IIT-List the Additional Things That Require Investigation

Haha this university finds more ways to waste money on studies then using it for things we really need like upgraded facilities and coaching staffs. Instead they prefer to find new ways of publically embarrassing themselves and athletics in general.
The intermittent sound system that one moment is blowing out your ear drums, the next so soft ya can't hear a damn thing.
Top Ten Things They Need To Investigate:

10) Obviously, they need to investigate what Flood is writing on that note pad (might be editing term papers)

9) They need to investigate the rumor that Laviano's fake ID was actually Flood's license with a picture of the Scarlet Knight glued to it.

8) Crystal Meth is know as "ice". They need to investigate those Rutgers Football Ice Parties

7) They need to investigate if the Rutgers Football Ice Cream Dance Off involved any misogynistic dance movements

6)They need to investigate whether the Scarlet Knight goes commando

5) What happens to the extra 50 cents if the 50/50 raffle raised an odd number of total dollars? This has to be investigated.

4) Black Lot is far from the stadium. They need to investigate if this is racist.

3) No Rainbow Lot? Investigate!

2) Before Politi does a front pager on it, they need to investigate whether Rutgers can sell warm chocolate drinks as "hot chocolate"

1) And finally, they need to investigate what cursed Native American burial grounds the football facilities are built on
Some other things Barchi needs to form committees and hire lawyers to investigate.

1. Why are people allowed to be assaulted with flying Twizzlers in the stadium?

2. Do Dipping dots contain hazardous materials?

3. Since the French hate americans, why was a french company(sodexo) given a contract to serve us crappy food at the stadium?

4. Why does the Rutgers Party Zone only serve watered down beer and no craft beers?

5. Do the ATV Nazis get paid, or is that just 2 guys with fake uniforms busting balls at tailgates just for fun?

6. Are the yellowed jacketed security grandma's at the stadium allowed to break up fights in the stands?

7. Why does Rutgers demand water bottles taken into the stadium have unopened caps, but only sell water bottles with no caps?

8. Can the loud boom of the cannon cause hearing loss?
and let's investigate the flood haters (aka "let's hope RU gets f'ed more people) for why they think their crap doesn't stink
That and anyone who doesn't think Flood is great hates the players, the university, the American way, and should go root for the Cult and waive an ISIS flag, because Flood is a man of integrity, a family man, who can sometimes beat 3 win teams.
The inconsistencies between the tempo and the pause between the "R" and the "U" in the chant. This sounds like there is a lack of institutional control amongst the fanbase.