Comparing RU to our Big 10 "Peers"

all great programs but when Duke can make the ACC championship game than Rutgers could. The level is just goes to those giant stadiums in the midwest where football is king and fans are religious..not the same with a Miami or even Va Tech. Do you honestly think that RU can ever compete for a Big 10 title

Football is everything in the south, at places like Clemson, Florida State and Virginia Tech. Even Georgia Tech who won a NC as recently as the early 90's. I agree with you that the one ACC division is weaker than the other at the moment opening the door for Duke a few years ago but that can change. Personally, I would not want to be a Yankee school in a southern based conference. FSU and Clemson HATES BC and Cuse being in the conference even more than Illinois and Wisconsin hate us being in the Big Ten. Yes you see Wake, Cuse, BC and NCST and think we'd be ok. And vs those teams we would. Then reality would set in when Clemson and FSU thumps us with no mercy.

We just came into the big ten during a conference resurgence. Had we gone in in the mid to late 2000's when Carr was crapping the bed, Paterno was crapping his pants and OSU had slowly started to become stale under Tressel, the task wouldn't have seemed so daunting. When Harbaugh leaves Michigan in a few years I really doubt they hit such a homerun hire. Same with OSU as Meyer is one of the best football coaches in a generation. Dantonio is the best coach MSU has had in decades. It will turn eventually.

All that said...I wish we went into the MAC instead of the Big East 27 years ago and stayed there. I think our athletic history would be a lot more favorable had we done so.
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all great programs but when Duke can make the ACC championship game than Rutgers could. The level is just goes to those giant stadiums in the midwest where football is king and fans are religious..not the same with a Miami or even Va Tech. Do you honestly think that RU can ever compete for a Big 10 title
Yes. 2014 was a good example. Michigan was down, and so was PSU. Michigan State and tOSU were kings of the B1G East, and they killed us.

Michigan State is now down (at least a little). When the planets align, all the other teams will be down, and Rutgers will rise and win the B1G East. rutgersal told me so, and I like to drink Kool Aid.

Seriously, however, your Duke example is a good example. In 2013, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech and Miami were all down. The ACC Coastal is like the B1G West. Fewer perennial powers, and more mediocre to strong programs. We would have an equal shot to winning the B1G West and the ACC Coastal.

Frankly, however, I wish we were in the ACC. There are more natural rivalries, at least in the minds of the fans, and more of a history playing teams like Cuse, BC, Miami, Virginia Tech and Pitt.
In ten years, there is no reason to think that Rutgers couldn't build itself into a program like Wisconsin. There will be a full share of Big Ten money and better recruiting. It will come.
I for one would have loved to play in the ACC.

I hope you're in the minority. Maryland left the ACC and we've never been happier. The TV, equal treatment, the money are all great. The worse is the travel, but compared to the good ole boy network which we weren't part of and Yankee Rutgers never would be, I cannot understand why you'd want to be in ACC.

You'd still lose to Clemson, Virginia Tech, Miami, FSU, Georgia Tech and Louisville with the problems you have now. B1G money is only hope you have to get things right long term.

You have no idea what your talking about. Look at ACC winners the last 30 years I believe it is FSU, VT, Clemson, Maryland, GT, and Wake. That's it

The B1G has been won by Purdue, MSU, Northwestern, Wisconsin, PSU, Ohio State, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois.

So it's been competitive in the B1G.
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In ten years, there is no reason to think that Rutgers couldn't build itself into a program like Wisconsin. There will be a full share of Big Ten money and better recruiting. It will come.
Ivan: Very very difficult to reach that level of consistency year in and year out.
Yes. 2014 was a good example. Michigan was down, and so was PSU. Michigan State and tOSU were kings of the B1G East, and they killed us.

Michigan State is now down (at least a little). When the planets align, all the other teams will be down, and Rutgers will rise and win the B1G East. rutgersal told me so, and I like to drink Kool Aid.

Seriously, however, your Duke example is a good example. In 2013, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech and Miami were all down. The ACC Coastal is like the B1G West. Fewer perennial powers, and more mediocre to strong programs. We would have an equal shot to winning the B1G West and the ACC Coastal.

