Comparing RU to our Big 10 "Peers"

Virginia Tech had 10 bowls prior to 1997 and had multiple winning records. RU was in 1. In the four years prior to 97 VT posted records 9-3, 8-4, 10-2, 10-2. Winning the BE twice and the 95 Sugar bowl against Texas.

Maryland has the Under Armour sugar daddy.

Penn State is one of the most storied programs in the nation.
Virginia Tech had 10 bowls prior to 1997 and had multiple winning records. RU was in 1. In the four years prior to 97 VT posted records 9-3, 8-4, 10-2, 10-2. Winning the BE twice and the 95 Sugar bowl against Texas.

Maryland has the Under Armour sugar daddy.

Penn State is one of the most storied programs in the nation.

The facility helped VT reach the next level of performance as in 1999, VT played for the National Championship for the first time. It also helped VT maintain a successful program up till today.

As for Maryland, Kevin Planks contribution to the facility was $25 Million. Other Maryland Donors kicked in about 35 Million more. Penn State has a storied program because their alumni wanted a storied program and have supported from the get go. Same with Ohio State alumni, who donated $1 million for the construction of the horseshoe in 1927. Show me a successful program and I'll show you an alumni base who has supported it.

What huskers is getting at, and what some of you are not understanding, is that its difficult to compete on the field, when we're not on a level playing field off the field with regards to alumni donations. Getting an equal share alone will not solve the problem:

-PSU received $27 million in Athletic Department Donations
-OSU received $33 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan received 35.7 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan State received 26.4 million in Athletic Department Donations

During 2015-2016, rutgers raised $8 million. on the banks has a good article on the subject.

Tough to compete when our peers are raising significantly more than we are via alumni donations.
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The facility helped VT reach the next level of performance as in 1999, VT played for the National Championship for the first time. It also helped VT maintain a successful program up till today.

As for Maryland, Kevin Planks contribution to the facility was $25 Million. Other Maryland Donors kicked in about 35 Million more. Penn State has a storied program because their alumni wanted a storied program and have supported from the get go. Same with Ohio State alumni, who donated $1 million for the construction of the horseshoe in 1927. Show me a successful program and I'll show you an alumni base who has supported it.

What huskers is getting at, and what some of you are not understanding, is that its difficult to compete on the field, when we're not on a level playing field off the field with regards to alumni donations. Getting an equal share alone will not solve the problem:

-PSU received $27 million in Athletic Department Donations
-OSU received $33 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan received 35.7 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan State received 26.4 million in Athletic Department Donations

During 2015-2016, rutgers raised $8 million. on the banks has a good article on the subject.

Tough to compete when our peers are raising significantly more than we are via alumni donations.
Yea the article specifically says outside of the R B1G build they raised $8 million. What classification does the R B1G build go under? It's our biggest donation area, and where the AD has put most of his efforts. Hell we even diverted all our donations over the past two years to this fund. Again what does the R B1G build get classified under? Giving instead of donation?

Look at the 1st article from business insider, want to know where we really struggle Licensing and rights fees. You want to know why. Because we completely suck at almost everything. No one wants to buy our crap. Put a competitive product on the field and we might just start catching up in that department.
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The facility helped VT reach the next level of performance as in 1999, VT played for the National Championship for the first time. It also helped VT maintain a successful program up till today.

As for Maryland, Kevin Planks contribution to the facility was $25 Million. Other Maryland Donors kicked in about 35 Million more. Penn State has a storied program because their alumni wanted a storied program and have supported from the get go. Same with Ohio State alumni, who donated $1 million for the construction of the horseshoe in 1927. Show me a successful program and I'll show you an alumni base who has supported it.

What huskers is getting at, and what some of you are not understanding, is that its difficult to compete on the field, when we're not on a level playing field off the field with regards to alumni donations. Getting an equal share alone will not solve the problem:

-PSU received $27 million in Athletic Department Donations
-OSU received $33 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan received 35.7 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan State received 26.4 million in Athletic Department Donations

During 2015-2016, rutgers raised $8 million. on the banks has a good article on the subject.

Tough to compete when our peers are raising significantly more than we are via alumni donations.

The $25 million Planks gave to Maryland about 25 times more than any single donation made to RU. But Maryland still has had a winning basketball program as well as respected football program. When OSU received the $1 million in donations their team had won 2 Ohio Athletic Conference titles and 3 Big Ten Titles and played in the Rose bowl.

Winning increases donations. Consistently losing along with multiple embarrassing off field will dampen donations.

from an article on Boise State:

At Boise State, private gifts quadrupled between fiscal year 2006 and fiscal year 2010. That includes gifts from alumni, foundations and other sources. There was a particularly big surge in fiscal year 2010, which included Boise State's second Fiesta Bowl win.

