Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers vs. Minnesota

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How many PIP are we leaving off the friggin score board??!!
Could have been up 14 and it started with stupid 3 by Mathis..then ever possession except for Ron 3 was chinese fire drill
This is not a good line up on either side right now. RHJ and PM has been a real drop off today vs Tez and Caleb on defense. We need stops.
Myles uselessly at the high post again. Zero pick and rolls and yet there he is again.
What is amazing is that Minnesota is on a spurt with 3 minutes remaining with Carr missing in action.Lead down to four points.
Problem is Paul is essentially our PF. Not sure why Tez is not getting more minutes this half
Minn getting to line every Fng possession and knocking down both. Meanwhile RU either turning it over or chucking up air balls. Unreal
Terrible response and terrible coaching
Pikr is clueless how to coach the scoring side. And I don't just mean the scheme. But time and situation and who and how they should be approaching the end game. These decisions are just inexcusable.
What is clear is that we are a bottom half of the B1G team. Seems like Pike wasted the talent on this team, the team severely under achieved, or more realistically, both.
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