Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers šŸ€ vs. Indiana

Dead Ball Dunk
We had a famous dead ball dunk here in Connecticut about thirty years ago. The facts are a little fuzzy in my mind, but I'll give it a try.

Small college game. Springfield at Southern Connecticut State College. Southern just barely wins. After the buzzer sounds to end the game, a Southern player dunks the ball in celebration. Official calls a technical foul. Springfield makes the foul shot(s), sending the game into overtime, which is finally won by Springfield.

Is there a moral to this story? At the buzzer, make eye contact with the table to make sure that everything is alright, and get out of the gym as soon as possible.

Shouldnā€™t be allowed. But even the two free throws couldnā€™t have tied the game.
But seriously if you dick slap the ref 1 nanosecond after time expires it should not be a technical.. how can it be? The game is over.
oh I agree, I just think its something you just dont do, kind of like dunking and warmups and getting a technical, never give them some reason to do something. I think any egregious would then be tacked on to the next game in a suspension or something, say the coach screamed **** your mother to the ref

that one game referenced is the only one that has come up so far.
Yeah, I agree with you; definitely don't do anything to make it possible.

Really not a fan of the warmup dunking technicals either but you still have to play within the rules you have.
When I was a kid, I had a book of weird basketball stories. One was about a ref calling several technicals after time expired, awarding enough free throws that the winning team ended up losing. I don't think it was pro and may not have been college. It's possible I'm misremembering this...