I doubt we will go to the CBI but there might be a slight chance. I know a few teams have gone to the CBI with a losing record. We are 14-17 and much improved over last year and are in a tough league and have lost several games this year in the last few minutes. If we should win a game in the BIG Tournament and finish 15-18 might we be considered? I think probably not but I wish we would be. In 2012 Pitt finished 16-16 and went to the CBI winning 5 of 6 to finish at 21-17. This would get us more games and more experience. Would fans attend? I know my son and I would definitely be there. 16 teams get selected for this and the two teams that win 3 games go into the Finals which are two out of three to be the champion. The teams would be teams rated about where we are. I can dream can't I?