Agree 100% they run well. But why wouldn't they? They have choice of the best students in the county with no problems and costs that have to do with special needs children etc. No one, other than the Freeholders look at their budget. Every town in MC sends money over to them without realizing you are paying schools taxes not just for your district but also for them.They seem to run quite well, though.
NJ is rife with political hackery. Look no further than a certain Senator's fixation on loading the RU BOG with hacks.
Or the State Parole Board. Christie tried twice to put this loser from the Ocean County Freeholders on the parole board who had ZERO qualifications. After an uproar, he withdrew his name. kelly/
As for political hackery, that would be the issue. Can you imagine the political machines having the ability to pick and choose 100's if not thousands of appointed school leaders? That whole Ocean County machine shows why so much is wrong in this state. People not qualified being "directors" of departments that they have no experience in whatsoever.
Surprising no one is bringing up local police forces. In my small to medium size borough a patrolmen gets paid over $100k in less than 7 years and of course we can talk forever about working 25 years, retire at 45 -50 and get health and $ 100k pensions for the next 30 years.