If not Schiano, who?

I believe Coach Ash is now officially on the hot seat.

Maybe we need an AD with Major football experience and focus on largest donors on spending money to bringing in a top name coach (instead of buildings) with a Winning tradition.

He’s a dead man walkin
You need a young coach with moxy who has won at at least 2 stops. I prefer a O guy. Give him a 7 year deal and pray
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Rex Ryan
Brian Kelly (could be fired if they miss out on the Top 25)
PJ Fleck
Jim Mora
Rich Rodriguez
Charlie Strong
Ken Niumatalolo
Jeff Monken
Scott Satterfield
Randy Shannon
Greg Schiano
Bill O'Brien (could be fired if they completely fall apart again)
Steve Spagnuolo
If we have to settle for a coach that won’t be hired anywhere else..we are in trouble
Ok I'll allow it.

There's plenty of guys. Might even be Ash. Can't tell for 2 or 3 more years.

Meant to quote the reply to me sorry...
PJ Fleck was the correct hire, but we didn’t make it. Now we have a guy at the helm who specializes in defense, but clearly was propped up by Urban Meyer.

I much prefer a guy from a lower tier conference (MAC, Sunbelt, or USA) with jersey ties who has had a lot of success than a coordinator in a powerhouse. Powerhouse coordinators get covered up by talent so you never truly know who can and can’t coach. We have one who clearly can’t.
Is Bo Pelini that toxic?
Bo Pelini is the coach of Youngstown St, and they managed to lose to Butler University in their opener this year. Youngstown St offers the usual 63 scholarships that FCS teams do. Butler plays in the 6 team FCS conference called the Pioneer League, which is notable because teams in that conference offer ZERO football scholarships.
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Here is a few and most would come in around what we pay Ash.

Lane Kifin, I know he has baggage, but so do we.
Butch Jones - might want to move back to a power conference
Mike Norvell
Charlie Strong
Geoff Collins
Major Applewhite

They all have head coaching experience and would be major upgrade over Ash.
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When we decide to hire a new coach we need a guy that has been a successful offensive coordinator that will instill his offense and keep it that way so we don't have this revolving door or o coordinators and with it a new offense.

I do not want Schiano or any other d coordinator as our head coach. It's a proven failing formula.
So Frank Cignetti?
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Not a big fan of going after Greg Schiano. A little too much Harry High School in him. When he got the NFL job, remember one sequence at the end of the game when the other team was doing the customary take a knee to run out the clock. Schiano had his guys charge in, trying to cause a fumble. Didn't happen, but it was completely unexpected and the other team had some players run over. Earned GS universal condemnation, and he didn't do it again. Kind of epitomized what I didn't like about him, though there was a whole lot to like. He's older now, and doubt he could recruit as well, even though we are now in the B1G.

Lane Kiffen has drawn huge amounts of ink down here. There are still two or three games on the schedule where FAU is the designated opponent (like against Oklahoma), but his Owls whacked everybody else last year. He is a high octane offensive coach. Kind of expected him to be one and done at FAU, and assume he got lots of feelers. But am beginning to think he may think he can build FAU into a national power, especially with UF, Miami and Fla State all seeming to be trending down. He also may have grown up since his younger days. Serving under Saban can do that, especially since Saban was all over him for showing imagination on offense. Miami, Fla or Fla State may be in his future--or he may surprise us and stay in Boca.
Here is a few and most would come in around what we pay Ash.

Lane Kifin, I know he has baggage, but so do we.
Butch Jones - might want to move back to a power conference
Mike Norvell
Charlie Strong
Geoff Collins
Major Applewhite

They all have head coaching experience and would be major upgrade over Ash.
Strong is an intriguing thought.
The problem with Lane Kiffin is that there isn't a single place he has ever been where the fanbase still speaks fondly of him. Everywhere he has gone, they have hated him after he wasn't there anymore. He wanted the Tennessee job back and the big money donors at that school laughed at him and went after Schiano instead. Gigantic red flag.
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The problem with Lane Kiffin is that there isn't a single place he has ever been where the fanbase still speaks fondly of him. Everywhere he has gone, they have hated him after he wasn't there anymore. He wanted the Tennessee job back and the big money donors at that school laughed at him and went after Schiano instead. Gigantic red flag.

Well, you need to hire a coach with HC experience as a minimum, no more assistant coaches. Yea, Kiffin has baggage but guy can recruit and coach.
You need a BIG name coach.

An absolute Rock Star. A guy who can start recruiting Big Time players the day he is hired.

This is 80% recruiting and only 20% Xs and Os.

Rutgers does not have the horses.

Who this BIG name coach is I have no idea.

its not 80/20, look at willie taggert, a great recruiter and a terrible coach, you need more balance in your head coach, find assistants that can recruit
Here is a few and most would come in around what we pay Ash.

