Firentz jerk press conference statement

He was definitely referring to the small visitor locker room. Relax. Iowa paints theirs pink. South Carolina had no AC in theirs so Georgia bought huge AC trucks and boarded up the door and cut holes in the wood pumping in big tubes of cold air, was on college gameday. This is actually something we do right, knowing RU athletic department wouldn’t have been surprised if the visitor locker room had crystal chandeliers and caviar
What is interesting about Kinnick is that though the visitors locker room is pink, it's actually very large and well-appointed. Nicer than some home locker rooms around college football:


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Jeez, we are way to sensitive. Who cares what another team's coach says about the stadium or facilities? Not sure he meant it the way everyone is taking it.
KF's take on our facilities is #61,397 on my list of my concerns for this program right now.
Damn, a Nate Colbert pic! Love it! As a big Detroit Tiger fan, I remember Nate's half season as a Tiger and the disaster it was before they shipped him off for a bag of peanuts to Montreal.
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Who knows where they put the visiting coach for the end of game press conference. It could be a tiny room. For basketball games, I think the Michigan coach was in a hallway outside the locker room.
The visitor presser is in a small position group’s meeting room. It’s like a small classroom.
Pink locker-rooms might give Iowa an advantage by taking the aggressiveness out of opposing players who come in loaded for bear but faced with a pink flamingo setting
I feel that was why Fry wanted that color and maybe even disturb the opposition that had to sit in a pink room
Good for Hayden and his way to get any edge he could so Iowa might win..

As for what Ferentz said, if it was a whine no big deal.
If it was acknowlegings the games opponents play on the visiting team to gain an advantage,that needs to be smiled about not taken as an insult.
Gamesmanship is the name of the game when the opposition is in your house
and it's done in various ways.
Pink locker-rooms is one of hem
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Clown, read where I posted why the locker rooms are pink and who was the one who originally had them painted pink.

He made a kidding remark about you visiting locker room size. This really upsets you this bad
Upset? I am not the one resorting to name-calling. And nowhere in the post to which I replied did it mention pink locker room. And unless you use multiple handles, I did not reply to your comment... but this one. So why should I be referring to your post in replying to a different post and poster?
Relax gents, that is not his style.
Why is pointing out a statement toxic? It was a knock, pure and simple. It’s a message board. Don’t shoot the messenger
He doesn't say that.. and guess what.. no one would mention it. He can say whatever he wants.. and so can we. Regardless.. it is much better than the guys who act like any success on the opponent's part is due to his players' failures.. there's plenty of those giant ego guys out there... and they "go there" regardless of winning or losing.

Now.. if we go visit Iowa's board and complain and tell them what their fans should be talking about on their board... then I'd agree that is an emotional reaction. (hint, hint)
Well, it was snide, and flippant .. “like everything else here”? Really? Screw you. Not very classy and uncalled for. You can gladhand the coach all you want just don’t dig at other peoples house. Imagine if Greg was in Iowa and said something like that? Just picture it. Right… he wouldn’t.
Sounds like you need counseling. Everybody knows what he meant and it wasn't a slam at anything. But you are so sensitive that you need to create some strawman slam. Kind of sad and pathetic given how complimentary he is toward Schiano and Rutgers.

Oh well, keep tilting at that imaginary windmill, Don Quixote.
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Damn, a Nate Colbert pic! Love it! As a big Detroit Tiger fan, I remember Nate's half season as a Tiger and the disaster it was before they shipped him off for a bag of peanuts to Montreal.
I remember that sad day. Pods got Eddie Brinkman, Dick Sharon and a minor league pitcher. They then sent Brinkman to the Cards for Rich Folkers, Alan Foster and Sonny Seibert
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No I don’t, actually. Just pride in my team and I think it was a dumb thing to say. Period.
No he was right the first time. If this is your big thing, you do have issues. Pride in your team doesn't have anything to do with it. You need to invent something that doesn't exist so you can be angry. A media room crowded with media types and a coach says it's cozy is now a slam on your program. LOL.
The pink locker rooms became a thing in 1979 when Hayden Fry came to Iowa and he didn't have them painted pink to disrespect-- he did it because as a Psychology major in college he remembered the color pink dulls the senses of people-- that's why he did it- looked for every advantage he could find to make Iowa a winner after 17 consecutive losing seasons.

Ferentz succeeded Fry after he retired and left them pink as a tribute to Hayden.

Now you can say you learned something new today.
Interesting and it seems to have worked out quite well. I think Rutgers needs to find a color to make the vising team part comatose. Benjamin Moore!!! What do you suggest???
The visitor presser is in a small position group’s meeting room. It’s like a small classroom.
So Chris, let me get this straight. In your best estimation due to your access to the team and the familiarity of the accommodations for the visiting presser, you believe KF was talking about the size of the room AND THE ROOM ONLY? Classic Rutgers, umping to conclusions, error by a select few which created a pissing match amongst them, our own fans and the Iowa fans who tried to defend their coach in a peaceful manner (until it escalated). Sorry Iowa fans, this occurs on a daily basis amongst some on this forum. If I grabbed a bag of popcorn to watch each and every spat on here, I'd be 300 pounds by now. Sometimes it's annoying and sometimes is entertaining.
Don't you guys have the PINK visitors locker room?

yeah.. that was a DOUCHE comment from "a guy who is not like that".. but has the VISITORS LOCKER ROOM IN PINK

could be a completely innocent comment.. probably was.. but is still something that COULD have been an ungracious slight... and after we gifted him 14 points.
I wouldn’t consider an uber-athletic pick 6 and scoop and score where the WR got completely blasted as gifts. 🤷‍♂️
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100%. Those were takeaways not giveaways. Credit where it is due.
WR should have put the ball in his outside arm (turns out I was wrong about that.. we don't teach that and looking at it again.. he had no time with a guy right behind him.. too risky). Yeah.. great play by the D.. but still a gift. (he could have covered up sooner with teh left arm too).

