Ex USC coach suing the NCAA

While I can't condone what USC did, they can certainly find reason to criticize the NCAA for hypocrisy and inconsistency. People have been saying that on these boards for several years, when Miami gets off scott free, the PSU sanctions are drastically reduced to almost nothing, and, possibly worst of all, UNC has had nothing happen to it (yet at least) despite the case carrying on for years.

The NCAA enforcement needs a complete overhaul that eliminates the vested $$$ interests (e.g., the evil empire) from having any influence over it. That should mean that probation means NO TV, and no money for TV. Vacating wins is meaningless and doesn't hit the violating schools in the pocket book which nowadays is the only thing most schools care about.
Originally posted by ecojew:
While I can't condone what USC did, they can certainly find reason to criticize the NCAA for hypocrisy and inconsistency. People have been saying that on these boards for several years, when Miami gets off scott free, the PSU sanctions are drastically reduced to almost nothing, and, possibly worst of all, UNC has had nothing happen to it (yet at least) despite the case carrying on for years.

The NCAA enforcement needs a complete overhaul that eliminates the vested $$$ interests (e.g., the evil empire) from having any influence over it. That should mean that probation means NO TV, and no money for TV. Vacating wins is meaningless and doesn't hit the violating schools in the pocket book which nowadays is the only thing most schools care about.
agree, well said
The lack of even possible sanctions against UNC for what it did shows just how pathetic the NCAA administration really is. If they are for STUDENT-athletes than they have absolutely FAILED with the first part of that mission by allowing UNC to get off free and clear. The system has become a mockery. Surprised that the media does not write on this, but my guess is that they fear being cut off by the NCAA so that their revenue drops drastically. It is one thing to pick on Rutgers (no big revenue loss), but quite another to pick on the NCAA (big dollar loss potential).
USC didn't actually do anything. Reggie Bush was getting gifts from a wannabe agent that had no affiliation with USC. It wasn't an assistant coach giving or the like giving him gifts.

Should USC have been more aware? Sure. But they got absolutely f'd when you consider the sanctions against Penn St., Miami, and UNC now.
"Could" USC have known? Yes. But what are we asking? Wire ever player for 4 years to make sure they are not doing anything against the rules, off campus, away from a coach actually seeing a player take cash?

USC got railroaded. Big time.
Originally posted by MozRU:
"Could" USC have known? Yes. But what are we asking? Wire ever player for 4 years to make sure they are not doing anything against the rules, off campus, away from a coach actually seeing a player take cash?

USC got railroaded. Big time.
Im not exactly going to give USC a break. Im guessing that the coaching staff has some idea if a player gets a sudden infusion of cash, or a car, or a fancy new apartment.

But yes - in light of the slap on the wrist that every one else got, USC certainly got screwed.
Bush had a decent car, but he wasn't rolling around in a Mercedes. The apartment he lived in wouldn't stand out.

Outside of driving to San Diego and finding where his parents stayed, who would know? Could they do more, I guess. Should they have been punished more than anyone else we have seen in the last 20 years? No way. Something was up with this punishment. Someone had it out for them.
I find it difficult to believe that he NCAA is impartial. It seems like they tread very softly against some schools/conferences and hammer others. Their virtual about face with PSU really stands out there. I am waiting for them to start the cave in with Cuse.