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Why can't it be real? I don't think Amy Shumer is that unattainable. There's probably 20 girls that look better than her in any random New Brunswick bar tonight.
Why can't it be real? I don't think Amy Shumer is that unattainable. There's probably 20 girls that look better than her in any random New Brunswick bar tonight.
Not 10 years ago. She was smokin' before some weight gain.
Omg- coming from a bunch of guys that would cream their pants in from of any famous women.
Maybe she misunderstood The new Ash motto in the Hunt and thought Hunt needed to be in her?
Omg- coming from a bunch of guys that would cream their pants in from of any famous women.
i wouldn't fk her with your dick even.. she is that nasty... and don't get me started on her loud mouth when it comes to politics... and her comedy is garbage, not funny at all
And it's "heifer".

I'd hit that. I probably wouldn't call her the next day, but... what the hell. She's at least a Happy Hour 6...
Sounds like she and Andrew Dice Clay would be perfect together. As long as there was enough grass for her to graze on.
She really isn't my style but when I walk through tailgates and the stands and see most of the significant others, threads like this crack me up.
And that isn't meant to insult anyone or their significant others but not many compare to all of your guys "hot chicks" pictures
Dice is current, he has a show on Showtime. A lot of people actually like the show.

This past episode had a local reference in it.

Rita Rudner (remember her?) was po'd at him because years ago he was supposed to give her a ride back to NYC but left her standing in front of Rascals Comedy Club instead.
She really isn't my style but when I walk through tailgates and the stands and see most of the significant others, threads like this crack me up.
And that isn't meant to insult anyone or their significant others but not many compare to all of your guys "hot chicks" pictures
That's my recollection also. Lots of plain Jane types.