Let me see if I have this riight. Folks have been saying 4% for about 3 weeks.
Folks have been calling for extreme increases in clalamity for about 3 weeks.
The rate has kept declining because as many have said test rates would increase. Now we're holding out math that its no longer the virus killing folks but our inability to muster medical reasources to deal. So now we can't blame the virus but now can blame ourselves. OK. (yeah I get it..Overrun the hospitals).
Seriously. Let me know the facts on the Fed holding back the supplies. Your numbers and sources. That's a heck of a claim. I know you're smart. But that's a comment I need to see validated sir.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been spot on with every prediction so far, including predicting, 8 days in advance, when we'd hit 5000 cases and getting that exactly right. I predicted on Saturday that we'd probably hit 80,000 cases by tomorrow and we'll be very close to that and said we'd likely have far more cases in another 2 weeks from that date and that we'd start to see potential major impacts to the health care system in densely populated areas, like NYC by then (and maybe even within a week), if we didn't get more supplies.
I never said anything about 4% mortality rates and just above and for awhile, I said our death rate will climb a bit (to maybe 1.7%) based on deaths being delayed and could climb higher if the system is overwhelmed. Italy's death rate was 5% for awhile and climbed to 10% because many people didn't get the care they needed, so it is possible for our death rate in NYC, for example, to jump up to a 4-5% level. And my source on supplies is Governor Cuomo - do you actually think he's lying about not having enough of everything, especially ventilators? It's known the Feds have 20,000 ventilators and NY needs about 25,000 more (and the Feds finally promised 4000 of them today, which is a start, but not enough).