I think there are points you could point to in the past 15 years where they saw some middle class growth...not so much these days. Neither is Venezuela or Greece but definitely worse than they have been.
Obama single handledly saved this country from recession.
Thank you for the chuckle.
It's actually kinda sad that you think that the President deserves credit for low gas prices. To be fair, when gas prices were high for the majority of his Presidency, that wasn't his fault either.You're right. He had the help of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.
Who can forget Republican contributions though- the 63 failed repeals of Obamacare, billions wasted on the Canadian fascist's government shutdown, and their support for Bush as he destroyed the economy and spent trillions blowing the surplus Democrats created on an an illegal war.
And just watch the debates, Republicans solutions to President Obama's slashing unemployment and lowering gas prices include European style VATs, tithing, slashing social security, and taxing the living daylights out of foreign goods.
The tax-and spend Republicans and their constant desire to send Americans to war and to reallocate wealth from the middle class to the rich are about to hit another dead end.
Socialist PRESIDENT Bernie Sanders. Get used it saying it.
DittosIt's actually kinda sad that you think that the President deserves credit for low gas prices. To be fair, when gas prices were high for the majority of his Presidency, that wasn't his fault either.
What's even worse is that via your vapid partisanship is that you are unable to comprehend that regardless of who was Preaident in 2008 the financial crisis would have happened. This was a 30 plus years in the making issue that both parties are EQUALLY responsible for. I know that is hard for you to grasp, but this isn't a left vs.right issue.
It's an "all of the above" issue.
Maybe one day when you mature a bit you'll take off the partisan glasses and see it for what it is
:rolleyes::okay:;)[jumpingsmile][poop]You're right. He had the help of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.
Who can forget Republican contributions though- the 63 failed repeals of Obamacare, billions wasted on the Canadian fascist's government shutdown, and their support for Bush as he destroyed the economy and spent trillions blowing the surplus Democrats created on an an illegal war.
And just watch the debates, Republicans solutions to President Obama's slashing unemployment and lowering gas prices include European style VATs, tithing, slashing social security, and taxing the living daylights out of foreign goods.
The tax-and spend Republicans and their constant desire to send Americans to war and to reallocate wealth from the middle class to the rich are about to hit another dead end.
Socialist PRESIDENT Bernie Sanders. Get used it saying it.
They could just start seriously fining people who ride bikes on the sidewalk or who run red lights. From what I see on a daily basis in NYC, Hoboken and JC we could plug a lot of budget holes!
Newt wanted gas to be under $2.50 and Republicans were kicking and screaming over Keystone. Funny now that a Canadian company is suing over it and gas is $1.65 their pie holes are whining about other garbage instead of admitting they were wrong- again- and that Obama single handledly saved this country from recession while they fiddled.
They would be the first to go ape if the tunnels under the Hudson closed and people couldn't get to Wall Street. We need to fix the tunnels among other infrastructure. Either increase the gas tax or raise taxes on millionaires.
And, there are plenty of places to cut spending here in NJ. Let's start with telling Christie he has to pay for his own security in NH, must pay all his own Bridgegate legal fees, and telling Exxon Christie's fraudulent deal with them is off. Next up, the Republicans in the legislature can get out of the police union's pocket and go ahead and agree to legislation mandating pension forfeiture for all cops convicted of felonies and those who cover up for them- Linden and Edison alone can cover some nice holes there. And then, they can pass a bill urging Menendez and Booker to petition the Senate to shutter the Port Authority and give control of the PATH to the MTA or NJT.
He had the help of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.
It's actually kinda sad that you think that the President deserves credit for low gas prices. To be fair, when gas prices were high for the majority of his Presidency, that wasn't his fault either.
What's even worse is that via your vapid partisanship is that you are unable to comprehend that regardless of who was Preaident in 2008 the financial crisis would have happened. This was a 30 plus years in the making issue that both parties are EQUALLY responsible for. I know that is hard for you to grasp, but this isn't a left vs.right issue.
It's an "all of the above" issue.
Maybe one day when you mature a bit you'll take off the partisan glasses and see it for what it is
No, the financial deregulation happened mostly under and was propagated by the Bush administration. But you can put that aside and pretend it didn't happen and you'd still have the trillion dollars wasted on a war to give ISIS and Al-Qaeda a homeland which ruined the budget. If we still had the surplus Clinton created things wouldn't have gotten as bad as they did (and Bush proposed the war regardless of however many Democrats supported it- and Obama was opposed).
Obama saved the country, and Republicans cried he was born in Kenya (and now support a Canadian)..
Yes, and that was wrong. I'm not a huge fan of the Clintons. But that doesn't take back the Bush error.
Doesn't it strike the Republicans as odd that they need to go back nearly 30 years to name a president from their own party who they will stick their head out for? One who negotiated with Iran, raised taxes, the debt ceiling, and granted amnesty to illegal immigrants...
Bingo!!!!!I don't recall Reagan "negotiating" with Iran. I recall Iran releasing 52 hostages that they had held through half of Carter's term on the very day that Reagan was sworn into office because they knew that Tehran was about 6 hours from becoming a smoldering ruin.
I have no issue with the Reagan tax structure. Neither do most Republicans.
There was a great deal of damage done to the economy during the Clinton administration. It's funny how people like you are so quick to blame GWB for problems that Obama allegedly inherited, but at the same time are completely blind to how many of those issue evolved prior to 2001.
I don't recall Reagan "negotiating" with Iran. I recall Iran releasing 52 hostages that they had held through half of Carter's term on the very day that Reagan was sworn into office because they knew that Tehran was about 6 hours from becoming a smoldering ruin.
I have no issue with the Reagan tax structure. Neither do most Republicans.
There was a great deal of damage done to the economy during the Clinton administration. It's funny how people like you are so quick to blame GWB for problems that Obama allegedly inherited, but at the same time are completely blind to how many of those issue evolved prior to 2001.
I don't recall Reagan "negotiating" with Iran. I recall Iran releasing 52 hostages that they had held through half of Carter's term on the very day that Reagan was sworn into office because they knew that Tehran was about 6 hours from becoming a smoldering ruin.
I have no issue with the Reagan tax structure. Neither do most Republicans.
There was a great deal of damage done to the economy during the Clinton administration. It's funny how people like you are so quick to blame GWB for problems that Obama allegedly inherited, but at the same time are completely blind to how many of those issue evolved prior to 2001.
It's called Blind Partisanship
WTF are you talking about?Or the fact that Republicans shifted so far to the right and some people went along but most did not. Did you not notice that you have one popular presidential vote victory in nearly three decades? Yet you have the gall to allege partisanship?
And, oh, just for the record, the current leader in your polls retweeted a link from a white supremacist group today. Are whites a party these days?
Is this post a joke? Sarcasm?
WTF are you talking about?
You.....you are a blind partisan......
How YOU behave has absolutely nothing to do with everything you stated above.
Donald Trump's actions have nothing to do with the fact that you are a blind partisan.
And for the record.....the Dems have veered as far to the left as the Repblicans have veered to the right.
Fascism......HahahahahahahaLOL it's not being partisan, it's condemning the rise of fascism in this country.
If you were a conservative, you would find issue with Trump. But you're the partisan.
And I don't know what record you're looking at, though I'm confident it's broken. Only one party has a candidate that blames her child being a wife beater on the other party...and i's not Democrats...the party of personal responsibility at it again...