How do the Syracuse sanctions work


All Conference
Jan 17, 2015
Does the sanction mean that for the next four years SU has three less scholarships than everyone else such that if D1 teams are allowed 13 ships they will have 10 or does it mean that each year SU will have to subtract an additional three ships, The later would be a death penalty but the former is survivable, especially if they recruit one and done kids.
They loose 3 a year for 4 years. So they will be limited to 10 for 4 years.
How do the Syracuse sanctions work?

They don't.
It is a joke.
The NCAA is as corrupt as New Jersey politicians.
If you know the right people,
if you steer money to the right people,
if you play along, will be taken care of.
Jay Bilas said it'll have little effect. The only thing that'll change is the end of the bench. They'll still get the top players and the product on the court won't change much if at all.
Thanks for the responses. I thought that is what it probably meant. I agree that it will only effect the end of the bench. They will be fine . And football has no real sanctions either so the whole thing essentially goes away except for the fact that coach B looses some of his career win totals.
I think Bilas is wrong. it means that they have little room for error for four years. Plus it also might make top players decide to go elsewhere.

Not that it's tthe death penalty. Just that I don't think cuse will simply cruise along with no I'll effects.
If I understand correctly, and I probably don't, basketball scholarships aren't really tracked by the "inital counters" that football is. For example - Football has the 25/year initial counter limit and the 85 total scholarship limit. Basketball is capped at 13 total, but i don't think there is an initial counter limit for any year. so they are simply limited to 10 scholarship players for the next few years and can give out schollies accordingly. Again, i could be wrong, but this is how I understood it.
Originally posted by jup540:
If I understand correctly, and I probably don't, basketball scholarships aren't really tracked by the "inital counters" that football is. For example - Football has the 25/year initial counter limit and the 85 total scholarship limit. Basketball is capped at 13 total, but i don't think there is an initial counter limit for any year. so they are simply limited to 10 scholarship players for the next few years and can give out schollies accordingly. Again, i could be wrong, but this is how I understood it. yearly limited max caps other than 13 total scholarships.

About 8 years ago or so, NCAA canceled the 5/8 rule (max of 5 new players each year, max of 8 over 2 years), which is basically the reason for the transfer explosion in college hoops today (coaches can freely get rid of unwanted players...and most of those players can land somewhere else, since there are now yearly or 2 year max scholarship limits).

This post was edited on 3/7 10:32 AM by Knight_Light
They have their recruits for this year, so the effect will be delayed 1 year. If 3 graduate, they will not be able to replace them, unless they run someone off. Boeheim is getting up in years, so assume he retires next year. Hopkins or whomever replaces him will be struggling somewhat to keep up the standards with fewer schollies. Boeheim will miss 9 ACC games next year as well.
Originally posted by derleider:
I think Bilas is wrong. it means that they have little room for error for four years. Plus it also might make top players decide to go elsewhere.

Not that it's tthe death penalty. Just that I don't think cuse will simply cruise along with no I'll effects.
I agree. Top notch kids have a LOT of options......they will go where they get a scholarship.

I lived in upstate order for Cuse to attract kids to arguably the worst winter climate in the country they had to have a TON of "perqs" IMO

Also keep in mind CUSE was NOT on any sanctions THIS year and they are tanking in BOTH football AND basketball

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