There is something to be said for a common/shared experience and how it engenders a certain bond. We often lament the Rutgers-NB experience because it is physically spread out and vast and a relatively large enrollment. Yet it's not necessarily a deal breaker because not everyone is looking for the same thing and at a large school you have a better chance of finding it....whatever that "it" is. A key to bringing a campus community together is to promote one or more potential things to rally around regardless of other varying interests. One example is successful athletics (even though not everyone is a sports fan).
Back to topic at hand, and while not necessarily specific to campus gathering spaces, the following example similar to Rutgers offers a point of comparison. Is the freshman student experience at Michigan-Ann Arbor substantially impacted being 'stuck' on North Campus while schleping over to the Michigan Union or Quad becomes a PITA.
If Rutgers builds a destination worthy and quality student-oriented facility as part of the revamping of the CA campus core, it should improve the campus experience for all stakeholders. I think they have to think bolder and site it in a higher profile location toward the Raritan (yes, I know the river is not much to look at).