Buffalo Miami game???


Hall of Famer
Jul 31, 2001
without a paddle
CBS said they had to cut away from the Buf-Mia game in OT due to NFL contractual obligations. What contract obligation is preventing them from showing the end of the game?
They do that every week. You can't show too much of an out of region game.

The jets were the 1-4 pm game in this region. They cant show too much of out of region
That stupid crap always annoyed me . Especially if say you had a 1 pm game and watched the whole thing and they then cut away at like 420. That's why i have red zone. I know it's bs to have to pay for it, but $9 a month I can take it.
That stupid crap always annoyed me . Especially if say you had a 1 pm game and watched the whole thing and they then cut away at like 420. That's why i have red zone. I know it's bs to have to pay for it, but $9 a month I can take it.

I believe if it is the game that started the day in your region, then they stay with it, so based on this map

the areas in green would have gotten to see the conclusion of it.
Unbelievable that they cut off the end of a game like that. Amateur hour.
Was on NFL Network - great game. Today was the first day I've actually watched their
"NFL Gameday" coverage, which had highlights and live break-ins on all the games - was pretty cool.
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