And I don't disagree with you. But when you use the term "push him buttons", do you mean trash talking? Or do you mean something aiming for his head, clutch and grabbing, and post whistle activity? Cause that's what defenders have been doing. And power to them for getting away with it. But that's what their doing- getting away with it!
My issue is that he's constantly being penalized for his reaction, and the refs are ignoring the initial action which cause his outburst in the first place. Until the refs start penalizing these defenders for trolling him- really only bc that is their only hope of containing him (about 99% of them cannot stop him), then I'm going to continue to question the league for their integrity or lack thereof, of calling penalties. Clearly Odell Beckham Jr and Cam Newton are bad guys, painted as such by the league and the media, and IMO it's for a monetary reason...