There are also studies that point to an increase in State Appropriation to a university with a successful team: See this study pages 7-9

The results from Model (2) suggest that more successful athletic programs are rewarded with additional state funds, although the marginal impact of additional wins declines rapidly.5

The empirical results suggest that winning the “big game” is associated with an increase in appropriation of about $2.1 million in real 1982 dollars in the following year, an increase of just under 7%.

Conclusions Public colleges and universities with big-time intercollegiate athletic programs receive a larger annual appropriation from state governments than those that do not have such programs and successful programs generate larger increases in appropriations than unsuccessful ones. Defeating an in-state rival public institution on the field also leads to increases in appropriations. However, the indirect financial benefits flowing from big-time football programs appear to be modest. A successful football season might increase state appropriations by 5% to 8% in the following year, and a team with a respectable losing record might garner a 2% to 4% increase, other things equal. These increases in appropriation support the predictions of Becker’s (1983) model of competition among political interest groups. In terms of the ongoing debate on the profitability of intercollegiate athletic programs, this research shows that the overall economic benefits generated by big-time athletic programs are larger than previously thought. A larger number of athletic programs at public universities probably generate positive economic returns for the institution in any given year. Furthermore, the indirect economic benefits described here go into the general revenue fund at institutions, not directly to the athletic program. In this sense, they may help to further the broader educational and research missions of public colleges and universities.

Uhh no, we had won the ACC in 2010 in basketball, we have yet to win once here. We've done well, if anything we have less marquee games in the B1G. That annoys our fans, but we are big enough of a bball program to NOT need Duke or UNC to draw a crowd.

We are happy because with B1G money we can properly fund football now. We were 2nd to last in football spendign in the ACC, behind Wake Forrest. Duke for crying out loud was spending more than us.

So if you want to talk and that's fine but please do not be that naive as to believe Md is getting their funding from the Big10. Md has this guy, Kevin Plank, maybe you've heard of him that pours money into that school. RU doesn't have a Kevin Plank, if they did, they wouldn't be losing to eastern Michigan
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The facility helped VT reach the next level of performance as in 1999, VT played for the National Championship for the first time. It also helped VT maintain a successful program up till today.

As for Maryland, Kevin Planks contribution to the facility was $25 Million. Other Maryland Donors kicked in about 35 Million more. Penn State has a storied program because their alumni wanted a storied program and have supported from the get go. Same with Ohio State alumni, who donated $1 million for the construction of the horseshoe in 1927. Show me a successful program and I'll show you an alumni base who has supported it.

What huskers is getting at, and what some of you are not understanding, is that its difficult to compete on the field, when we're not on a level playing field off the field with regards to alumni donations. Getting an equal share alone will not solve the problem:

-PSU received $27 million in Athletic Department Donations
-OSU received $33 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan received 35.7 million in Athletic Department Donations
-Michigan State received 26.4 million in Athletic Department Donations

During 2015-2016, rutgers raised $8 million. on the banks has a good article on the subject.

Tough to compete when our peers are raising significantly more than we are via alumni donations.

Precisely the point. Because Rutgers does not have the money coming in they are not competitive. This isn't just football either. Has RU won a team Big 10 title in any sport since joining the big 10?

I personally feel bad for you guys. I wanted to hate RU after some of the fan responses in 2014 and I was excited for a possible budding rivalry, but when a team is getting blown out 78-0, 56-0, etc in conference games I can't dislike you, I feel sorry for your program to be honest. You all have some fantastic passionate fans and that night in September 2014 that stadium was rocking! It takes a lot to impress me from a fanbase standpoint being that as a student each week I would walk down university ave and join 100,000+ each week but straight up RU was impressive in 14'. Not so much last year because you could tell there was no wind in the fanbase' sails by the time we played last year.

I absolutely hate when my team loses. It ruins my day, I imagine many of you feel the same way about your team because as fans that's our nature, I was just simply asking the question of would you rather win and play in a lesser conference or lose every week in the big 10...
The $25 million Planks gave to Maryland about 25 times more than any single donation made to RU. But Maryland still has had a winning basketball program as well as respected football program. When OSU received the $1 million in donations their team had won 2 Ohio Athletic Conference titles and 3 Big Ten Titles and played in the Rose bowl.

Winning increases donations.

The Towers donated $5 million for the practice fields. Greg Brown donated $5 Million for the football recruiting center in the south end zone of the stadium. If we could just get 10K donors to the athletic department, it would represent a significant step forward.

Ohio State won 2 Ohio Athletic Conference Titles and 3 Big Ten Titles and played in the rose bowl because people donated to have a top notch football program. Rutgers alumni didn't support the football program to the same extent, so we pursued a small time schedule of Princeton, Columbia etc, and shunned big time football.

Winning increases donations. Great.

Now how do you expect to win, when going up against Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, and Michigan State, who outraise us by a significant amount, in terms of donations, outrecruit us and have better facilities? Marylands new facility is a significant competitive advantage for them, because football players spend more time there than anywhere else. The current path we're on, counting on a significant amount of 3* from New York, just isn't the path to success.
Precisely the point. Because Rutgers does not have the money coming in they are not competitive. This isn't just football either. Has RU won a team Big 10 title in any sport since joining the big 10?