Frankly, however, I wish we were in the ACC. There are more natural rivalries, at least in the minds of the fans, and more of a history playing teams like Cuse, BC, Miami, Virginia Tech and Pitt.
I personally believe that the ACC brings a completely different flavor of football. I would travel to Cuse, Pitt and when I retire UNC, DUKE & VT. Make a mini vacation out of FSU and Miami. I know after reading this post someone is going to lecture me on how grateful we should be for being in the B10.
Honest question from a psu fan. This is not a troll or anything like that I am genuinely interested in the answers to what I am about to ask.

At this point do any of you regret Rutgers joining the Big 10? I'm not saying that in a disrespectful way, i just believe that where RU is located they could have become a dominant mac level or old big east type of team and still have national accolades. If RU wasn't playing a Big 10 schedule I genuinely believe they could develop into a Boise State type of program on the east coast. Not a P5 conference but a team that gets national respect and accolades.

As of now in the big 10 I mean this respectfully but it will take RU decades to catch up to OSU, psu, Mich, etc. from an infrastructure point of view, money, tradition, donations etc. I believe RU can improve into a 6-6 kind of team in the relatively near future (5years or so) but I cannot see RU legitimately competing for a Big 10 title in the league.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I think it would be awesome to have a great mid level power near NYC to get people excited about college football in that area. Again I mean this respectfully but no one is excited about RU football right now with the current state of things.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.
I got a question for you. We're going to start up a new league all the teams get $51 million to put that team together. You can only spend that amount and that's your budget. However, your team is only going to get $11 under the same guidelines. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how exactly your going to compete?

P.S. Stating that your not here to troll, then going on a four paragraph condescending post is pretty much being a troll. Just because you state something doesn't mean your not.
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Ivan: Very very difficult to reach that level of consistency year in and year out.

Agree. But it is very rare for a coach to come into a P5 program and turn a 3-9 team into a 9-3 team overnight. Evaluate after year five.

And until then:

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I got a question for you. We're going to start up a new league all the teams get $51 million to put that team together. You can only spend that amount and that's your budget. However, your team is only going to get $11 under the same guidelines. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how exactly your going to compete?

P.S. Stating that your not here to troll, then going on a four paragraph condescending post is pretty much being a troll. Just because you state something doesn't mean your not.

You folks can complain as much as you want about the amount of money you are getting now, but that's not the reason and won't cure much when you do get a full share.

The issue is from poor choices for coaches in various sports and also having coaches leave for better opportunities. The biggest issue is with the Alumni and fans though. PSU, OSU, and all the other schools in the Big 10 have been donating huge money for 100 years to create what they have. The conference payout only supports the sports that RU offers and eliminates the annual deficit. If you want to catch up with the "Jones" it is up to the Alumni to cough up. Similar to what your build fund is but on a much larger scale. If not then the gap will never close.

Full share will pay for a few frills but if you count on it to become competitive and maintain it then it will just be more of the same with a better balance sheet is all it will be.
How is that Maryland- which talent wise was on par with us when we both fired our coaches in 2015- has managed to make strides while we went backwards?

I'm not sure this is true. I took a look at our 2 deep on the OL and compared number of P5 offers for each:

RU has 43
Maryland has 135

RU has three players on the 2 deep who had no P5 offers. Cole, Jackson and Vretman.
Miller 7
Applefield 9
Seymor 3 (as a DT)
Krimin 7
Venskey 1
Clark 16

Maryland has 1 player with no P5 offers: Christie
Gary 16
Moore 3
Davis 19
Prince 35
McNair 14
Johnny 8
Merritt 29
McKinnie 1
Minor 10

While the number of P5 offers is not a conclusive stat as to the success of a player (see Cole) it's a good indicator of the overall talent.
You folks can complain as much as you want about the amount of money you are getting now, but that's not the reason and won't cure much when you do get a full share.

