I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but then why is it fair to constantly bash the players?
That's a tricky one, IMO. I don't think anybody thinks our players are without talent - they're talented or they wouldn't be playing D1 football. But someone, not sure who, posted the offer lists of the players currently starting for us vs. some other teams. It was quite a contrast. We had, at least at the point the post was made, more than our fair share of walk-ons and one-offer (D1) playing a lot of downs.
I wish people would say we aren't quite as talented as OSU/UM/MSU instead of the more abrasive "our players suck". Our players don't suck, but most of us that have competed in physical sports know what it feels like to be over-matched physically. And we have appeared that way when playing the elite Big Ten teams.
I had heard, indirectly but reliably, from some players that the general consensus among the players was that they didn't feel like Flood and crew were doing a great job of coaching technique and positional play. I heard again, after Ash starting coaching in the Spring, that the players fears were confirmed and that the new staff seemed to have a lot more knowledge to pass on.
If all that was true, and it seemed that way to my unqualified laypersons eyes, then our players weren't even able to play their best with the talent they do have. And that isn't fixed overnight because it takes a while to break habits that were formed over years of incorrect coaching.
I would guess that, had our current players all had several years of coaching under the current staff, that we might be seeing more talent in our players than we are seeing right now. And for sure, we would seem to be playing faster right now because the players would have formed great habits and instincts.
So yeah, I think our players got a raw deal after Schiano left (and the offensive players, to some extent, were getting a raw deal before he left). But it seems like they are back to getting good coaching again. So that's great for our young players and the incoming recruits.