It was no more a troll thread than any other thread complaining about Flood. Sure it was a poorly worded question, which opened the OP to ridicule regarding the fact that "almost losing" is the same as winning (a point that KingHigh himself made in response 18 to this thread).
Just because the OP is posting something negative about the team or coach, doesn't make him a troll. If that were the case, half the posters on this board are trolls. The OP has been posting on this board since July 2013. Sure he only has 11 posts since the board format changed. But posting on the average of once every 1.5 weeks doesn't make him a troll.
I very rarely complain about moderators. But I think KingHigh really overstepped his role here. Being a moderator is not the same as being an Editor, especially when the edits change the meaning of the post. And since the original post was no more of a troll post than any other negative post on this board, it certainly didn't warrant deletion.
KingHigh, as a moderator, had more choices than to edit or delete. He could have selected the correct choice and left the post alone. He screwed up. He should recognize that he screwed up, acknowledge the fact, and correct his error by restoring the original post.