The issue is from poor choices for coaches in various sports and also having coaches leave for better opportunities. The biggest issue is with the Alumni and fans though. PSU, OSU, and all the other schools in the Big 10 have been donating huge money for 100 years to create what they have. The conference payout only supports the sports that RU offers and eliminates the annual deficit. If you want to catch up with the "Jones" it is up to the Alumni to cough up. Similar to what your build fund is but on a much larger scale. If not then the gap will never close.

Full share will pay for a few frills but if you count on it to become competitive and maintain it then it will just be more of the same with a better balance sheet is all it will be.
Need the better balance sheet to pay for shit we couldn't afford that everyone already has. So yeah, we're kinda counting on it. We're not going to run a no-frills Fresno State type program forever, much to your dismay.
Why do people think putting Lewis in will show improvement? Do not destroy our future QBs confidence if he is not ready to do the job.
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Need the better balance sheet to pay for shit we couldn't afford that everyone already has. So yeah, we're kinda counting on it. We're not going to run a no-frills Fresno State type program forever, much to your dismay.

So, when RU is getting $51mil, along with the other schools, they are going to close the gap on schools that not only are getting that, but have slush funds and donor bases that write checks as fast as they can and aren't having to use half of the $51mil to eliminate the deficit your athletic department carries annually.

It's going to take a lot more than equal share to do anything other than continue to lag behind(for infrastructure ect).

As for my dismay, I don't think it helps any conference to have a program struggle. Things are much better for all when all can create great competitions.
You folks can complain as much as you want about the amount of money you are getting now, but that's not the reason and won't cure much when you do get a full share.

The issue is from poor choices for coaches in various sports and also having coaches leave for better opportunities. The biggest issue is with the Alumni and fans though. PSU, OSU, and all the other schools in the Big 10 have been donating huge money for 100 years to create what they have. The conference payout only supports the sports that RU offers and eliminates the annual deficit. If you want to catch up with the "Jones" it is up to the Alumni to cough up. Similar to what your build fund is but on a much larger scale. If not then the gap will never close.

Full share will pay for a few frills but if you count on it to become competitive and maintain it then it will just be more of the same with a better balance sheet is all it will be.
Paying more for coaching salaries will lead to more of a coaching pool to chose from. If I have $2 mil. to pick my coach and his staff, the other guy has $4 mil. to pick a coach and his staff who has the larger pool to chose from. There's a reason we're dead last in coaching salaries and it's because were broke.

Last time I checked our subsidy sat at $24 mil. including student fees. B1G payout $51 mil - $11 mil.(we now receive) equals $40 mil.. $40 mil.- $24 mil. equals $16 mil.. Also we aren't in a position to get rid of student fees just yet and won't be so $16 mil. + $11 mil. equals $27 mil. So that's $27 mil. to spend a year. The school realizes we need to become competitive so they decided the long term plan will be to eliminate student fees. But that for right now they are necessary to get RU athletics up to B1G standards.

So again tell me how running a profit of $27 mil. won't help us? Sure that won't get us on the level of UM, OSU, PSU, NEBBY, Wisc. but there are more than 5 teams in the B1G. Now that you have money to pay coaches all fund raising efforts can be focused on infrastructure. We're already doing that and we suck at almost everything. Imagine a competitive RU across the board and fund raising off of that.

Your also not really comparing apples to apples either. Your talking about an athletics program which has been bankrupt for 50 yrs. Now they finally have some money to work with. Where as we're going up against teams which have had it all for decades running. Face it, Nebby and the rest of the conference members got exactly what you wanted. We asked for an advance but the members denied it.
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Paying more for coaching salaries will lead to more of a coaching pool to chose from. If I have $2 mil. to pick my coach and his staff, the other guy has $4 mil. to pick a coach and his staff who has the larger pool to chose from. There's a reason we're dead last in coaching salaries and it's because were broke.

Last time I checked our subsidy sat at $24 mil. including student fees. B1G payout $51 mil - $11 mil.(we now receive) equals $40 mil.. $40 mil.- $24 mil. equals $16 mil.. Also we aren't in a position to get rid of student fees just yet and won't be so $16 mil. + $11 mil. equals $27 mil. So that's $27 mil. to spend a year. The school realizes we need to become competitive so they decided the long term plan will be to eliminate student fees but that for right now they are necessary to get RU athletics up to B1G standards.

