Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers Hoops versus Iowa

Yeh we stunk 4-12 on FTs, but I honestly don't know how you can feel the game was called evenly when Iowa went to the FT line 23 x. We know refs missed the foul early in the game when Myles went to the rim.
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stop. Your saying Garza who averages 28 a game wouldn’t score on Myles? Your going to blame that on Reiner being in and not Myles?
Why would pikiell call a to? Geo got wanted we wanted them got fouled no call then Mathis threw it to Myles who had a wide open layup. Which he fumbled out of bounds...

So it is pikiell’s fault for not having Myles in them it is pikiell’s fault for not calling TO while Myles was setup for a wide open layup but fumbled it out of bounds?

Myles has to catch that ball and score.

what I’m saying is our game plan partially revolves around keeping Johnson out of foul trouble and then, when he’s not in foul trouble late in the game, he’s resting on the bench. He rested quite a bit in the first half and Reiber gave incredible minutes. However, we were in a position to take control of the game and in successive plays Garza abused Reiber for a layup and then got a three point play against him. It makes no sense to save Johnson and leave him on the bench too long when he’s not In foul trouble. He’s a game changer on defense.
I don't know that the game was called unevenly, it was just called badly. These guys are not good at their jobs.
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what I’m saying is our game plan partially revolves around keeping Johnson out of foul trouble and then, when he’s not in foul trouble late in the game, he’s resting on the bench. He rested quite a bit in the first half and Reiber gave incredible minutes. However, we were in a position to take control of the game and in successive plays Garza abused Reiber for a layup and then got a three point play against him. It makes no sense to save Johnson and leave him on the bench too long when he’s not In foul trouble. He’s a game changer on defense.
Reib's was pulled after the 2nd Garza drive though right. I guess you could argue he should have been pulled after the first, but a)Reib's played a solid game and b)Myles minutes because of rest and fouls, do need to be managed.
Pike needed to direct the game more through the guards and away from Harper. Mathis, Young and Geo were playing well and they needed more looks with Ron as a distributor. For whatever reason he just wasn’t feeling the game today. Mathis has been hot and we completely went away from him.
I think we’re either good as them, or close enough to win on any given night. And I think they played closer to their peak than we did in this game. Harper wasn’t his usual self. Geo is getting better each game, but still not 100%. First half and we wasted a ton of opportunities. Myles had a meh second half.

They played without a key player. They could have played better I the first ten minutes of the first half. But they didn’t miss many wide open shots. We did.

And free throws.
I don't think Iowa is better than us. Harper had an off game, Cliff is still out and Caleb, while he looked pretty good on D, was very rusty on offense. I think we beat them later in the season, and would win a 5 /7 game series against them in a hypothetical NBA playoff type set-up . As long as we don't shoot 33.3% on FTs.
Can we stop defending the refs? They were bad. There were 3 or 4 touch fouls called on Rutgers including that important and-1 on Reiber which was a joke. They then missed an obvious one late with geo’s pull up... we didn’t lose because of the refs but they certainly missed a very big call which could have won us the game especially with geo on the line.

Whether you like it or not referees need to make the calls consistently. So what we are going to do is blame the guys for missing free throws but no the refs for missing obvious calls? The players are the ones who deserve the sympathy not the refs.
refs are not calling something like that in that situation
Why not? Was it a foul on an all B1G player or not? You honestly don't think other players get that call?
At the same time Harper "clearly fouled" on the rebound ..
Foul shooting ability has nothing To do with foul calling.
Can we stop defending the refs? They were bad. There were 3 or 4 touch fouls called on Rutgers including that important and-1 on Reiber which was a joke. They then missed an obvious one late with geo’s pull up... we didn’t lose because of the refs but they certainly missed a very big call which could have won us the game especially with geo on the line.

Whether you like it or not referees need to make the calls consistently. So what we are going to do is blame the guys for missing free throws but no the refs for missing obvious calls? The players are the ones who deserve the sympathy not the refs.
Can’t speak for others, but I‘m not defending the refs. I saw missed calls and things I think they should’ve let go. Both ways.

But the refs are a factor entirely out of our (RU’s) control. You have to win the game no matter how good or bad the refs are. The refs didn’t miss all those free throws, or open threes. They didn’t bobble that pass to Myles out of bounds at the end of the game.

We could’ve won that game. We had our chances. Despite the refs. We didn’t get it done.
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Why not? Was it a foul on an all B1G player or not? You honestly don't think other players get that call?
At the same time Harper "clearly fouled" on the rebound ..
Foul shooting ability has nothing To do with foul calling.
Really bad no call there to basically disenfranchise geo in the end game.
This game was nothing like OSU. The refs were fine and did not play a role in controlling the outcome. The style of how fouls were called certainly benefitted Iowa but those are the breaks. Their guys who pound the paint are automatic from charity. Ron was off today and Mathis and MJ are never good FT shooters. Our guys who can hit FTs didn’t penetrate much. young and Paul made theirs didn’t they? Baker shot mostly jump shots. That’s not the refs fault. For the most part they were consistent.

Iowa doesn’t foul a lot statistically because they are not an aggressive defensive team. Our shot was just off today. We missed far too many point blank shots.

But the bottom line is we probably win the game anyway if RH just secures that rebound.
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Starting to watch game as I taped it and missed last 6 minutes 1sr half and most of second half

I've watched McConnell offensive foul call on the wrap around driving the baseline....I have watched it 10 times and cannot see where he ever wrapped the defender. These foul call are bullshit. His Fing elbow was at his side the whole time. MJ gets his wrist broken at the basket nothing. I'm getting tired of this bullshit

It was a block on the defender such bull shit
Watch the play there's a ref right in front of the Iowa bench that was right in front him and he looks just as baffled as everybody else no joke. He just stands there like WTF that's not an offensive foul
Right before MJ with ally oops dunk hammered again no call. Not even close to getting ball on the block
For anyone interested Garza double teamed on near court their side. 6.5 seconds no 5 second call
A thought on Garza.

They were talking early on about what is different between he and Hansborough, and how he will translate as a pro, and I think the comparison to make is to Marc Gasol. Hansborough was predominantly a hustler energy guy. Garza, like Gasol has ball skills and savy.

Fine it was against a freshman, but dribble drive head fake up and under was a thing of beauty. Shades of Kevin McHale with the head fake(I know, lots of white guy comparisons).