Hysteria, Hysteria

The rate of death will undoubtedly decrease as more testing takes place...period. And the average age of those who die is 80. 80 years old.

the CDC report as of 4pm Wed. . 1) its not totally accurate for the latest few days and 2) based on about 11,000 tests.

take from it what you want people.
Did you leave the house today?

If this thing is as dangerous as you say it is i would assume you would take it serious and self quarantine you an your family until it is over.
As I've said in multiple other threads. I work in large scale epi focused CV drug development. I've led some of the largest infection adjudication committees in modern drug development. I'm still in touch with those spanning Harvard, UofWash, Duke etc... who are also keeping tabs with former CDC heads.

2 weeks ago - they were cautious. On a call with them yesterday, they've calculated the contagiousness of this to be on the extreme upper end of any "regular flu". They cautioned if we keep current thinking itll hit 35-50% of the US population.

No. The mortality rates wont decrease. They will only decrease. Mortality is already under reported because data sets of those that have died have broader MedDRA classifications sometime attributed to their reason for death (such as resp. failure, sepsis, etc..) not the potential real reason.

No one in a leadership position of any of the most prominent medical communities thinks this will trend down or just "blow over".

But yes, I've switched to work from home 100% since 2 weeks ago and will only go out when absolutely necessary.

Cut the crap and spreading disinformation when it is clear you and your ilk have close to 0% grasp of what is really happening out there.
It's important to heed the advice of public health and medical experts because selfish cretins like many of you have no idea what this is about. The idea is to minimize transmission as much as possible so that fewer people get infected, avoid exponential and rapid increase and thereby keeping mass treatment manageable. Would any student athletes likely die from playing, no. Could they transmit to others, and those to still others, and so on, yes and even at a low mortality rate, the absolute #s will rise very fast in the population. Anything to avoid what's happening in China and Italy should be done
My connections to the AMA suggest to me that the mortality rate will decline substantially. Don't say I have 0 grasp. You have an opinion only.
I have multiple degrees and understand research unless the vast majority of people who post on this board.
I’m curious - Did the world stop like this for Polio? What did they do back then? I mean, most people who got that either died or ended up paralyzed, right?

Maybe the answer is that lack of the internet made this type of reaction impossible and It would’ve been the appropriate reaction if it could. Certainly the families of those that fell to Polio probably would feel that way. But on the other hand, the impact of extended mass shut downs on the working poor isn’t going to be something to take lightly either. There isn’t a good answer here.
Faucci has been clear that the mortality rate will decline...period as have many others.
The really funny part is if anyone on the team has coronavirus they have already spread it throughout the team. These eat, sleep, and sh*t together everyday especially now that they have been in a hotel together for the past 3 days.... playing the games adds no additional risk unless they allow fans to play.
As I've said in multiple other threads. I work in large scale epi focused CV drug development. I've led some of the largest infection adjudication committees in modern drug development. I'm still in touch with those spanning Harvard, UofWash, Duke etc... who are also keeping tabs with former CDC heads.

2 weeks ago - they were cautious. On a call with them yesterday, they've calculated the contagiousness of this to be on the extreme upper end of any "regular flu". They cautioned if we keep current thinking itll hit 35-50% of the US population.

No. The mortality rates wont decrease. They will only decrease. Mortality is already under reported because data sets of those that have died have broader MedDRA classifications sometime attributed to their reason for death (such as resp. failure, sepsis, etc..) not the potential real reason.

No one in a leadership position of any of the most prominent medical communities thinks this will trend down or just "blow over".

But yes, I've switched to work from home 100% since 2 weeks ago and will only go out when absolutely necessary.

Cut the crap and spreading disinformation when it is clear you and your ilk have close to 0% grasp of what is really happening out there.

Thanks for the info but JUST TO BE CLEAR
you still leave the house potentially spreading the virus?
My connections to the AMA suggest to me that the mortality rate will decline substantially. Don't say I have 0 grasp. You have an opinion only.
The mortality rate will go down. That doesn't mean this isn't about to get much much worse. Experts predicting 480k US deaths in one model at a 0.5% death rate. Another says 1.5 million.

We didn't test enough early so it is spreading under the radar out of control. The US has only tested 10k people total. It's been handled like a complete disaster. The hospitals will get overloaded and that is when it gets really dangerous.