So again tell me how an extra $27 mil. won't help us? Sure that won't get us on the level of UM, OSU, PSU, NEBBY, Wisc. but there are more than 5 teams in the B1G. Now that you have money to pay coaches all funding raising efforts can be focused on infrastructure. We're already doing that and we suck at almost anything. Imagine a competitive RU across the board and fund raising off of that.

Didn't say it wouldn't help, just said you won't catch up. So you have $27mil + donations to spend on improvements for 22(?) sports? Actually less than $27mil because the first thing you mentioned doing is adding to the coaches money pool so it's $25mil max. $25mil a year for improvements is chump change to stay even in the Big 10 let alone catch up. Especially when you consider that the $25mil is not just for football or hoops but underwater basket weaving team is going to get/need improvements as well.

Go ask your AD, if he is honest with you he will tell you that $25mil annually is great but barely scratches the surface of the overall capital needed to maintain or improve facilities for all sports, coaches pay, full funding for sports, and just upkeep on existing infrastructure.

It's an ugly out of control deal but it is either do it, be relegated as a bottom tier school in sports, or cut a lot of sports to just concentrate on a select few. When you are putting wrap around screens on 2 of the big screens at your stadium and replacing the other 3, when all of them were only 3 years old, it means things have gotten stupid(NU did this). Nobody is going to quit spending so it's either do or die.
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Didn't say it wouldn't help, just said you won't catch up. So you have $27mil + donations to spend on improvements for 22(?) sports? Actually less than $27mil because the first thing you mentioned doing is adding to the coaches money pool so it's $25mil max. $25mil a year for improvements is chump change to stay even in the Big 10 let alone catch up. Especially when you consider that the $25mil is not just for football or hoops but underwater basket weaving team is going to get/need improvements as well.

Go ask your AD, if he is honest with you he will tell you that $25mil annually is great but barely scratches the surface of the overall capital needed to maintain or improve facilities for all sports, coaches pay, full funding for sports, and just upkeep on existing infrastructure.

It's an ugly out of control deal but it is either do it, be relegated as a bottom tier school in sports, or cut a lot of sports to just concentrate on a select few. When you are putting wrap around screens on 2 of the big screens at your stadium and replacing the other 3, when all of them were only 3 years old, it means things have gotten stupid(NU did this). Nobody is going to quit spending so it's either do or die.
You have to be shitting me if you think we have 0 in donations. You totally missed the point anyway, where I stated we're last in the B1G for coaching salaries. We're last in the B1G because we're broke. We're broke because we suck at almost everything. The extra $27 mil. will give Hobbs the leeway to hire who he desires. Right now he doesn't have that leeway thus why we pay the least in coaching salaries. He's under orders for no new spending. Once we get the full share his hands are no longer tied and gives you the money to jump start things.

Show improvement across the board and donations will increase. Show 2-10, 1-10 teams and donations will remain at the level they are. We aren't even competitive and donations are better than they ever were. Start winning and giving people hope and those donations will increase. Because everyone likes to be a part of a winner and everyone treats a loser like the plaque.

We don't need to replace our $3 million dollar video screens since we've never had them. When we have them it'll be new and improved. Every facility will be new and improved since we've never had any of them. It's called return on investment. Since we've never had it our return will be much larger. You've already had it to sell to recruits, you just built a better one or revamped the old one the return isn't that great.
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You have to be shitting me if you think we have 0 in donations. You totally missed the point anyway, where I stated we're last in the B1G for coaching salaries. We're last in the B1G because we're broke. We're broke because we suck at almost everything. The extra $27 mil. will give Hobbs the leeway to hire who he desires. Right now he doesn't have that leeway thus why we pay the least in coaching salaries. He's under orders for no new spending. Once we get the full share his hands are no longer tied and gives you the money to jump start things.

Show improvement across the board and donations will increase. Show 2-10, 1-10 teams and donations will remain at the level they are. We aren't even competitive and donations are better than they ever were. Start winning and giving people hope and those donations will increase. Because everyone likes to be a part of a winner and everyone treats a loser like the plaque.

