

All American
Sep 25, 2002
I keep coming back to my original thoughts on Ash that I posted when he gave his introductory speech. As I said at the time, his arrogant and ungracious approach made it seem like we were the bottom of the bottom of the college football world and we had not won a game in 50 years rather than our having been to bowl games in most of the then preceding dozen years. While it's too early to call for his head – although if we don't win another FBS game, he should be fired – instead of being the savior of the program (assuming we needed a Savior) he appears to be anything but that.
I keep coming back to my original thoughts on Ash that I posted when he gave his introductory speech. As I said at the time, his arrogant and ungracious approach made it seem like we were the bottom of the bottom of the college football world and we had not won a game in 50 years rather than our having been to bowl games in most of the then preceding dozen years. While it's too early to call for his head – although if we don't win another FBS game, he should be fired – instead of being the savior of the program (assuming we needed a Savior) he appears to be anything but that.

Or, quite possibly, he was being honest about the state of the program when he took over, that the positive momentum the program had had from those bowl years had been squandered, and that it would not be a fast fix.

I'm not sold on Ash either (and feel he shot himself in the foot right out of the gate with poor hiring on the offensive side of the ball), but we were in bad shape when he took over.
I keep coming back to my original thoughts on Ash that I posted when he gave his introductory speech. As I said at the time, his arrogant and ungracious approach made it seem like we were the bottom of the bottom of the college football world and we had not won a game in 50 years rather than our having been to bowl games in most of the then preceding dozen years. While it's too early to call for his head – although if we don't win another FBS game, he should be fired – instead of being the savior of the program (assuming we needed a Savior) he appears to be anything but that.

This can all be cured by winning.
And to the obvious "it couldn't have gone so bad so quickly" argument.... yes, it could, and it did.

Consistent success is built on consistent recruiting... and our recruiting took a sharp turn downward after 2012. And the drop in recruiting rankings doesn't even tell the whole story, as several of the top players from those 2013-2015 classes either left the program or were dismissed. Plus the stigma of the off-field issues and the administration/staff violations. Add in a step up in competition and recruiting relative to the conference, and there just wasn't much left of the program Schiano had built up.
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