Brown 13 - Villanova 11


Hall of Famer
Aug 18, 2011
Another Top 10 team picks up a 2nd loss. Formerly suspended players rang up 6&5 for the Bruins. Don't write your rankings with ink this year.
This year is shaping up to be pretty wide open as a whole. Yes, the top 3 are clearly UVA/ND/Maryland but they are far from untouchable come May. We gotta redeem ourselves and take down Hopkins after an uncharacteristically poor offensive showing vs OSU last night.
This year is shaping up to be pretty wide open as a whole. Yes, the top 3 are clearly UVA/ND/Maryland but they are far from untouchable come May. We gotta redeem ourselves and take down Hopkins after an uncharacteristically poor offensive showing vs OSU last night.

It's a clear Top 4 if Long suits up for Cornell.
These are 18-23 year old kids. Or young men. Seasons have ebbs n flows. Some nights you play teams backed into a corner. Some nights you get lucky and catch a team flat…it’s worked for and against Rutgers.

Now Hopkins is the hot team on a win streak. RU will be backed into a corner.

Goalie play, face off matchups. It’s all a factor.

Some years you might have a special team that for the most part is not phased by that. Some programs avoid off nights more than others…but don’t try and make sense of it

Brown beating Nova is a surprise…but not stunning. Brown just had a bad loss…Nova was fat n sassy at home.

It’s not easy doing what UMD and UVA do year over year…and it’s not easy doing what Rutgers did the last two years…the last two years we were elite…

Go win the next one RU! Lots of season left
Let's see how Hopkins responds being the hunted instead of the hunter.

One thing I do like is they are having goalie issues.
We have 1 thing going for us, and that's the fact that we are 6-0 vs teams with an RPI from 21+ aka no bad losses. We are only 1-2 vs teams with an RPI between 1 and 20 so we need to score a few good wins to bolster the resume for May.
Would love to see them again. They had a big night. Alum event, showing off their new stadium on tv, got some guys back from the injured list. No excuses at this level. We didn't play nearly well enough to win there.

Big opportunity Sat.
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