Hold your horses Scarlet Knights

Why is making a promise to someone not smart?

Playing time and starter role needs to be earned after they get on campus. Winning cultures encourage competition and meritocracies.

Promises to treat fairly, support the player’s development both on and off the court and put in the work to build a winning culture are all good.
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Anyone who says definitively Harper is better than Yeboah or vis versa is not being objective.

My take and it is an uneducated guess.........

Yeboah had choices where to go. I am guessing (mere guess) that Pike told him if he comes here there are starter minutes AND the plan is to play small with Eugene at the 5 a lot. Why else would he choose Rutgers over other schools?

In addition, I an making an uneducated guess that Duke came here 2 years ago and was told if he reclassified and came here he would play AND Pike is a man of his word.

Maybe I am going overboard here with conspiracy theories, but this is what I think could be happening. To me it is very logical.

Bottom line I see both starting along with Baker Mathis and Eugene
More likely scenario is he came here because Pike recruited him to SB and the kid trusts and respects the coach.
With regards to your comment on Duke I don’t think Pike promises anything other than opportunity to EARN playing time
Since Coach Pike has come on board I am always full of expectations in the off season.
So far we have done better than I expected.

Our fab frosh will be a year "older"
Eugene's knee will be hopefully healed
Baker will be one year "better"
And we have a heralded PG coming in as a Frosh

I am was hoping for a winning season next year & Yaboah coming is makes it even better.
Hold nothing how about slam dunk every breakaway and nail 3s left and right and shove it down the throats of every team and fan base that ever doubted us and win the dang thing there was no team besides UM that we played this year that we weren’t capable of winning by 10
Hold nothing how about slam dunk every breakaway and nail 3s left and right and shove it down the throats of every team and fan base that ever doubted us and win the dang thing there was no team besides UM that we played this year that we weren’t capable of winning by 10