Basketball GAME THREAD: Indiana Hoops vs. Rutgers

One of the things I liked this game: when walking off to the halftime break Cliff and Myles conversation. I have a feeling Myles is a great mentor.
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61-50 Rutgers wins.Three wins against Indiana just might be Miller's last game as head coach.
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Can we just skip ahead to the Selection Show now?? These next 68ish hours are going to be stressful with the fear that something will go wrong again...
We singlehandedly will get Archie fired losing THREE times to us! See Ya
The best six for 23 from three that I have seen; the six they made were so timely.
It’s funny people here say booing is bad .
Boing the refs is fine. Boing one’s own team is trashy classless self-absorbed counter-productive childishness. It immediately marks whomever is doing it as a massive loser.

But sure, other than that, it’s no big deal. 😉