I personally feel bad for you guys. I wanted to hate RU after some of the fan responses in 2014 and I was excited for a possible budding rivalry, but when a team is getting blown out 78-0, 56-0, etc in conference games I can't dislike you, I feel sorry for your program to be honest. You all have some fantastic passionate fans and that night in September 2014 that stadium was rocking! It takes a lot to impress me from a fanbase standpoint being that as a student each week I would walk down university ave and join 100,000+ each week but straight up RU was impressive in 14'. Not so much last year because you could tell there was no wind in the fanbase' sails by the time we played last year.

I absolutely hate when my team loses. It ruins my day, I imagine many of you feel the same way about your team because as fans that's our nature, I was just simply asking the question of would you rather win and play in a lesser conference or lose every week in the big 10...

We have a mostly fairweather fanbase, though there are probably 20-25K diehards consisting of mostly old men. When we're winning, everyone is on the bandwagon, and there's no better place to be. When we're losing, people are too busy raking leaves and mowing the lawn, and generally doing other things. Any solution that involves people opening their own wallets is invalid, at least that seems to be the prevalent attitude among many.

That said, I'd rather we be in the Big 10, even if it means losing in the short term, because i think we will one day have enough alumni who care about fielding a great football team and will support accordingly. In the last couple of years, we've raised $73 million dollars, including a $25 million dollar tax credit from the state, collectively for basketball and olympic sports facilities, which is much better than anything we've ever done. We need to raise more for a soccer/lacrosse facility after which, we will once again raise money to refurbish our football facility. At least that's the current plan. But i'm hopeful that if enough people support, we can outright replace our football facility.
So if you want to talk and that's fine but please do not be that naive as to believe Md is getting their funding from the Big10. Md has this guy, Kevin Plank, maybe you've heard of him that pours money into that school. RU doesn't have a Kevin Plank, if they did, they wouldn't be losing to eastern Michigan
No sorry...we havn't lost to EMU at any time. Even before Plank. It is also well known that we had financial issues, but Plank is pushing us over the top, he isn't sustaining Maryland.

We are 4-0 vs. EMU
50-3 in 2001
45-3 in 2002
37-13 in 2003
51-24 in 2008

I will say this, you need to put money first, then win. You can't ask your team to win big, and not put the money down first.
No sorry...we havn't lost to EMU at any time. Even before Plank. It is also well known that we had financial issues, but Plank is pushing us over the top, he isn't sustaining Maryland.

We are 4-0 vs. EMU
50-3 in 2001
45-3 in 2002
37-13 in 2003
51-24 in 2008

I will say this, you need to put money first, then win. You can't ask your team to win big, and not put the money down first.

You have to understand man I'm a psu fan. This board is simply a great place to talk football so I come to it. I had 5 uncles go to Md and live in Carroll county (grew up in york pa). I don't really care who Rutgers wins or loses to as long as psu wins. I simply would like to see RU improve for their fans sake.

Congrats on the Texas win btw, big step for your program and I do believe they are overtaking Mich St in terms of perception in the big 10. I believe Md is solidly in that 4 spot (in the east) at this point which is quite the accomplishment (and no im not trying to be funny, it's hard to do what md has done)
No sorry...we havn't lost to EMU at any time. Even before Plank. It is also well known that we had financial issues, but Plank is pushing us over the top, he isn't sustaining Maryland.

We are 4-0 vs. EMU
50-3 in 2001
45-3 in 2002
37-13 in 2003
51-24 in 2008

I will say this, you need to put money first, then win. You can't ask your team to win big, and not put the money down first.
Whoopty freaking doo for your team's wins 9, 14, 15 and 16 years ago. In 2015 you guys got thrashed by Bowling Green.
You are a guest here. Don't be a Big Dick.
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Whoopty freaking doo for your team's wins 9, 14, 15 and 16 years ago. In 2015 you guys got thrashed by Bowling Green.
You are a guest here. Don't be a Big Dick.

I was about to say, didn't Md just lose to Bowling a green? Ya'll are on the come up sure but are still miles away from being on the level of OSU, Mich and PSU from a football standpoint.

You remember last year Big Terp, coming into the PSU game undefeated talking an unbelievable amount of sh*t and getting blown off the field while Saquon Barkley made a highlight reel out of your defense?

You may want to learn a bit about humility before it comes back to bite you in the rear and you go AWOL for a week scared of facing all the sh*t and guarantees you make about how great MD football is. You have a Loooooong way to go my friend
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I will say this, you need to put money first, then win. You can't ask your team to win big, and not put the money down first.

Our fanbase expects the administration to put the money down. But that's not how it works, but attitudes are slowly changing and more people are getting involved.