Yes a tough pill to swallow but it's the truth.

Truth? It's another in a long line of mind numbingly stupid Cali posts. Dude just blamed our crappy football play on the "left wing" faculty. Now I've seen it all.
VK, you know a lot about football. What is your take on what you saw from the head coach yesterday?
I wasn't happy. This was a game we needed to win but some of the crap I've read on this board is ridiculous. We went toe to toe a week ago with a top 5 team and maybe a top 3 coach in all of football. We aren't a good team, when bad teams are off they can lose to anyone and that's what happened yesterday. I figured we would win by two scores and dominate the line of scrimmage. For some reason, we couldn't get into a rhythm on O. I've yet to re watch the game but if a few breaks go the other way we would have won by those two scores.
I'm not saying Ash is the answer. If you recall, I wanted a guy with prior HC experience. We now have a guy that has to learn on the job and that was my fear. However, unless you have tradition and lots of money you don't chase a guy away after two years. We have neither. He's gonna be here for at least two more years and I hope he's a quick learner.
Few years ago we chased off an OC that this board screamed was the worst in the country. He's still paired with this boards new hot crush in Minnesota.
Truth? It's another in a long line of mind numbingly stupid Cali posts. Dude just blamed our crappy football play on the "left wing" faculty. Now I've seen it all.

You have reading comprehension problems. Never said it was their fault. But if you think they are lovers of athletics, you're dumber than you appear to be.
I wasn't happy. This was a game we needed to win but some of the crap I've read on this board is ridiculous. We went toe to toe a week ago with a top 5 team and maybe a top 3 coach in all of football. We aren't a good team, when bad teams are off they can lose to anyone and that's what happened yesterday. I figured we would win by two scores and dominate the line of scrimmage. For some reason, we couldn't get into a rhythm on O. I've yet to re watch the game but if a few breaks go the other way we would have won by those two scores.

What are your opinions of Ash's game management?
What are your opinions of Ash's game management?
I disagree with some things. For example, He's a conservative guy who thinks his punter is a weapon. He's not going to go for it on 4th and 1. It's just not his nature. A lot of the other stuff I think falls under learning on the job. Kill is an amazing coach, for me, top 3 in the B1G but he hasn't called plays in decades. I'm sure some of the confusion stems from that. We also have a lot of players who have been here for a very short time and that adds confusion as well. One thing that I think should be discussed is that these kids didn't quit. From chasing down the INT to driving down the field. They never quit on the guy.
You have reading comprehension problems. Never said it was their fault. But if you think they are lovers of athletics, you're dumber than you appear to be.

I am a Rutgers faculty member. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Trust me.

Are they fans? Not really. Do you think the Philosophy professors and physicists at Ohio State are big football fans? Of course not. It means nothing.
I am a Rutgers faculty member. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Trust me.

Are they fans? Not really. Do you think the Philosophy professors and physicists at Ohio State are big football fans? Of course not. It means nothing.

Not only are they fans but season ticket holders as well IMO.
I am a Rutgers faculty member. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Trust me.

Are they fans? Not really. Do you think the Philosophy professors and physicists at Ohio State are big football fans? Of course not. It means nothing.

Well that explains a lot. No wonder our ranking has slipped from past decades.

And yea, I can tell you the average professor at a school like USC is very interested in their football program's success. I'm guessing it's like that at many of the other successful schools.

And thanks for proving my point.
Kill is an amazing coach, for me, top 3 in the B1G but he hasn't called plays in decades. I'm sure some of the confusion stems from that.
Actually I thought that at first, when we hired him but I believe he actually did call plays as HC at NIU and probably other stops in his career while HC. He gave up those duties though when he took over at Minnesota.
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Actually I thought that at first, when we hired him but I believe he actually did call plays as HC at NIU and probably other stops in his career while HC. He gave up those duties though when he took over at Minnesota.

I'm becoming convinced that we have many fans who will never like the play calling from any RU coach, no matter what.

Funny that Ash gets hammered now for his offensive play calling and substitutions, but Greg always let the OC take the blame after a bad loss. Why is that ?
I'm becoming convinced that we have many fans who will never like the play calling from any RU coach, no matter what.

Funny that Ash gets hammered now for his offensive play calling and substitutions, but Greg always let the OC take the blame after a bad loss. Why is that ?
I always try to be consistent in how I judge. I don't have any deep personal connection to any coach or administrator. I'd think most fans don't either but for whatever reason some have their favorites or sh*t lists and it skews their opinions one way or the other and makes them overlook things or look at things with the intensity of a microscope depending on which side of the fence they lean on.

Me, I try to be judge fairly and consistently regardless of what my impressions of a coach/administrator are and frankly for most I have no impression at all. It's just a person in job, nothing more nothing less.
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there seems too many times in both game #1 and Game#2 of long periods of confusion about getting the right play call and player packages onto the field. Last game saw a confusion on third down late in first quarter ,with two time outs avaialble,play getting in late,ball put in play at 1 sec mark and ball just thrown out the back of endzone,result was a field goal..Bolin looked at sidelines as he came off with palms up gesture.
Why in game# 2 is this still happening,getting the right players and play call into the game?
there seems too many times in both game #1 and Game#2 of long periods of confusion about getting the right play call and player packages onto the field. Last game saw a confusion on third down late in first quarter ,with two time outs avaialble,play getting in late,ball put in play at 1 sec mark and ball just thrown out the back of endzone,result was a field goal..Bolin looked at sidelines as he came off with palms up gesture.
Why in game# 2 is this still happening,getting the right players and play call into the game?

I suggest that RU fans stop evaluating Ash on a game by game score basis, but rather on a Direction of the Program basis.

We knew that he was a young D.C when we hired him Without HC experience,

Lets stop acting like his job is on the line every week. Because it's not.
Ash is a meathead. If you can't answer a simple question like that after standing on the sidelines as the head coach, you suck.

His ceiling is an assistant. In way over his head.

Ash will be gone after next season
Bank on it.
Ash will be gone after next season
Bank on it.

What happened to you since last week? You are unhinged.