We don't need to replace our $3 million dollar video screens since we've never had them. When we have them it'll be new and improved. Every facility will be new and improved since we've never had any of them. It's called return on investment. Since we've never had it our return will be much larger. You've already had it to sell to recruits, you just built a better one or revamped the old one the return isn't that great.

Where does it say I said you have 0 donations? I am only comparing each school getting $51mil. Their $51mil is probably going to go a lot further because they have been receiving it(or like amount in comparison) years.

All's I'm saying is getting a full share is not going to catch anything up. Alls it is going to do is keep the status quo for your current positions. Posters keep saying getting a full share is why things aren't going the best and that's not true.
Where does it say I said you have 0 donations? I am only comparing each school getting $51mil. Their $51mil is probably going to go a lot further because they have been receiving it(or like amount in comparison) years.

All's I'm saying is getting a full share is not going to catch anything up. Alls it is going to do is keep the status quo for your current positions. Posters keep saying getting a full share is why things aren't going the best and that's not true.

I'm not sure that's true. Getting the full share is going to add $20+ million a year and will shut up the OH MY GOD RU is RUNNING A DEFICIT news stories every time RU spends a dime. This type of negative publicity adds to the donation gap. With our football team we are precisely in the position we are in because of the money issue. In 2012 we couldn't afford a decent coach and we went with Flood who proceeded to embarrass the entire university on and off the field.
Unfortunately, Husker is right. There is no catching up. Hopefully on rare occasions we can pull off upsets and make a decent bowl but joining this league is a very different thing than competing in this league. Just ask Indiana and Minnesota.

Which is not to say we shouldn't have joined. The revenue and the visibility is vital.
The conference payout only supports the sports that RU offers and eliminates the annual deficit. If you want to catch up with the "Jones" it is up to the Alumni to cough up. Similar to what your build fund is but on a much larger scale. If not then the gap will never close.

This is true, but the bottomline is that most of our alumni, just don't want to cough it up, and will make every excuse under the sun, not to cough it up. Rutgers Football just isn't as important to Rutgers Alumni as Nebraska Football is to Nebraska alumni. We have fewer than 3K donors, which is a disgrace for an alumni base of more than 500K.
Where does it say I said you have 0 donations? I am only comparing each school getting $51mil. Their $51mil is probably going to go a lot further because they have been receiving it(or like amount in comparison) years.

All's I'm saying is getting a full share is not going to catch anything up. Alls it is going to do is keep the status quo for your current positions. Posters keep saying getting a full share is why things aren't going the best and that's not true.

While everything you say is true, getting 50 mil vs getting 10 mil is still huge to us. I would allow us to upgrade every single coach spot. Of course that helps out even if the other schools are still getting much more than us and have been doing so for many years.
This is true, but the bottomline is that most of our alumni, just don't want to cough it up, and will make every excuse under the sun, not to cough it up. Rutgers Football just isn't as important to Rutgers Alumni as Nebraska Football is to Nebraska alumni. We have fewer than 3K donors, which is a disgrace for an alumni base of more than 500K.

Do you think winning might have something to do with this?
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Is this something you've heard or you just believe?

its something i've seen with my own eyes. Great arm but not ready for prime time, imo. that doesn't mean you don't give him a series here and there, so he can get his feet wet. But play him the whole game - no way, at least not yet.
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Teams win because alumni care and provide the resources to make it happen, which facilitates recruiting. In 1997, a virginia tech booster showed off to me, a state of the art football facility which helped land Michael Vick. Most recently Maryland, without a strong tradition of success in football, is building a $150 Million Dollar Football facility which has recruits excited, and has helped them recruit a higher caliber of athlete than what they usually land. Penn State has tremendous facilities and is working to make them even better. Our people will either step up, or have to learn to accept our lot as bottom feeders of the big ten.
Teams win because alumni care and provide the resources to make it happen, which facilitates recruiting. In 1997, a virginia tech booster showed off to me, a state of the art football facility which helped land Michael Vick. Most recently Maryland, without a strong tradition of success in football, is building a $150 Million Dollar Football facility which has recruits excited, and has helped them recruit a higher caliber of athlete than what they usually land. Penn State has tremendous facilities and is working to make them even better. Our people will either step up, or have to learn to accept our lot as bottom feeders of the big ten.

