Guarantano accused of pouting on the sideline

Agreed. He's a RS Freshman and is number 2 and looked like he was on the verge of playing. So he has had some success as far as moving up the depth chart. Who knows what happens now. Unless he was promised a starting job by this time I don't see a problem.

Not too bad being #2 on the depth chart as a RS frosh (he didn't burn his redshirt as someone stated above) at a school with the talent that Tennessee has at the QB position. But he didn't do himself any favors by his non verbals during the game. Maybe he was told that he would get a series or 2 in the 2nd half and the game situation dictated that was not possible? But he handled it poorly and the coaches will address it. The other thing is that Tenn brings in the next big thing every year at QB so he will be challenged even after the current starter graduates. That is the risk in going there. Maybe he never ends up seeing the field and developing for the next level. Time will tell.
Not too bad being #2 on the depth chart as a RS frosh (he didn't burn his redshirt as someone stated above) at a school with the talent that Tennessee has at the QB position. But he didn't do himself any favors by his non verbals during the game. Maybe he was told that he would get a series or 2 in the 2nd half and the game situation dictated that was not possible? But he handled it poorly and the coaches will address it. The other thing is that Tenn brings in the next big thing every year at QB so he will be challenged even after the current starter graduates. That is the risk in going there. Maybe he never ends up seeing the field and developing for the next level. Time will tell.
When I said "I don't see a problem" it was in regards to Butch selling him on having success at TN. Every coach does that. It wasn't in regards to his sideline behavior.
Not too bad being #2 on the depth chart as a RS frosh (he didn't burn his redshirt as someone stated above) at a school with the talent that Tennessee has at the QB position. But he didn't do himself any favors by his non verbals during the game. Maybe he was told that he would get a series or 2 in the 2nd half and the game situation dictated that was not possible? But he handled it poorly and the coaches will address it. The other thing is that Tenn brings in the next big thing every year at QB so he will be challenged even after the current starter graduates. That is the risk in going there. Maybe he never ends up seeing the field and developing for the next level. Time will tell.
yes, but if things hold as they are, JG sits behind Dormady this year and next...... in reality it figures JG gets in there sometime, but it is possible he is the backup next year also..... for him, that must seem like a lifetime.
maybe Butch needs to get his father a better job at UT to make the whole family a little more happier. I dont want this kid back here if he transfers.
History has a funny way of repeating itself

I don't follow recruiting that closely, so this is the first I've heard of this - but showing up at a Rutgers visit wearing Tennessee gear is a no-class move.
Don' t try coming here kid. That ship has sailed. We have Lewis now.
I think this kid has faced very little adversity in his football career.. Likely always having his a$$ kissed by his coaches.. Well he's finally not #1 and is having a hard time dealing with it.
I would play for Flood any day. He interacted robustly with teachers, and did his best to be 1-0 every week. LOL
TBH when I posted it I just thought it would be nothing more than an interesting side note... lol.

Also, Butch Jones commented on this situation with JG in this article:

Looks like the Coach feels bad, probably realizes he did screw him over with false promises.
this addresses my previous post about how Butch would react to this..... it seems that it did not hurt JG's chances of seeing the field.

it could have gone the other way for we should expect him to see the field over the next couple of games.
this addresses my previous post about how Butch would react to this..... it seems that it did not hurt JG's chances of seeing the field.

it could have gone the other way for we should expect him to see the field over the next couple of games.
Butch appears to be a maniac on the sidelines, but I think he responded well and handled the situation in a good way post game.
yes, but if things hold as they are, JG sits behind Dormady this year and next...... in reality it figures JG gets in there sometime, but it is possible he is the backup next year also..... for him, that must seem like a lifetime.
Or Tennessee goes 7-5/8-4 again, Butch gets fired, new coach wants to play his qb that he brings in and JG rides off into the sunset with the oh so valuable UT degree
Now here's a serious question - say JG decides he wants to transfer back home at the end of the year and reaches out to Ash. Does Ash say yes or no? I'm not asking what SHOULD he say, but rather what will he say?
Now here's a serious question - say JG decides he wants to transfer back home at the end of the year and reaches out to Ash. Does Ash say yes or no? I'm not asking what SHOULD he say, but rather what will he say?

He's say "You're welcome to come home, we'd love to have you here, but understand this: you will have to EARN your spot on the depth chart. You will NOT be "given" anything other than a scholarship. The rest is up to you."
Wrong on point #1. The kid had a monster arm and was a very good runner. Probably the best QB to come out of NJ in the last 5 years outside of Wimbush from St Peters Prep. Played with a bad OL and in a system not suited for a dual threat QB. Was a one man wrecking crew against IMG Acdemy from Florida.
No opinion of his talents from the neck up.
Look at this passing stats. I prove my case.
I remember when BJ was the coach and Cincy and he had his starting qb throw a TD to his staring rb, for their tenth TD of the game. I'll always think the man is low class. JG, well if he is the #2 qb and the offense is not doing well I can see him being disappointed about not getting a shot. I think the board is goin a little hard on him, even commenting on eye black. The football factories offer big crowds and prima donna status to the players but you are just a number and always at risk of over-recruitment. Had he come to RU we probably don't get Bolin and a good chance he is starting here.
Great play by Butch, if he named a starter earlier the kid would have walked, sat this yr and get three to play. Now if he walks, he only gets two to play and will see the field the same time as if he Me thinks he stays.
Perhaps a cautionary tale.

Elite players have PLAYED their entire life. Sitting is not glamorous. The opportunity to play is glamorous.

Learned only the hard way. The Times Square theatrics may ebd up being his cfb highlight.
I can feel his pain. I was there and he saw the same thing I did during warmups, #12 didn't throw one decent pass, not one. And thought if he keeps that up game time, I'm in. Well, 12 was awful for most of the first half but played the entire game.
The same thing would have happened at RU. There you have to throw a minimum 6 interceptions to get pulled.
The poutting was a bit immature, though.
Yeah I guess you know better than Rutgers, Alabama, Auburn, Clemson, LSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Penn State, UCLA, Wisconsin and the twenty other schools that offered him.
We offered with the idea he would eventually play wide. So did every other SEC team besides UT lol.
He's say "You're welcome to come home, we'd love to have you here, but understand this: you will have to EARN your spot on the depth chart. You will NOT be "given" anything other than a scholarship. The rest is up to you."

My version: Ash says "You're welcome to come home, we'd love to have you here, but understand this: you will have to EARN your scholarship. You will NOT be "given" anything other than a spot on the 105 man roster. And, BTW, we don't have a job for daddy. I just don't operate that way."
My version: Ash says "You're welcome to come home, we'd love to have you here, but understand this: you will have to EARN your scholarship. You will NOT be "given" anything other than a spot on the 105 man roster. And, BTW, we don't have a job for daddy. I just don't operate that way."

I thought about that but it's not gonna happen that way (right or wrong, lol...).
He's say "You're welcome to come home, we'd love to have you here, but understand this: you will have to EARN your spot on the depth chart. You will NOT be "given" anything other than a scholarship. The rest is up to you."
spot on: "You will NOT be "given" anything "[thumb2]
Talent that went elsewhere should never be turned away if they want to play for RU after being disappointed with their role at the program they went to.
But not accepted if they expect more than a fair chance and possibly be a negative influence in locker-room if they didn't earn a starting position.
Rutgers needs to bring in as much talent as possible, but must make sure that talent doesn't bring a me first attitude with them when transferring to RU from another program .
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