Haskins to MD

Hayden Rettig and Gio Rescigno are out future. No need to worry about this guy. He don't wanna be here, we don't want him here.
Rutgers man 22 it not all about him it's about who would come with him...sorry flood is a good guy but can't close the and point.
Tough loss for us but to those who think we were entitled to a 4* QB, the only B1G schools to get one last year were tOSU and Michigan. (Counterpoint: both JG and DH had RU/NJ ties)
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Seems like a good kid with a good head on his shoulders. Very tough loss. Too bad alot of these kids can't be like him.
This is no surprise and it shouldn't be a surprise when the 2016 class is as mediocre as KFs prior classes. And by the way to say that having the QBs we have is a good substitute for our future. I hope you're right. Rettig certainly has the pedigree and I hope he pans out. Laviano looked good this Spring and I hope he can contribute as well. But between our last two scholarship QBs out of HS - there is a total of a single P5 offer between them and it was a BC offer for Laviano when BC was ranked about 100 and having weak recruiting classes. This does not bod well. And it's not as if KF recruits other positions to beat the world (though Martin and Hicks certainly looked good).
Really thought we were gonna get him.

It's still a long time between today and when he (or Guarantano) will make an on-the-field impact at the school for whom he plays. Between now and then, we've got to sort out some quarterback issues of our own, and I'm faithful in Flood's leadership (if not salesmanship) to date.

Flood's hypothetical "replacement" is going to be dealt the same hand of tepid in-state support as he's been, so I don't see any upside at all in grumbling about his recruiting. He may not be lighting anyone's world on fire, but -- for my money -- the inevitable tsunami of grief and recrimination that is sure to follow this defeat is not in the fans' best interests. Nonetheless, it will follow, as surely as day follows night, and it will come from people just as loyal to the program as the ones who think Flood is the right man for the job. I'm disappointed by Haskins's choice, but I don't think it reflects poorly on Flood's recruiting ability any more than it did on Frank Beamer's, Franklin's or Brian Kelly's.

I really thought we were gonna get Haskins. It's going to be a long, hot summer.
Haskins still gets to come back and play in front of his old friends in Highland Park every other year, too. Works out nicely for him.
In contrast to that other QB who committed to possum topped pizza, Haskins decision to stay home and represent his state university makes the other guy even more of a tool.
Some guys embrace the challenge of putting a team on their shoulders along with carrying the burden of weighted expectations that come along with it. Others are more comfortable in a support function. Not everyone is capable of leading. Kudos on Haskins shopping local.
At the end of the day, Flood will have to be judged on this recruiting class as a whole, not on the results of any one battle. I was hoping for improvement this year, and he still has a lot of time to do that. I didn't expect that we would close everyone we wanted.

The collective handwringing and condemning that will occur over this commitment is pointless, and counterproductive. Given the strong online presence of the recruits these days, It likely exacerbates the situation and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I think I will take the weekend off, and come back on Monday.
I don't think he stays committed to Maryland. I wouldn't count you guys out at all. Maryland is going to be absolutely terrible this year. Florida is also going to keep pressing him.
I don't think he stays committed to Maryland. I wouldn't count you guys out at all. Maryland is going to be absolutely terrible this year. Florida is also going to keep pressing him.
Thanks for the thoughts. But don't you know, that's not good enough for some of our fans. We have to have an epic meltdown and cry and scream about how bad Flood is at recruiting at every piece of bad news. If we don't, we are wearing scarlet colored glasses, or we are delusional, or we settle for mediocrity.
I understand the disappointment pratyk, but damn, you must have the hottest wife and biggest house on the block.
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Too important of a position to swing and miss, again. QB is a difference maker for a program. This is not disparage our QBs (love them be being at RU) but do you honestly think anyone of them would see the field with OSU, ND, FSU, GA and alike. Look to OSU title 3rd string player is THAT GOOD. Wow.

Sadly I feared Flood would struggle as a recruiter when he was hired but hoped he would hire a recruiting closer. Does anyone honestly feel Flood will lead us to being a top team? Honestly take off those Scarlet glasses. If our goal is to run a clean program and go to the Texas bowl every year than we have our man. Bottom half of our division and sometimes a bit more but never at the level the loyal fans deserve. There is a certain feeling when you feel that a team is on a roll and building something special, I don't feel it.

As a fan who remembers going to games in the Andersen Shea eras I always wanted a damn bowl game. Now we have achieved that I want teams to fear playing us and every opponent knows we will be in it until the end of every game. Selfish? Perhaps, maybe I am a victim of human nature or I just want a stud QB!
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I don't think he stays committed to Maryland. I wouldn't count you guys out at all. Maryland is going to be absolutely terrible this year. Florida is also going to keep pressing him.

LOL. I'm sure he's gonna recruit all these guys to follow him to MD and then leave if they have a bad year. You PSU fans are absolute jokes at this point.
Thanks for the thoughts. But don't you know, that's not good enough for some of our fans. We have to have an epic meltdown and cry and scream about how bad Flood is at recruiting at every piece of bad news. If we don't, we are wearing scarlet colored glasses, or we are delusional, or we settle for mediocrity.
see: Hester, Kiy

Does Haskins come off as the same type of guy as Hester? The answer is no, not even close.

The only thing I'm enjoying more than the actual commitment is how butt hurt and delusional some of the PSU fans are acting because of it. All because we didn't shake their hands and beat them in their house last year. Wahhhhhh.
I don't know a single Penn Stater that expected to land Haskins. We knew that when we landed Zembiec. Really I don't even know wtf you are referring to. Butt hurt? PSU cares even less about Maryland than Rutgers.
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I don't think he stays committed to Maryland. I wouldn't count you guys out at all. Maryland is going to be absolutely terrible this year. Florida is also going to keep pressing him.

Yes and when PSU was terrible, that didn't stop you guys from recruiting. LOL

Someday you fans will figure out the teams record only influences a FEW recruits. Most have other reasons primarily NFL aspirations, facilities, distance from ramily, friends, women and academics they can get by in.
Ahrrrrrrr you

Eh - best of luck to him. I would be ok if ru backs off recruiting guys like this. We would be just fine with a solid slate of 3's. I think the drama of being in the chase does more harm then good. I don't see any emergency at QB the next few years, but the momentum would have been nice. Really looking forward to how the guys we have develop, how how Dare fits in next year.
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I wasn't trying to troll anyone. I am pretty sure that Haskins recruitment isn't over. Just pointing that out then he said a bunch of stuff that made no sense.

When Maryland wins four games this year and Edsall gets canned we will see what happens.
I notice this "four wins for Maryland" seems to be a common refrain from PSU fans.

Frankly, I don't see it.

Maryland won 7 games with an inexperienced O-line,a defense that couldn't stop the run and a QB who struggled to throw screen passes at times.

Heck, just having a QB (Caleb Rowe) who can actually throw will make Maryland better.

Yeah, not buying the "four wins" meme.

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