Virginia Tech had 10 bowls prior to 1997 and had multiple winning records. RU was in 1. In the four years prior to 97 VT posted records 9-3, 8-4, 10-2, 10-2. Winning the BE twice and the 95 Sugar bowl against Texas.

Maryland has the Under Armour sugar daddy.

Penn State is one of the most storied programs in the nation.
the ACC is a better fit, it would allow our program to compete and even win championships. The Big 10 affords little shot at playing for championships in the next decade or two. The ACC matchups would still be interesting for the fanbase. Playing Ga Tech or UNC and having a legit shot to win is better than getting blown out by OSU and Mich every year

Irrelevant- we were getting blown out by Houston and UCF 4 years ago, hell even UConn. Right now in the ACC maybe maybe we could contend with BC and Cuse but UNC and GT and most of the rest would blow our doors off. We are not p5 level in any conference. The issue is deeper.
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I'm not sure this is true. I took a look at our 2 deep on the OL and compared number of P5 offers for each:

RU has 43
Maryland has 135

RU has three players on the 2 deep who had no P5 offers. Cole, Jackson and Vretman.
Miller 7
Applefield 9
Seymor 3 (as a DT)
Krimin 7
Venskey 1
Clark 16

Maryland has 1 player with no P5 offers: Christie
Gary 16
Moore 3
Davis 19
Prince 35
McNair 14
Johnny 8
Merritt 29
McKinnie 1
Minor 10

While the number of P5 offers is not a conclusive stat as to the success of a player (see Cole) it's a good indicator of the overall talent.

Ironically OL was one of our worst recruited the past few years. I was talking overall recruiting ranking. 2014 & 15 were competitive games with them as well. But last year they pummeled us and I expect the same this year.
the ACC is a better fit, it would allow our program to compete and even win championships. The Big 10 affords little shot at playing for championships in the next decade or two. The ACC matchups would still be interesting for the fanbase. Playing Ga Tech or UNC and having a legit shot to win is better than getting blown out by OSU and Mich every year

That's the whole point of my post. I can't imagine it's much fun going into a conference game not believing your team has much of a shot. I've had the opportunity to see a game at the smurf turf at Boise st and the fanbase and environment was incredible. They were winning games and the whole town had a buzz about them. Because of the conference they play in they didn't need a team loaded with 4-5*'s to compete.

I don't believe Rutgers is going to outrecruit the OSU's PSU's and Michigan's of the world for NJ talent. But I also know that a Mac team loaded up with guys ranked in the top 10-30 prospects in NJ, Pennsylvania, etc. would make a hell of a team and would create exciting competitive football for RU.

I guess it comes down to would you rather play lesser opponents and win or play in the big 10 and lose most games?
The point is that we were not on par with them talent wise. Or younger players were less recruited then theirs. This disparity shows up now in performance.
Ironically OL was one of our worst recruited the past few years. I was talking overall recruiting ranking. 2014 & 15 were competitive games with them as well. But last year they pummeled us and I expect the same this year.

Md is definitely on the come up. IMO they are the more attractive program to recruits even than Mich St
I got a question for you. We're going to start up a new league all the teams get $51 million to put that team together. You can only spend that amount and that's your budget. However, your team is only going to get $11 under the same guidelines. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how exactly your going to compete?

P.S. Stating that your not here to troll, then going on a four paragraph condescending post is pretty much being a troll. Just because you state something doesn't mean your not.

You just kind of alluded to my point.

I was in Piscataway in 2014 and last year for the games. We had a great time in 14' with your fans and seeing the excitement around the program. What this showed me is Ru definitely has the fanbase and interest to get people to support RU (something that Pitt for example does not have). When we went back last year your fanbase was much more sour. There wasn't much faith in the program and most of the conversations we had with RU fans went along the lines of "I hope we can score a point and keep the game within 50". To me that just doesn't sound fun.

