Flood is on TODAY 4pm with Mark Packer Sirius XM chnl#84

Only because he got caught and did not win big.
Bigger National Embarrassments:


And they are both at Louisville. And nobody cares because they win big. What Flood did at Princeton is small potatoes in comparison. His hiding drug test results is is a bigger embarrassment.

Yes it's all relative. But you know what? When 8 wins used to be a source of complaints rather than aspiration, having a clean program was something to hang your hat on. It was something to be proud of.

Flood took away the wins AND took away the dignity. Therein lies the issue.
Other than literal charity, that was one of the best things this board ever came together to do. Here's to hoping we never have to do it again though.
I agree. Based on who we have as the AD i dont think we ever will.

I do think its funny though that we were relatively successful vs other fan attempts to do this. I sometimes wonder if RU responded the way it did in order to throw more fuel on the fire or if they really were incompetent with dealing with PR.

LSU went through this:
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Flood just made a few public comments about this, they are on the web.
Ash was on XM this morning. He does not seem overly concerned about the allegations and was aware when he took the job. Flood may have more to worry about if the NCAA goes the show cause route against him.
the other person mention in the failed drug tests,who was in charge of the program of testing and reporting,is still employeed at RU? anyone know?.
the other person mention in the failed drug tests,who was in charge of the program of testing and reporting,is still employeed at RU? anyone know?.

That is all public knowledge. That person still works at Rutgers but is no longer in charge of the drug tests.
For Flood to be worried presumes a college AD would want to hire him. As such, he has nothing to worry about.
I think the show cause applies even if he goes down a level or two. Do not see him ever again as P5 HC but he might get a gig at the GS (doubtful) or the FCS level.
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that coaching has to be one of the best jobs a person can have. It's one of the few professions where you can lie, cheat, run what you're in charge of into the ground, prove definitively that you're a completely incompetent stumblebum, (and have your ass booted out the door as a result), and still have the opportunity to come out a wealthy person, and possibly even secure a gig on a radio sports show...regardless of all the damage you've caused!
So he has that in common with the most recent two presidents!
Hi Coach: first time caller here. So how much did all the little notes you scribbled on the sideline while your team was getting steamrolled help you to adjust? Thanks, I'll take your answer off the air.
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Hi Coach: first time caller here. So how much did all the little notes you scribbled on the sideline while your team was getting steamrolled help you to adjust? Thanks, I'll take your answer off the air.
Lol. Also should ask him when all those notes will be transcribed into Flood on Football. Would have made a great stocking stuffer. I would have been 1-0 in gift giving.