Clear Now why Ford left the team...

Yeah? Why? School this Bloomfield Ave NEWARK greased with cabretta Leather socks and wingtipped loafers and pink Italian knit shirt with pink unroll shirt???? You can do what u's alright..cause I'm gonna show ya how t8 Bop tonight....Slick
That sounds much worse than the 1st story on this... which did not specify she reported it right away,, made it sound like it was just regretting a wild drunken hookup. This sounds much much worse.. like the boyfriend (punter) failed to stop the bigger imposing player (DE) from raping his girlfriend.

There are 3 sides to this story (the victim's, the punter's and Marques Ford's, and perhaps the lawsuit will get to the bottom of it. Don't know why the DA did not pursue charges here--there could be a variety of reasons. A poster under the name "Allison" posted quite a few comments and information that have now been deleted. All we have heard so far is from the victim's attorney in the complaint which will post the worst possible picture for Rutgers, Ford and the punter. The allegation appears to be that Rutgers did not do "enough" after the incident was reported. Both the punter and Ford transferred out quite quickly. There is an allegation that Ford had an incident in his past pertaining to lewd behavior and there was a failure to warn? Will be interesting to see where that goes.

Whatever happens, it is a very unfortunate situation for all involved.
There are 3 sides to this story (the victim's, the punter's and Marques Ford's, and perhaps the lawsuit will get to the bottom of it. Don't know why the DA did not pursue charges here--there could be a variety of reasons. A poster under the name "Allison" posted quite a few comments and information that have now been deleted. All we have heard so far is from the victim's attorney in the complaint which will post the worst possible picture for Rutgers, Ford and the punter. The allegation appears to be that Rutgers did not do "enough" after the incident was reported. Both the punter and Ford transferred out quite quickly. There is an allegation that Ford had an incident in his past pertaining to lewd behavior and there was a failure to warn? Will be interesting to see where that goes.

Whatever happens, it is a very unfortunate situation for all involved.

read those comments by Allison who appeared to be a friend of the punter....seems like a lot of screwed up stuff that really should have nothing to do with RU...interesting that no charges were pressed by the DA, how thats RU fault I dont know but it looks like a money grab to implicate RU and alot of he said she said stuff about witnesses.
read those comments by Allison who appeared to be a friend of the punter....seems like a lot of screwed up stuff that really should have nothing to do with RU...interesting that no charges were pressed by the DA, how thats RU fault I dont know but it looks like a money grab to implicate RU and alot of he said she said stuff about witnesses.
Could go several ways. Someone made an implication in a comment that Rutgers has a "Baylor problem." Considering today's environment, and how RU handled things in the past (the Flood scandal), I don't tend to think that would be the case. RU is not the type of school to give football players a free pass. If anything, RU is the opposite. And these players were too new and had not demonstrated anything that would merit RU trying to protect them. Rutgers' role aside, it is a very unfortunate situation for all three of these young people, particularly for the young woman-by the lawsuit and comments posted, she appeared to be drinking with her boyfriend and one of his friends, and things went bad.
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There are 3 sides to this story (the victim's, the punter's and Marques Ford's, and perhaps the lawsuit will get to the bottom of it. Don't know why the DA did not pursue charges here--there could be a variety of reasons. A poster under the name "Allison" posted quite a few comments and information that have now been deleted. All we have heard so far is from the victim's attorney in the complaint which will post the worst possible picture for Rutgers, Ford and the punter. The allegation appears to be that Rutgers did not do "enough" after the incident was reported. Both the punter and Ford transferred out quite quickly. There is an allegation that Ford had an incident in his past pertaining to lewd behavior and there was a failure to warn? Will be interesting to see where that goes.

Whatever happens, it is a very unfortunate situation for all involved.
Spot on Knight Shift. I would also like to remind people not to rush to judgment on this case. There is plenty of past precident of sexual assault charges being alleged against someone (98% of the time against a male) only to find out later the whole incident was completely made up.
Lots of stuff going on in there and the lawsuit that Rutgers should have protected a student against something someone did in the past seems a little bit of a reach to me but this part is bad:

The lawsuit also accuses Rutgers officials of creating a "sexually hostile educational environment" and encouraging the football players to change their stories about the alleged attack.