As a researcher and scientist, you should do more research before doing the general public a disservice by spreading misleading information. What you're doing is wildy irresponsible
Moreover, it is an absolute joke that this tournament was cancelled after having games played yesterday and that teams were on the court warming up. If this is any indication of the thoughtfulness of the B10 leadership, you have to wonder.
What misinformation are you talking about? Big East is playing and they will have no problems.
The mortality rate will go down. That doesn't mean this isn't about to get much much worse. Experts predicting 480k US deaths in one model at a 0.5% death rate. Another says 1.5 million.

We didn't test enough early so it is spreading under the radar out of control. The US has only tested 10k people total. It's been handled like a complete disaster. The hospitals will get overloaded and that is when it gets really dangerous.

As a researcher and scientist, you should do more research before doing the general public a disservice by spreading misleading information. What you're doing is wildy irresponsible
I think telling the public that up to 1.5 million Americans will die is wildly irresponsible.
Faucci has been clear that the mortality rate will decline...period as have many others.

You are so out of it, its not funny. Seriously, stop posting.

Even if the absolute death rate declines (which it will), the issue is what is happening in Italy, where they are literally having to turn people away without any medical care because the hospitals are full. There are a high percentage of those who contract this virus that require ICU/ventilators. So if it spreads quickly in the US, hospitals will max out and many, many people will die of not only CV, but of other issues, simply because no care is available.

That is what we are up against. That is why its not safe to have a bunch of kids spread the disease around to everyone they come into contact with. Its not about stopping it at this point. It is about slowing it down so that people catch it over the next six months, and not all at once, and can receive treatment.
I’m curious - Did the world stop like this for Polio? What did they do back then? I mean, most people who got that either died or ended up paralyzed, right?

Maybe the answer is that lack of the internet made this type of reaction impossible and It would’ve been the appropriate reaction if it could. Certainly the families of those that fell to Polio probably would feel that way. But on the other hand, the impact of extended mass shut downs on the working poor isn’t going to be something to take lightly either. There isn’t a good answer here.

there was no internet back then

growing up as a kid in the 70s there was a lot of hysteria over catching the swine flu
Italy was waaaay behind the curve in reaction. Their connections to China should have been cut a month ago.
You are so out of it, its not funny. Seriously, stop posting.

Even if the absolute death rate declines (which it will), the issue is what is happening in Italy, where they are literally having to turn people away without any medical care because the hospitals are full. There are a high percentage of those who contract this virus that require ICU/ventilators. So if it spreads quickly in the US, hospitals will max out and many, many people will die of not only CV, but of other issues, simply because no care is available.

That is what we are up against. That is why its not safe to have a bunch of kids spread the disease around to everyone they come into contact with. Its not about stopping it at this point. It is about slowing it down so that people catch it over the next six months, and not all at once, and can receive treatment.
Exactly. This fool is not being malicious (I hope) but the nonsense he is spewing is part of the problem
No one under 30 has had problems. There are no people in the stands. It is a complete over reaction.

Lets assume some of these kids playing may have parents and or grandparents. They contract the virus, go home,...
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agree with you, you either shut EVERYTHING down for 3 weeks or you allow life to go on, there is not half assing this and it seems like we are going into half ass mode which never works for everything. As long as people keep going to malls, grocery stores, movie theaters and bars then this stuff is just is an overreaction. If we shouldnt be going to games, we shouldnt be going ANYWHERE really. That is what I said yesterday, the dominoes are falling you have to basically go into lockdown for 3 weeks.
Shutting down "everything" requires the federal govt to mandate it which it hasn't done. Instead, different folks are making different decisions, a totally uncoordinated response. Not the way a public health crisis should be handled.
We should also close all bars, curtail wedding venues, bus and train stations, airports
Churches, movie theaters, concerts, casinos
Costco’s and warehouse stores
Race tracks, suspend all town hall meetings

If we want to be consistent
Look at Italy. What is happening there will soon happen here.
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Shutting down "everything" requires the federal govt to mandate it which it hasn't done. Instead, different folks are making different decisions, a totally uncoordinated response. Not the way a public health crisis should be handled.

agree, but is this country capable of handling a lockdown...i am not so sure
You are so out of it, its not funny. Seriously, stop posting.

Even if the absolute death rate declines (which it will), the issue is what is happening in Italy, where they are literally having to turn people away without any medical care because the hospitals are full. There are a high percentage of those who contract this virus that require ICU/ventilators. So if it spreads quickly in the US, hospitals will max out and many, many people will die of not only CV, but of other issues, simply because no care is available.

