Drastic Changes to Youth Tackle Football Rules

I miss those days as a kid.
We rode bikes without a helmet and even make a ramp for jumps.
Played dodgeball and got hit in the head a few problem.[laughing]
No one b*tched when you didn't win.
Society is soft as h*ll these days.
I'm going to go back in time and sue my parents. They let me play Pee Wee ice hocky at age 6. We checked, poked, etc. Had a little piece of plastic for a helmet, no face shield or chin protector. Only a mouth piece. Were forced to use real wooden sticks, and hard rubber pucks. I'm going to sue my old coaches too for putting me in harm's way. The subconcious trauma I suffered has obviosly negatively impacted my life, in that I'm not afraid of much. EDIT: almost forgot getting frostbite on my toes because my skates were laced too tight, and I have sleep issues to this day because we had 4AM ice time for practice.
How can you completely ignore it? I am not saying the game should evolve to be safer I do think we can't give in to media hype.

Cool...I just don't see the incentive for the media to hype the concussion issue, though. It doesn't favor one political agenda over the other because sports fans come from all stripes.
Cool...I just don't see the incentive for the media to hype the concussion issue, though. It doesn't favor one political agenda over the other because sports fans come from all stripes.
How about the fact that concussions articles always involve football. Regardless of the fact that it's like the sixth ranked youth sport in terms of frequency.
Cool...I just don't see the incentive for the media to hype the concussion issue, though. It doesn't favor one political agenda over the other because sports fans come from all stripes.

You're thinking like a normal person. Not only does the media likes to hype anything "dangerous for the children" but male football is a gender issue. Since only boys play football, the sport is seen as a pillar of "masculine hegemony" (hetero at that) and "toxic masculinity". Football is central to colleges and American culture so its not just an innocent recreation thing to the radicals presently creating "safe spaces" from toxic masculinity at colleges across the country. Some would like football gone and other like idea of tackle free football because then girls can play. There's a big agenda behind attacks on football (similar to military being forced to put women in combat). Normal people just dont recognize it


"One site where gender is performed and socialized is in sport. Violent sports such as football are fundamental in naturalizing the equation of maleness with violence.[37] Displays of strength and violence, through sports like football, help to naturalize elements of competition and hierarchy as inherently male behaviour, despite the fact that there is no convincing evidence that men are genetically or hormonally-predisposed to violent behaviour.[37] However, the violent and competitive nature of sports like football can only be an exclusively masculine domain if girls and women are excluded from participating altogether. The only means through which women are permitted to participate is as the passive spectator or cheerleader."

This gem even mentions Rutgers:

Sexuality, Gender and Race in American Football
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You're thinking like a normal person. Not only does the media likes to hype anything "dangerous for the children" but male football is a gender issue. Since only boys play football, the sport is seen as a pillar of "masculine hegemony" (hetero at that) and "toxic masculinity". Football is central to colleges and American culture so its not just an innocent recreation thing to the radicals presently creating "safe spaces" from toxic masculinity at colleges across the country. Some would like football gone and other like idea of tackle free football because then girls can play. There's a big agenda behind attacks on football (similar to military being forced to put women in combat). Normal people just dont recognize it


"One site where gender is performed and socialized is in sport. Violent sports such as football are fundamental in naturalizing the equation of maleness with violence.[37] Displays of strength and violence, through sports like football, help to naturalize elements of competition and hierarchy as inherently male behaviour, despite the fact that there is no convincing evidence that men are genetically or hormonally-predisposed to violent behaviour.[37] However, the violent and competitive nature of sports like football can only be an exclusively masculine domain if girls and women are excluded from participating altogether. The only means through which women are permitted to participate is as the passive spectator or cheerleader."

This gem even mentions Rutgers:

Sexuality, Gender and Race in American Football

I don't agree that concussions in football are a media-driven because of the far left and toxic masculinity, even though I'm sure the writers at Jezebel would love to dance on football's grave. I'm liberal but not leftist. The prominence of football in American culture certainly plays a part and drives media ratings, and anyone should concede that.

I rely on people like Chris Nowinski, even though he's been criticized for being too cozy with his former employer, the WWE. The NFL only cares about its money, and they wouldn't make any significant changes even if someone died right on the field.

Most of the former college players seem to turn out okay and still love the game. But playing professionally for 5, 10, 15 years...I pity those guys. They have money and fame, but in the end that doesn't help.

If I was appointed NFL Commissioner I'd do the following, all of which would never happen:

1. Immediately buy-out the owners of 4 franchises. The talent pool is diminishing, and will continue to diminish. Free agency and the draft provides enough parity.

2. Expand the active rosters from 53 to 60.

3. Eliminate Thursday Night Football. It's a terrible product, the players hate it, and it over saturates the market.

4. Adopt Schiano's proposal to eliminate kickoffs.

5. Two preseason games. 12 regular season games. Two bye weeks.
I was thinking of taking up skiing again. Someone said that most people wear helmets now??? Are all these precautions making us safer or giving the illusion of safety?

Interesting question. Seems like there are more pro skier deaths than ever the past decade or so, though I don't think the false security of a helmet is what pushed them into crazy-sketchy avalanche terrain or insane ski base jumps. If anything, I'd say that type of progression has led to the idea that snow aint always soft, deep and forgiving, maybe a helmet isn't such a bad idea. Plus where else you gonna slap your GoPro, bro?

Don't think this discussion relates much to football, but watch these extreme sports for a bit and come back and talk about "Society's gone soft." (Not you but the dudes that said just that)
I'm sure the lineman have it rougher over the course of many seasons.....

Now they aren't allowing kids U12 to head the soccer ball anymore....
Cool...I just don't see the incentive for the media to hype the concussion issue, though. It doesn't favor one political agenda over the other because sports fans come from all stripes.

At its core, media is not about driving political agendas. Its about generating interest. Hysteria and "scares" generates interest. Saying "we concluded things are fine" does not generate interest.