What don't THE Iowa fans understand about this? (think of YOU as Iowa fans here-forward).. To YOU. the D earned it. To me, at least, we gave you 2 gifts. Both are true.. it is a question of perspective. Just like the flippant "cozy" comment. It is no big deal to anyone.. but it is meaningless to you Iowa fans and a slight to some Rutgers fans who see it that way. Both perspectives are true.

When I visit the Iowa board and complain that we gave you two GIFTS.. then you can feel free to blast away. Besides.. I only mentioned it as a funny reference to suggest we gave your coach gifts, then he insults our "cozy" confines. But I guess you all missed the obvious.
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WR should have put the ball in his outside arm. Yeah.. great play by the D.. but still a gift.

What don't you Iowa fans understand about this? To YOU.. the D earned it. To me, at least, we gave you 2 gifts. Both are true.. it is a question of perspective. Just like the flippant "cozy" comment. It is no big deal to anyone.. but it is meaningless to you Iowa fans and a slight to some Rutgers fans who see it that way. Both perspectives are true.

When I visit the Iowa board and complain that we gave you two GIFTS.. then you can feel free to blast away. Besides.. I only mentioned it as a funny reference to suggest we gave your coach gifts, then he insults our "cozy" confines. But I guess you all missed the obvious.
Well one thing I don't understand is when I became an Iowa fan SMDH.
Well one thing I don't understand is when I became an Iowa fan SMDH.
fair enough... THE Iowa fans.. I have had to reply to a few here and my reply to you was in agreement.. but I messed up pronoun usage.

Again, I only mentioned "gifts" as a funny reference to suggest we gave the Iowa coach gifts, then he insults our "cozy" confines.

And then this big back and forth happens over whether they were gifts... just silly.
Interesting and it seems to have worked out quite well. I think Rutgers needs to find a color to make the vising team part comatose. Benjamin Moore!!! What do you suggest???

So Chris, let me get this straight. In your best estimation due to your access to the team and the familiarity of the accommodations for the visiting presser, you believe KF was talking about the size of the room AND THE ROOM ONLY? Classic Rutgers, umping to conclusions, error by a select few which created a pissing match amongst them, our own fans and the Iowa fans who tried to defend their coach in a peaceful manner (until it escalated). Sorry Iowa fans, this occurs on a daily basis amongst some on this forum. If I grabbed a bag of popcorn to watch each and every spat on here, I'd be 300 pounds by now. Sometimes it's annoying and sometimes is entertaining.
KF chews Wrigley Spearimjnt gum, eats vanilla ice cream and goes to bed around 9 p.m.

He is the least likely coach in all of college football to take a potshot at anyone.

That is why Iowa fans are bemused at this thread. It’s silly town.
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KF chews Wrigley Spearimjnt gum, eats vanilla ice cream and goes to bed around 9 p.m.

He is the least likely coach in all of college football to take a potshot at anyone.

That is why Iowa fans are bemused at this thread. It’s silly town.
I thought he chews Juicy Fruit…
Pot meet kettle. If you only knew..
Oh I know. You start a thread to bash a HC about your misinterpreted take on his comments. Zero class. Typical, child like, sore loser reaction by you. You've been corrected by many in this thread yet you keep going down the lying rabbit hole. Grow up. Embarrassing thread.
Would not read too much into Ferentz’s comment at the post game presser. We really are still in our B1G infancy versus what a school like Iowa , Michigan , Wisconsin , OHS have done over the years. It’s not about jealousy , envy from Rutgers fans it’s the disappointment that our offense gave away several unnecessary scoring opportunities. That cost us dearly. Rutgers has many great fans. When a certain fan or fans criticize them because they don’t agree with their fan perspective or positivity or the belief in our current coach they should find a hole to crawl into. Perhaps they should take their desired movement elsewhere ? I did not take Ferentz’s referrernce as a knock. Coaches like players say some dumb things .
I thought he chews Juicy Fruit…
Sugar Free Bubble Yum
How did this turn into a troll thread?
Yea you should come around more often. These mofo's will have a 10 page argument about which way the toilet paper should hang. It doesn't matter the topic. This board fights. That's just how this board rolls. Most of the time we're just eating our own over here.
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Yea you should come around more often. These mofo's will have a 10 page argument about which way the toilet paper should hang. It doesn't matter the topic. This board fights. That's just how this board rolls. Most of the time we're just eating our own over here.
I mean, it does say that on the t-shirt…


Btw, I love 🌽
So it IS true what everyone says about you. Sad for you, actually.
On the contrary. I've been treated very nice on this thread. It's been quite cozy here. Oh😲 sorry I said cozy. Don't want to hurt your feelings. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Damn what a crybaby. Lol
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Yea you should come around more often. These mofo's will have a 10 page argument about which way the toilet paper should hang. It doesn't matter the topic. This board fights. That's just how this board rolls. Most of the time we're just eating our own over here.
That's an easy one:

The US advice column Ask Ann Landers reported that the subject was the most controversial issue in the column's history and, at 15,000 letters in 1986, provoked the highest number of responses.

The over position reduces the risk of accidentally brushing the wall or cabinet with one's knuckles, potentially transferring grime and germs; makes it easier to visually locate and to grasp the loose end;

Cleanliness wins the way. And if I can summon three semesters of physics from my shriveled brain, I'm sure I can find a way to prove the force required to initiate circular rotation and maintain momentum much favors the over position.

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