That is what we are up against. That is why its not safe to have a bunch of kids spread the disease around to everyone they come into contact with. Its not about stopping it at this point. It is about slowing it down so that people catch it over the next six months, and not all at once, and can receive treatment.
I've heard that their a couple factors in why Italy got hit so hard that don't pertain to us, its not to say we shouldn't take this seriously but we got to stop scaring the crap out of everyone. And God forbid if terrorists are taking notes right now seeing want a virus scare will do to this country mentally, financially or what have you....OR if this virus fizzles (we should all pray to God it does) what happens if the next one is the ONE but no one heeds the calls to prepare or take precautions because we've cried "WOLF" too many times over the years with these viruses.
Wut players are contacting the virus that could be spread to their parents or grandparents. Wut is the number of NCAS BB players that have tested positive = 0.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't be cautious. But I mean, Im still at work and in close contact w many people all day. Many others are too. I completely understand closing conventions and not allowing fans, etc. But is there truly need to cancel all sports games bc the NBA did?
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The mortality rate will go down. That doesn't mean this isn't about to get much much worse. Experts predicting 480k US deaths in one model at a 0.5% death rate. Another says 1.5 million.

We didn't test enough early so it is spreading under the radar out of control. The US has only tested 10k people total. It's been handled like a complete disaster. The hospitals will get overloaded and that is when it gets really dangerous.

As a researcher and scientist, you should do more research before doing the general public a disservice by spreading misleading information. What you're doing is wildy irresponsible

i have heard the 480k number as well. The problem is we have 30 dead in a month. These experts are saying that we are going to see 53k people die every month from now until December 31st 2020. It doesnt work liek that but at some point we are going to see really big numbers.

China has had it since December and they only have 3,169 deaths with 80k+ confirmed cases.

i think a big problem is when "experts" and "jounalists" speak there are no consequences to their words. If 480k people dont die they will just say well we did x, y and z to prevent it. They are like teplon.

How many scientists predicted NYC would be under water by now because of climate change? How many who have said it were fired? NONE all they say is the model was wrong NYC will be under water by 2030....

How many times has the media said that something trump did was going to ruin the country? him getting elected, taxes, russia, tariffs.... All were going to ruin the country, has any media member been fired because they were wrong? No so they keep saying it.

All i know is that these "experts" are now famous alot of them for the first time in their lives...
i have heard the 480k number as well. The problem is we have 30 dead in a month. These experts are saying that we are going to see 53k people die every month from now until December 31st 2020. It doesnt work liek that but at some point we are going to see really big numbers.

China has had it since December and they only have 3,169 deaths with 80k+ confirmed cases.

i think a big problem is when "experts" and "jounalists" speak there are no consequences to their words. If 480k people dont die they will just say well we did x, y and z to prevent it. They are like teplon.

How many times has the media said that something trump did was going to ruin the country? him getting elected, taxes, russia, tariffs.... All were going to ruin the country, has any media member been fired because they were wrong? No so they keep saying it.

All i know is that these "experts" are now famous alot of them for the first time in their lives...
What do pandemic experts have to do with Russian collusion?
agree, but is this country capable of handling a lockdown...i am not so sure
No I don't think it is. IMO (I'm a physician) and in the opinion of most healthcare providers is that the contagiousness of this virus will overwhelm the hospital system resulting in needless deaths that could have been prevented. I hope it doesn't deteriorate to the extent that Italy has/had to triage patients.
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What do pandemic experts have to do with Russian collusion?

I think his point is the media credibility is so bad, that when they report they are skewing certain issues.....I think politics needs to stay out of this but apparently the msm cannot help itself. The media isnt to blame for anything here but the media should concentrate on FACTS and how we can improve the situation going forward rather than concentrate on what we didnt do right the past two weeks...there will be plenty of time for post mortums. We need to figure out the best foot forward now and get everyone united with just facts and the right medical professionals speaking not a Rachel Maddow sounding hysteria alarms..and ditto for Sean Hannity downplaying everything. These are the people you should not be watching
Look at Italy. What is happening there will soon happen here.

That's not true at all.

Also, how come no big countries that border Italy are anywhere near that level of lockdown?

Italy doesn't have the medical infrastructure we have here and they were late to react to china travel ban whereas Trump acted in January in regards to China (and was called a racist by the political left)