Not sure why no one has spoken to that portion of the article after it being posted here for 12 hours. If this was a PSU issue we'd be on Page 4 or 5 by now.
didn't the police raid a practice last year?? C'mon man LOL..
Here's the difference. "Bowers told football officials about the incident on or around Nov. 18, the lawsuit said. Both Bowers and Ford were suspended from the football team by then-Coach Kyle Flood the next day, the lawsuit said." They soon left the University thereafter.

YOU GUYS continued to allow a pedophile to have unfettered access to your facilities he used to lure and prey upon children for YEARS.

We will see how the plaintiff's claim that Rutgers created a sexually hostile educational environment" and encouraging the football players to change their stories about the alleged attack.

Your coach seems to have had experience with the latter charge during his time at Vanderbilt, where he contacted the victim and intertwined himself in an investigation. Seems here, our former coach suspended the players immediatley, and then they left the university. Don't see how that as encouraging the players to change their story about the attack, but there are not enough facts in evidence at this time to determine happened. Remember MY Cousin Vinnie's opening argument? Could be the case here.

As far as creating a sexually hostile environment? Because RU enrolled a student who allegedly had a juvenile record in Florida that included charges of underage drinking and lewdness? We will see about that one too.
oh look, psu fans lecturing Rutgers on morality and how to handle bad situations. A civil complaint without any development of facts in the case, and you guys conclude it "appears" RU "have some 'issues.'" OK.

Knight, I'm not trying to get banned on here but I don't remember a cry for "facts in the case" when it came to allegations from thirty or forty years ago against Penn State. That would include allegations that were never taken in front of a court.

BTW, we're still waiting for the three guys who are still alive to take the stand. Never gonna happen.
Here's the difference. "Bowers told football officials about the incident on or around Nov. 18, the lawsuit said. Both Bowers and Ford were suspended from the football team by then-Coach Kyle Flood the next day, the lawsuit said." They soon left the University thereafter.

YOU GUYS continued to allow a pedophile to have unfettered access to your facilities he used to lure and prey upon children for YEARS.

We will see how the plaintiff's claim that Rutgers created a sexually hostile educational environment" and encouraging the football players to change their stories about the alleged attack.

Your coach seems to have had experience with the latter charge during his time at Vanderbilt, where he contacted the victim and intertwined himself in an investigation. Seems here, our former coach suspended the players immediatley, and then they left the university. Don't see how that as encouraging the players to change their story about the attack, but there are not enough facts in evidence at this time to determine happened. Remember MY Cousin Vinnie's opening argument? Could be the case here.

As far as creating a sexually hostile environment? Because RU enrolled a student who allegedly had a juvenile record in Florida that included charges of underage drinking and lewdness? We will see about that one too.

Knight, I agree with you regarding the lawsuit allegations. In regards to the second part in bold, those are the exact type of allegations and hearsay that I have seen Paterno and Penn State dragged through the mud over on this exact board...and I'm not even a Paterno supporter!

BTW, if they simply suspended them and then brushed their hands of the whole thing was that really sufficient? Shouldn't they have gone to the police and/or at least reported it?
Lots of stuff going on in there and the lawsuit that Rutgers should have protected a student against something someone did in the past seems a little bit of a reach to me but this part is bad:

The lawsuit also accuses Rutgers officials of creating a "sexually hostile educational environment" and encouraging the football players to change their stories about the alleged attack.

