Beningo and Roberts killed us today on WFAN

You're delusional. The MAC is NOT the 2006 version of the B1G East. The B1G East was still a P5 conference. West Virginia with Pat White and Steve Slaton was just as good as anyone in the country. Louisville, was good. Matt Groethe and South Florida was doing work. There were some good Pitt teams around that time. You guys are trying too hard to justfy this loss. Saying that the MAC is like the Big East is delusional. Eastern Michigan was mediocre and the MAC is the MAC. This post is ridiculous.

I may delusional- agreed.

My point was more about people assume any team from a non P5 conference should never be good enough to best a team from P5. I don't believe that is the case, because a team can be well coaches and play great ball. Just because you are in P5 doesn't make you play better. You have advantage over non P5, but you may not be utilizing them.

RU's loss to EMU was a bad loss. Not a shot that EMU cannot be a decent team. It's a bad loss from where RU is today and compare that to where we potentially could have been after our B1G invite had we progressed instead of regressing.
Can we please stop with the EMU is a good team? Yes, I thoight they were a good team before the game, but they stunk. They dropped a bunch of easy passes, they dropped a pair of easy INTs, they committed some really bonehead penalties. That late hit on Bolin in the last minute of the 4th to give us another set of downs was short bus-worthy. They are a below average FBS team that will struggle to make .500 this year if that is typical of how they play. I'm not saying MAC teams are bad - just this one. They were just lucky to play one of the worst teams in all of college football - and they barely eeked out a victory.
Can we please stop with the EMU is a good team? Yes, I thoight they were a good team before the game, but they stunk. They dropped a bunch of easy passes, they dropped a pair of easy INTs, they committed some really bonehead penalties. That late hit on Bolin in the last minute of the 4th to give us another set of downs was short bus-worthy. They are a below average FBS team that will struggle to make .500 this year if that is typical of how they play. I'm not saying MAC teams are bad - just this one. They were just lucky to play one of the worst teams in all of college football - and they barely eeked out a victory.
By definition isn't that what a good team does?

They did what they had to do.

If we executed like we should have we would have won too. That is if we switched QBs. LOL
Army!? Are you kidding me? You didn't even say Navy. None of those teams save for Western Michigan are any good. Eastern Michigan was a mediocre football team. Playing the Ohio Bobcats is not the same as playing Ohio State. We shouldn't have lost period. Stop trying to justify it.

You didn't respond to anything I actually said in my prior post. Nor do I see anyone that has said that Ohio Bobcats = Ohio State Buckeyes. I actually stated that Eastern Mich was likely not this year's version of Western Mich.

But anything to project outrage I guess...
They kill the jets and mets too. Today they had a college football analyst on, didn't catch the name . He said we wouldn't win any conference games
They kill the jets and mets too. Today they had a college football analyst on, didn't catch the name . He said we wouldn't win any conference games

Some Analyst. We have beaucoup posters on this board that made the same claim that RU would not win a B1G game in 2017 after last seasons results.
Nothing new here.

IMO we have two types of RU fans here. Fans that want Ash to build a strong B1G in the next 3-5 years, and others who measure Coach Ash after the outcome of each game.

I'm taking the long view. I don't like the EM loss but the greater goal is in rebuilding the program to competitive B1G standards IMO.
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Ironic that Beningo and Roberts root for joke pro sports teams that are laughingstocks, but they spend energy on bashing Rutgers football.

That's their job, bash the losers and praise winners. They made a point of saying that they wish Rutgers was good.