Lane Kifin, I know he has baggage, but so do we.
Butch Jones - might want to move back to a power conference
Mike Norvell
Charlie Strong
Geoff Collins
Major Applewhite

They all have head coaching experience and would be major upgrade over Ash.
In order
While intriguing lives on JUCO’s. We get zero
Too old
Could do worse
Hell no. What has he done
there is NO way in a million years,and short of a Flood like scandal that Schiano would have the program in this much of a mess in year three as Ash has.Schaino can recruit and knows how to hire assistants.(maybe not OCs lol)
Ash seems like a nice guy but hes a first time head coach,hiring the wrong assistants at almost every turn,no stud recruiter and now hes in over his head..
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there is NO way in a million years,and short of a Flood like scandal that Schiano would have the program in this much of a mess in year three as Ash has.Schaino can recruit and knows how to hire assistants.(maybe not OCs lol)
Ash seems like a nice guy but hes a first time head coach,hiring the wrong assistants at almost every turn,no stud recruiter and now hes in over his head..
I won't comment on HC because who knows what's going to happen there and I'd like to see how some coaching potentials do this year but I'd say if Kingsbury/Montgomery were to get fired from their perspective positions they'd be good OCs to have for someone. The Leach and Briles trees are ones I'd shake repeatedly for that.
RU will not hire someone with baggage...Not sure if Charlie Strong would take the job..PJ Fleck was the hire when Ash was hired..
Seth Littrell's UNT doing a nice job today at Arkansas winning 37-10, sorry Southern Gentlemen. Game still not over and I'd like to see how his season plays out.

From the Leach tree and has Graham Harrell (another Leach branch and someone I suggested as possible OC) and he's coached in the B10 as OC for Kevin Wilson at IU for a couple years during his career as well. Took over a 1-11 UNT and got them to 9 wins in his 2nd year and 2-0 this year. He seems like another good potential coach to take the step up if he finishes out the year well.
You need a young coach with moxy who has won at at least 2 stops. I prefer a O guy. Give him a 7 year deal and pray
What do you think of Seth Littrell? Only been a HC for 3 years but took over a 1-11 team got to 9 wins in his 2nd year and 2-0 this year. He's coached in the B10 at IU with Wilson. He's done a good job with his offense from Arizona, IU, UNC and now UNT. Get him a good DC and I think he'd have some potential for someone.
What do you think of Seth Littrell? Only been a HC for 3 years but took over a 1-11 team got to 9 wins in his 2nd year and 2-0 this year. He's coached in the B10 at IU with Wilson. He's done a good job with his offense from Arizona, IU, UNC and now UNT. Get him a good DC and I think he'd have some potential for someone.

Jason Candle
Seth Littrell's UNT doing a nice job today at Arkansas winning 37-10, sorry Southern Gentlemen. Game still not over and I'd like to see how his season plays out.

From the Leach tree and has Graham Harrell (another Leach branch and someone I suggested as possible OC) and he's coached in the B10 as OC for Kevin Wilson at IU for a couple years during his career as well. Took over a 1-11 UNT and got them to 9 wins in his 2nd year and 2-0 this year. He seems like another good potential coach to take the step up if he finishes out the year well.
No. Not because he’s not good but he’s gonna be up next at UNC I’d think. Or a Texas school. And while I don’t but the whole you need NJ roots I’m. It sure he’s ever set foot in the state
No. Not because he’s not good but he’s gonna be up next at UNC I’d think. Or a Texas school. And while I don’t but the whole you need NJ roots I’m. It sure he’s ever set foot in the state
I was actually wondering if Satterfield might not be a UNC option as he's practically grown up there in his career. Mind you that depends if Fedora is even on the hotseat, his contract goes out to 2022 and it's at 2.8M per year.

I don't need the NJ roots either and I agree that coaches like him would leave but that would mean they would have to do well here first. If you like NJ roots Mike Elko is the name I like. He did more with less as WF DC, that's what got the attention of Kelly/Fisher and hopefully working with guys like that would open his eyes on how to implement an offense and how to fill those roles.
Jason Candle
He's an okay name but I kind of prefer a fomer teammate of his Alex Grinch. Candle/Grinch/Campbell were all teammates at Mount Union and were pretty successful players there from what I've read.

Nothing wrong with Candle per se but always wonder with guys like that how much is him and how much was left to him (by Campbell in this case). I think he could be good but I also worry about a Butch Jones/Brian Kelly kind of thing or even say Kyle Flood/Schiano kind of thing. until enough time passes and they've proven themselves apart from what was left to them. His name will be out there for sure and he's worthy of a shot though if he has another good season.

I know people like prior experience (even though there's no discernible difference in results) but I like Grinch because he did a nice job building up the WSU defense and he's got a nice bunch of offensive connections to call on. Worked under Kelly at UNH, worked under his uncle Gary Pinkel at Mizzou, worked under Leach, working with Kevin Wilson/Ryan Day at OSU. That's a bunch of good of good offensive connections and trees to pluck from and I like that profile for a defensive coach. He has the potential to fit that Gary Patterson/Bob Stoops mold that is my preference.
He's an okay name but I kind of prefer a fomer teammate of his Alex Grinch. Candle/Grinch/Campbell were all teammates at Mount Union and were pretty successful players there from what I've read.

Nothing wrong with Candle per se but always wonder with guys like that how much is him and how much was left to him (by Campbell in this case). I think he could be good but I also worry about a Butch Jones/Brian Kelly kind of thing or even say Kyle Flood/Schiano kind of thing. until enough time passes and they've proven themselves apart from what was left to them. His name will be out there for sure and he's worthy of a shot though if he has another good season.

I know people like prior experience (even though there's no discernible difference in results) but I like Grinch because he did a nice job building up the WSU defense and he's got a nice bunch of offensive connections to call on. Worked under Kelly at UNH, worked under his uncle Gary Pinkel at Mizzou, worked under Leach, working with Kevin Wilson/Ryan Day at OSU. That's a bunch of good of good offensive connections and trees to pluck from and I like that profile for a defensive coach. He has the potential to fit that Gary Patterson/Bob Stoops mold that is my preference.

Alex Grinch may have a lot of potential but the story sounds a little too familiar

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