Not sure why no one has spoken to that portion of the article after it being posted here for 12 hours. If this was a PSU issue we'd be on Page 4 or 5 by now.
My issues is that they base their claim of a "sexually hostile educational environment" based on Ford's admittance to Rutgers. Which we have no real context that his acts of "lewdness" could actually be interpreted as threat to other students. I feel for this girl, but the addition of RU to her lawsuit really looks like a deep pockets add. As far as football players changing their story, once again I ask for specifics. Who. Hermann, a high level person, Flood, or some lower level assistant. Because that is important context when judging a university. If it's people under Flood and Hermann, then RU looks better for having cleaned house a week later (as opposed to Baylor's head in the sand approach) Additionally, the fact the matter was taken seriously and investigated by RU with a conclusion that there was evidence to charge both with sexual exploitation and sexual assault or non consensual sexual contact.(as cited by So it seems from an overall institution aspect, Rutgers did the right thin in response. However, within the athletic department, there may be people who acted less than honorable. Now are any of those people still here? I don't know that answer. But certainly Bowers and Ford high tailing it out of school helped as it prevents Rutgers looking like it protected these accused. Rather quite the opposite.
My issues is that they base their claim of a "sexually hostile educational environment" based on Ford's admittance to Rutgers. Which we have no real context that his acts of "lewdness" could actually be interpreted as threat to other students. I feel for this girl, but the addition of RU to her lawsuit really looks like a deep pockets add. As far as football players changing their story, once again I ask for specifics. Who. Hermann, a high level person, Flood, or some lower level assistant. Because that is important context when judging a university. If it's people under Flood and Hermann, then RU looks better for having cleaned house a week later (as opposed to Baylor's head in the sand approach) Additionally, the fact the matter was taken seriously and investigated by RU with a conclusion that there was evidence to charge both with sexual exploitation and sexual assault or non consensual sexual contact.(as cited by So it seems from an overall institution aspect, Rutgers did the right thin in response. However, within the athletic department, there may be people who acted less than honorable. Now are any of those people still here? I don't know that answer. But certainly Bowers and Ford high tailing it out of school helped as it prevents Rutgers looking like it protected these accused. Rather quite the opposite.

Yeah, admitting a kid with a background isn't something new. Do they screen every HS kid (non athlete) they bring in to make sure he is clean? That part is ridiculous.

You know my angle here...and I definitely have one.
Knight, I agree with you regarding the lawsuit allegations. In regards to the second part in bold, those are the exact type of allegations and hearsay that I have seen Paterno and Penn State dragged through the mud over on this exact board...and I'm not even a Paterno supporter!

BTW, if they simply suspended them and then brushed their hands of the whole thing was that really sufficient? Shouldn't they have gone to the police and/or at least reported it?

You are just idly speculating here.
The article said she went to the hospital. I am not familiar with sexual assault protocols (thank goodness), but I am pretty sure they go to authorities, namely, the police. What is missing here, but may be inferred from the allegations, is why were criminal charges not pursued? Was the victim unwilling to do so? Was there insufficient evidence? "The case remains under investigation with the Middlesex County Prosecutor's office," Fritz said.

You did see that A Rutgers investigation concluded in May that there was enough evidence for the school to charge Bowers and Ford with "sexual assault or non-consensual sexual contact" in violation of the student code of conduct, the lawsuit said.

Kyle Flood was fired on November 28, just 10 days after he was made aware of the allegations. He was out on the recruiting trail when he was fired (he took the helicopter to Long Island). Something does not add up with the allegation that Rutgers encouraged the football players to change their stories about the attack. Who would do this? The students left the University shortly after the incident.

But go on, keep fanning flames that are not there.
Knight, I'm not trying to get banned on here but I don't remember a cry for "facts in the case" when it came to allegations from thirty or forty years ago against Penn State. That would include allegations that were never taken in front of a court.

BTW, we're still waiting for the three guys who are still alive to take the stand. Never gonna happen.

After Ray Gricar failed to prosecute Uncle Jerry in 1998 when the first charges and complaints of sexual assaults were uncovered ,State Penn allowed Jerry to remain employed,conduct summer camps for Juveniles at State Penn,AND took juvenile boys on State Penn charter planes to bowl games..ALL THE WAY TILL 2011!!
a slight different story then this alledged civil case..NO?

After Ray Gricar failed to prosecute Uncle Jerry in 1998 when the first charges and complaints of sexual assaults were uncovered ,State Penn allowed Jerry to remain employed,conduct summer camps for Juveniles at State Penn,AND took juvenile boys on State Penn charter planes to bowl games..ALL THE WAY TILL 2011!!
a slight different story then this alledged civil case..NO?

Hey, I'm all for piling on everyone re: the McQueary stuff but you really think PSU did something wrong from 1998 - 2002 after the DPW, the police and Gricar all investigated the allegations and nothing came of it? C'mon man.
So she was involved in a 3 way and regrets how she's looked a pone, that poor baby.
While I entertained that possibility.. if the punter-boyfriend really did apologize as described I would find that as pretty strong evidence that this wasn't a consensual/regret situation. And maybe he was led by the nose to apologize by the girl.. who knows?

