Guarantano accused of pouting on the sideline

Nov 16, 2016

^Kirk Herbstreit plus tons of Vols fans caught him pouting on the sideline, claiming he wasn't even cheering when they scored

^Very large thread on the Tennessee board discussing the same thing.

Very bad look for him. Perhaps we dodged a bullet with that type of attitude. However he might be regretting his choice and maybe thinks he can transfer here.
He's getting a free education at a top notch college, preparing for the NFL, winning... what? oh, never mind any of that.
11 pages deep on that Tenn thread. wow.

I agree here on recruiting. If you don't know you're being lied to by a coach (who needs to win to keep making money) and you have to earn every snap, you're more than a fool. Sometimes you don't get a fair shot. The coach is going to go with a player who he thinks he is going to win.

Bad form Guarantano. His teammates for sure are not happy with him. No way to be a leader. Keep him away from RU if and when he wants to transfer.

Originally Posted by DooleyOrangePants
Wouldn't blame him given all of the crap Butch and Co. likely have sold him.
Senior Member
From what I have heard, he was sold on UT under the premise that he would be starting once Dobbs was out and Dormady likely transferring.
Basically every player gets sold on their position. That's recruiting.
They had a picture of him sitting down and not real happy
11 pages deep on that Tenn thread. wow.

I agree here on recruiting. If you don't know you're being lied to by a coach (who needs to win to keep making money) and you have to earn every snap, you're more than a fool. Sometimes you don't get a fair shot. The coach is going to go with a player who he thinks he is going to win.

Bad form Guarantano. His teammates for sure are not happy with him. No way to be a leader. Keep him away from RU if and when he wants to transfer.

Originally Posted by DooleyOrangePants
Wouldn't blame him given all of the crap Butch and Co. likely have sold him.
Senior Member
From what I have heard, he was sold on UT under the premise that he would be starting once Dobbs was out and Dormady likely transferring.
Basically every player gets sold on their position. That's recruiting.
Butch Jones often looks a nanosecond short of stroking out. IIRC, he and his Dad thought Jones was wonderful.
JG cooked his own goose when he went there.
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Looks like a scene from ..."A Few Good Men....Guarantano you can't handle the truth !!!"
Jared, Jared, were sold a bill of goods, and you, (and a little more surprisingly since you'd think they'd have known a bit better, your parents), swallowed it whole.

An important life lesson, grasshopper: Just because someone tells you what you want to hear, (and you buy it), doesn't mean it's the truth. It simply means you're gullible enough to believe it.
So after reading that is it Vol-spin or are we making this out to be bigger than it really is?

Bet it's a little bit of both.
Agreed. Someone on Twitter called it pout gate or something like that. Some people don't have a poker face. The kid is disappointed, but light years difference between his demeanor and this guy:
Spoiled Brat. Hope he does not come near us.

We did once get a fine transfer from Tennessee. Safety Shawn Seabrooks. He packed a real wallop.
Heard him knock a Norte Dame player silly 40 rows up in South Bend.
Wasn't looking for it but it was noticeable on tv.

Looked like a guy who got slapped with reality. Hard.
The kid looked like he was pouting a little bit but it's his first game of his RS Freshman season. I think all the talk about him making the worst decision of his life are a little premature.
Any chance we could show that video at TIME SQUARE... as a PSA?


I don't want to pile on to the kid, but this was bound to happen. His father over-hyped him to the point the kid probably never had even a small taste of defeat. Looked like he had no idea how to handle not being the guy, even though he isn't in an unusual position as a rs-fr.

Tough learning experience on national tv. I blame his father for creating this media monster. He was a high profile player. He didn't need the extra hype for hypes sake. The fall was unnecessarily difficult. But he is young. He will have a chance to learn, even though these mistakes were self induced. But it won't be easy, considering his starting point.
I don't want to pile on to the kid, but this was bound to happen. His father over-hyped him to the point the kid probably never had even a small taste of defeat. Looked like he had no idea how to handle not being the guy, even though he isn't in an unusual position as a rs-fr.

Tough learning experience on national tv. I blame his father for creating this media monster. He was a high profile player. He didn't need the extra hype for hypes sake. The fall was unnecessarily difficult. But he is young. He will have a chance to learn, even though these mistakes were self induced. But it won't be easy, considering his starting point.

Excellent summary of the situation, I think.
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It is easier to have a kid like that fail at Tennessee where they over recruit each year at QB and are bringing in 4-5* QB's each year. If he came here, we would be stuck with him for 4 years.