I don't dispute that RU is at a disadvantage, that's actually the main point I was trying to make was that because RU is at such a disadvantage from a financial standpoint to its Big 10 counterparts, would you rather play in a lesser conference but have a team that whenever you turn them on they are competitive on the field and actually compete for conference championships and such... I don't believe RU is going to win a Big10 championship in the next 20 years. I could be wrong but that's my gut. What I am asking is simply would some of you rather be in a lesser conference and win some games as opposed to being in the big 10 and having things the way they are for your program
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I hope you're in the minority. Maryland left the ACC and we've never been happier. The TV, equal treatment, the money are all great. The worse is the travel, but compared to the good ole boy network which we weren't part of and Yankee Rutgers never would be, I cannot understand why you'd want to be in ACC.

You'd still lose to Clemson, Virginia Tech, Miami, FSU, Georgia Tech and Louisville with the problems you have now. B1G money is only hope you have to get things right long term.

You have no idea what your talking about. Look at ACC winners the last 30 years I believe it is FSU, VT, Clemson, Maryland, GT, and Wake. That's it

The B1G has been won by Purdue, MSU, Northwestern, Wisconsin, PSU, Ohio State, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois.

So it's been competitive in the B1G.

you are happy because you are a basketball school that is having IMMEDIATE success there and you get out of the shadow of playing 5th and 7th fiddle in that sport
Irrelevant- we were getting blown out by Houston and UCF 4 years ago, hell even UConn. Right now in the ACC maybe maybe we could contend with BC and Cuse but UNC and GT and most of the rest would blow our doors off. We are not p5 level in any conference. The issue is deeper.

well blame Elmer for that
you are happy because you are a basketball school that is having IMMEDIATE success there and you get out of the shadow of playing 5th and 7th fiddle in that sport

Uhh no, we had won the ACC in 2010 in basketball, we have yet to win once here. We've done well, if anything we have less marquee games in the B1G. That annoys our fans, but we are big enough of a bball program to NOT need Duke or UNC to draw a crowd.

We are happy because with B1G money we can properly fund football now. We were 2nd to last in football spendign in the ACC, behind Wake Forrest. Duke for crying out loud was spending more than us.
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You just kind of alluded to my point.

I was in Piscataway in 2014 and last year for the games. We had a great time in 14' with your fans and seeing the excitement around the program. What this showed me is Ru definitely has the fanbase and interest to get people to support RU (something that Pitt for example does not have). When we went back last year your fanbase was much more sour. There wasn't much faith in the program and most of the conversations we had with RU fans went along the lines of "I hope we can score a point and keep the game within 50". To me that just doesn't sound fun.

I don't dispute that RU is at a disadvantage, that's actually the main point I was trying to make was that because RU is at such a disadvantage from a financial standpoint to its Big 10 counterparts, would you rather play in a lesser conference but have a team that whenever you turn them on they are competitive on the field and actually compete for conference championships and such... I don't believe RU is going to win a Big10 championship in the next 20 years. I could be wrong but that's my gut. What I am asking is simply would some of you rather be in a lesser conference and win some games as opposed to being in the big 10 and having things the way they are for your program
Well see that's the problem right now we're the only one in the conference playing with one arm tied around their backs. Maryland is receiving a substantial payout over what we are. Some $11 mil. to $30 mil.(give or take) with a travel stipend . We're working with peanuts here while everyone else is working with filet mignon. Hell we even asked the conference members for an advance and they said no.

So how can you possibly grade a school receiving 1/5th of what the others are receiving. We'll never catch the upper echelon teams which have become semi-pro teams but there are plenty of teams we can catch financially. Make no mistake the conference members knew what they were getting in a broke RU. They decided they wanted weak competition for more money. If they didn't, they would have given us the advance.

Win or lose we're stuck with Ash till 2021. We were stuck with Flood for the same reasons till his calamities became too embarrassing. They wanted him gone beforehand they just couldn't afford it. There's simply no money to fire a coach and hire another staff. All teams in the B1G can do this on a whim, we can't even entertain the possibility. We're B1G in name but the red-headed step-child monetarily. So come back to me with this question after 2021 and I should have an answer. Till then we're playing the game on unequal footing.
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