That said, we don't have a lot of cases of prosecutors cutting Rutgers players breaks for no reason... there has to be some compelling reason these two weren't prosecuted. Maybe the girl did not want to get dragged through it all... and now she feels differently. Maybe it is about money.
Another difference. Our current staff has nothing to do with this.

James Franklin? When he was at Vanderbilt:

Referring to records, the attorneys said the victim was contacted by Franklin and Galt during a medical examination four days after the rape to explain "that they cared about her because she assisted them with recruiting."

It went on to say that at some point, "Coach Franklin called her in for a private meeting and told her he wanted her to get fifteen pretty girls together and form a team to assist with the recruiting even though he knew it was against the rules. He added that all the other colleges did it."
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Cripes, this is of course not a good thing at Rutgers. But for PSU posters to even try to compare this or even the arrests last year to there cesspool. Come on man! And let's also look beyond allowing a serial pedophile to use the campus as his liar for decades, let's not forget about the years in the 2000's (before the Sandusky info came out) that PSU seemed to lead the nation in football player arrests.
We also have to look at what the purpose of a lawsuit is vs a criminal trial. A lawsuit is only trying to point out the very worse in everyone and everything.
First, if I'm the family of this young lady, I would sue the crap out of the school as well. So this is not a blame the victim post. Those guys should be strung up by their balls if she was indeed passed out and raped.
The real question I have is not how Flood or the program handled this situation but why no criminal charges were filed. The police dept's were notified, correct? If they were notified and if the Athletic dept did not interfere or hamper the investigation, I am not sure what else they could do? They suspended the two players immediately. Shortly after, both were gone from the school.

I think that our resident PSU trolls just want to make this comparable to what Franklin did at Vandy. I'm not sure if it is or if it isn't. But I am getting sick of these guys just standing there holier than thou
Hey, I'm all for piling on everyone re: the McQueary stuff but you really think PSU did something wrong from 1998 - 2002 after the DPW, the police and Gricar all investigated the allegations and nothing came of it? C'mon man.

Yes, the entire world outside of Creepy Valley thinks this.
Yes, the entire world outside of Creepy Valley thinks this.

Well then, you should take it up with the police and the PA Department of Public Welfare. Funny, because all I see on this board is hatred towards Joe Paterno. It wasn't his fault AT ALL in the 1998 case as he may not have even known about it and if it escalated all the way to the police, the DA and the DPW and they didn't pursue it, what the hell was Paterno supposed to do?

You have absolutely no argument about 1998. None.
Well then, you should take it up with the police and the PA Department of Public Welfare. Funny, because all I see on this board is hatred towards Joe Paterno. It wasn't his fault AT ALL in the 1998 case as he may not have even known about it and if it escalated all the way to the police, the DA and the DPW and they didn't pursue it, what the hell was Paterno supposed to do?

You have absolutely no argument about 1998. None.

You realize that the only reason we're talking about Joe Paterno right now is that you and the other PSU-tard brought PSU up in this conversation because you were so overeager to point fingers at another school? Well, now three fingers and one red, veiny Sandusky penis are pointing back in your direction.

If you don't want to see hate cast your way; don't troll our board, moron.
You realize that the only reason we're talking about Joe Paterno right now is that you and the other PSU-tard brought PSU up in this conversation because you were so overeager to point fingers at another school? Well, now three fingers and one red, veiny Sandusky penis are pointing back in your direction.

If you don't want to see hate cast your way; don't troll our board, moron.

I'm not trolling at all. I've been involved in many discussion on this board about Penn State, Paterno and even Flood and his interfering with academic issues.

I have yet to see you make a sensible post about any subject on this board but insinuating that Paterno was involved in the 1998 allegations regarding Sandusky takes the cake.
I'm not trolling at all. I've been involved in many discussion on this board about Penn State, Paterno and even Flood and his interfering with academic issues.

I have yet to see you make a sensible post about any subject on this board but insinuating that Paterno was involved in the 1998 allegations regarding Sandusky takes the cake.

