Attendance: 39,892


Hall of Famer
Nov 21, 2009
With such a beautiful tailgating day (3rd in a row), a lot came in moments before kickoff. Good to see so many Military men and women at the game.
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This was one of the more poorly attended games we've had recently but it was understandable why. A win against an ailing Nebraska could get us a nice crowd for tOSU.
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Appeared over 30,000 to me, maybe 33-35, 000 in real fannies in the seats.

No way Abro Jose.
The Yellow Lot was Half Empty.

If you really think the Stadium was at 70% capacity then there is really nothing I can say.
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Tickets sold, distributed, donated, given to staff, etc.
If there were 25,000 in actual attendance we would be lucky today.
Actually there was 50,000 at the game.
25,000 were in their seats before the game began, didn't see Rettig and left at halftime .
Then 25,000 came in after the half because they wanted to tailgate a little longer instead of going in stadium when the game started.
It was a good sized crowd considering the opponent and the fact we were riding an 11 game losing streak. If you want a better crowd we need to win some conference games. Start another 11 game losing streak beginning with Nebraska and then you will start to see crowds in the 20-25k range or even smaller.
Actually there was 50,000 at the game.
25,000 were in their seats before the game began, didn't see Rettig and left at halftime .
Then 25,000 came in after the half because they wanted to tailgate a little longer instead of going in stadium when the game started.
rettig was there tho....
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for the self proclaimed no. 1 RU fan, most of your posts always seem to have something bad to say about RU

Sorry for interjecting reality and facts into my posts.
FWIW I more of a RU fan than you will ever be . See you at Nebraska on Saturday ?????

And I didn't even attend Rutgers.... 66 douche
Yellow lot was nearly full when we arrived at 3 p.m. Don't know where you get your facts from.

I arrived at 3:20, and also park in the Yellow Lot. I would say that it was approx. 80-90% full compared to the two previous games.
The crowd was better than I expected too.
However, you guys are crazy if you think there was 35k. 25k max. Definitely less than half full.

Why not announce actual attendance, what's the big deal? (this goes for all teams, pros too)
The crowd was better than I expected too.
However, you guys are crazy if you think there was 35k. 25k max. Definitely less than half full.

Why not announce actual attendance, what's the big deal? (this goes for all teams, pros too)
For the same reason people lie about their actual height and weight. Perception.
#1 or is it #2--you have no clue--and this BS reality/fact crap is just that, bullcrap--you're not a fan but a depressing malcontent that needs to find fault for some reason only a therapist knows