... that Doug Collins' behavior was slightly odd? No offense to the Collins crew, because this is 2 games now where Chris showed he is an absolute class act. He had a lot to say about us postgame after their win at the RAC, and of course his embrace and words with Pike followed by C and Nigel was REALLY nice to see. But his father acted strange... when they CLEARLY had it in the bag at the end he looked like he was cursing and crying. I get it at other points, obviously. It's his son, and it was a VERY important game. But unless they were cutting back to him on some weird 30 second delay (which I'm sure they weren't, ha), with all his years of coaching and commentating in this sport, you would think he would know when they were in good shape. Sh#t I knew from my couch. Did anybody else catch that? It was like HE was on 30 second delay. Strange.