Not surprisingly, you haven't been reading very hard.

Now take a hike.
Lots of stuff going on in there and the lawsuit that Rutgers should have protected a student against something someone did in the past seems a little bit of a reach to me but this part is bad:

The lawsuit also accuses Rutgers officials of creating a "sexually hostile educational environment" and encouraging the football players to change their stories about the alleged attack.

Not sure why no one has spoken to that portion of the article after it being posted here for 12 hours. If this was a PSU issue we'd be on Page 4 or 5 by now.
Don't try to make PSU out to be the victim, Penn St covering up for a child molester denies. you that right
WTF is wrong with some of you Nits, making out Penn St is abused by this board, every-time an article about sex crimes are posted here.

Never forget Penn St covered up for a child abuser and deserves 4 or more pages
talking about any and all perverted actions a Penn St player , coach or administrator is involved in.
Ford left Rutgers, Sandusky remained the PSU Coach Emeritus till the day he was arrested .
There is a difference and I don't think you'll find that RU was paying out for sexual abuse claims since the 70s like Penn St did or once that was found out 40+ years later also have claims that the PSU FB HC knew about Sandusky molesting children in the 70s and never till his dying day do anything to stop Sandusky

You seem to want to compare how Rutgers treats PSU compared to them treating
something like this, hope what I just posted gives you an idea why
Don't try to make PSU out to be the victim, Penn St covering up for a child molester denies. you that right
WTF is wrong with some of you Nits, making out Penn St is abused by this board, every-time an article about sex crimes are posted here.

Never forget Penn St covered up for a child abuser and deserves 4 or more pages
talking about any and all perverted actions a Penn St player , coach or administrator is involved in.
Ford left Rutgers, Sandusky remained the PSU Coach Emeritus till the day he was arrested .
There is a difference and I don't think you'll find that RU was paying out for sexual abuse claims since the 70s like Penn St did or once that was found out 40+ years later also have claims that the PSU FB HC knew about Sandusky molesting children in the 70s and never till his dying day do anything to stop Sandusky

You seem to want to compare how Rutgers treats PSU compared to them treating
something like this, hope what I just posted gives you an idea why

Fair enough.

BTW, I've never made PSU out to be a victim. Just thought it was pretty interesting that a group with such strong opinions on one subject found nothing wrong with one that hit closer to home.

It's not worth the time or effort to get into here but the similarities between TSM/Paterno reporting and follow-up is similar to the RU/ER reporting and follow-up.

I'm done here as I don't want to be banned but I just want to reemphasize my opinion that anyone who is pinning 1998 on Paterno is delusional and lacks any credibility whatsoever.
Well then, you should take it up with the police and the PA Department of Public Welfare. Funny, because all I see on this board is hatred towards Joe Paterno. It wasn't his fault AT ALL in the 1998 case as he may not have even known about it and if it escalated all the way to the police, the DA and the DPW and they didn't pursue it, what the hell was Paterno supposed to do?

You have absolutely no argument about 1998. None.
In fairness, it is not just this board. College football fans from many other teams feel the same way about Penn State and Joe Paterno and the whole disgusting saga.
Well then, you should take it up with the police and the PA Department of Public Welfare. Funny, because all I see on this board is hatred towards Joe Paterno. It wasn't his fault AT ALL in the 1998 case as he may not have even known about it and if it escalated all the way to the police, the DA and the DPW and they didn't pursue it, what the hell was Paterno supposed to do?

You have absolutely no argument about 1998. None.
Here is the thing.... if Joe knew, and no agency acted against Sandusky.... Joe should have fired him anyway... head coaches make changes to staff all the time.... you don't let someone raping boys continue..... period...
Here is the thing.... if Joe knew, and no agency acted against Sandusky.... Joe should have fired him anyway... head coaches make changes to staff all the time.... you don't let someone raping boys continue..... period...

DING DING DING, its called being a human being. I would even go further to say Joe should have made sure it was brought to justice, gather evidence, whatever.
Here is the thing.... if Joe knew, and no agency acted against Sandusky.... Joe should have fired him anyway... head coaches make changes to staff all the time.... you don't let someone raping boys continue..... period...

The fact that this needs to be explained to the Pedd St. faithful is beyond sad.