
Gold Member
May 3, 2016
ok, you can agree, or disagree with my statement. I'm a sixty two yr old former
lover of this game. college , and pro. if any one around my age remembers
the game in the sixties, and seventies ,when men, were men, and the game of
football was not some sort of a social experiment politics,and social
causes would never be associated with the game. I mean like pink October...I get it, lets bring
awareness of breast cancer to the general public.. is that the only cancer that needs awareness
its still a mans game, I think. why not prostate cancer...I have realitves who
died of breast cancer. I get it...I cant watch in October. I try and avoid the
n.f.l in my birth month.....then there's the sacred don't harm the qb.
cant hit him high, cant hit him low.really, this is foot friiggin ball. I'm sure
joe Namath, and johnny U.would have loved, the force field the league
has installed to protect the so called franchise player. again johnny, and joe
would find it quite amusing..and now the famous concussion proticall
me being the heartless bastard I am, have no feeling's for the player.. BULL!
you sign a contract to make millions of bucks to play a violent game
if you want to keep your brains in your head get a job in the real world
you have a college education. sorry for my rant, but, this is .were the game is
headed it will be totally unwatchable in the next decade....I was watching
the MMA by accident, as I was channel flipping. Rhonda rousey was getting
the livin tar knocked out of her, and she wasn't wearing a specially designed
helmet to protect her face, and her brain....what a hypocritical world we
live in. there doesn't seem to be any outrage over this. noooo, just the
great all American game of football...mmm..ill go put on my tinfoil hat
but, to me this seems deliberate....stay tuned (sorry I'm a Belleville high graduate
punctuation, and spelling is not what it should be.... I skipped school the
day this was being taught in English class to attend a peace rally
in the football stadium)
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No mention of any dislike for fantasy football, female reporters in the locker room, video replay, or limited contact in certain practices so I am fine with your rant[roll]

Btw is Bellville the town where they annualy celebrate a Single High school dual match wrestling win from the 70's...this is making more sense now.

My favorite name from the Belville team was "Vin Mustacchio". I get where you are coming from and understand.
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Your Rhonda Rousey example doesn't really apply. She's fought, professionally, 14 times in six years. Yes, the physical violence is intense, but how much contact has she actually endured over the course of those 14 fights? An hour's worth? At most, I'd bet.

The rules and accoutrement of football are intended to protect the athlete over the course of 16 - 20 games a year, for a decade or more. There is a significant difference in the amount of contact, over time, between Rhonda Rousey and the average NFL player. And that's without giving any consideration to pre-professional careers.

I'll grant you that some of the rules seem, at times, overwrought. But the game has done very real damage to players over the course of their careers.
Your Rhonda Rousey example doesn't really apply. She's fought, professionally, 14 times in six years. Yes, the physical violence is intense, but how much contact has she actually endured over the course of those 14 fights? An hour's worth? At most, I'd bet.

The rules and accoutrement of football are intended to protect the athlete over the course of 16 - 20 games a year, for a decade or more. There is a significant difference in the amount of contact, over time, between Rhonda Rousey and the average NFL player. And that's without giving any consideration to pre-professional careers.

I'll grant you that some of the rules seem, at times, overwrought. But the game has done very real damage to players over the course of their careers.
And she is only getting hit by another girl.
Not like JJ Watt or Clay Mathews is smacking her around. ;)
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Rousey is getting pummeled by a 120 lb woman not a 250 lb linebacker. And she is supposed to be defending herself. Most of the time the QB doesn't see it coming. He' s looking downfield.
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I am in your same age. My big thing is the general disrespect there is in sports and for that fact in general. Trash talking was basically calling someone out for physical confrontation. Any general disrespect to someone was keep private. People did not feel that they were entitled to have free benefits sponsored by the government. You were expected to work and pay your way. I live in VA and to graduate high school with an Advance Diplomia you have to have 4 years of English, Math, Science, and History. I was class of 74, this was a high school diplomia. Times changed and those values or no longer acceptable. Was that time period perfect no, but you have to except that change will always happen, both for the good and bad.

I am starting a new business and I can not till you how difficult it is to find someone to make change. When I purchase something for $1.28 and give them $5.03, 3 of the 4 are lost. Show up 15 minutes late everyday and this is considered on time. It is just a different world and you have to release it. The end result is you have to find a way to work within this time. I dumped my new company idea and moved to a software solution for billing and decided to work with disabled veterans to set-up their own business. Software figures the cost and change. Setting up Vets in their own business helps them from being depended on anyone and they are always 15 minus early.
I just wish they could bring back some of the physicality to the sport, specifically on the Line of Scrimmage. I guess after all the concussions, broken bones and lawsuits the league had no choice but to throttle down the hits and more importantly ban steroids. Just look at some of the D-Lineman during the 90's, you would think soccer players were lining up today.
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OP - I'm in your corner. But, unfortunately money rules, which means the various leagues will say that they are concerned about the health of the player(Bull=hit). The truth is that they are limiting their own liability, by instilling self serving rules. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's anything different. If you ever want to understand why a certain new rule is forced upon any athletic team or organization, follow the money(or lack of it). Who will lose the most, and why. Always about the $$$$$$$$$
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The main thing I don't like is the inability to touch the receivers. The rules on targeting, concussion protocol etc I am ok with. To me it's a good approach to instill practical rules to attempt to avoid senseless and potentially debilitating injuries.
Seriously man? You call yourself an NFL fan, and I am sure you are, but you avoid watching the NFL in October because they are visibly promoting breast cancer awareness?
ok, you can agree, or disagree with my statement. I'm a sixty two yr old former
lover of this game. college , and pro. if any one around my age remembers
the game in the sixties, and seventies ,when men, were men, and the game of
football was not some sort of a social experiment politics,and social
causes would never be associated with the game. I mean like pink October...I get it, lets bring
awareness of breast cancer to the general public.. is that the only cancer that needs awareness
its still a mans game, I think. why not prostate cancer...I have realitves who
died of breast cancer. I get it...I cant watch in October. I try and avoid the
n.f.l in my birth month.....then there's the sacred don't harm the qb.
cant hit him high, cant hit him low.really, this is foot friiggin ball. I'm sure
joe Namath, and johnny U.would have loved, the force field the league
has installed to protect the so called franchise player. again johnny, and joe
would find it quite amusing..and now the famous concussion proticall
me being the heartless bastard I am, have no feeling's for the player.. BULL!
you sign a contract to make millions of bucks to play a violent game
if you want to keep your brains in your head get a job in the real world
you have a college education. sorry for my rant, but, this is .were the game is
headed it will be totally unwatchable in the next decade....I was watching
the MMA by accident, as I was channel flipping. Rhonda rousey was getting
the livin tar knocked out of her, and she wasn't wearing a specially designed
helmet to protect her face, and her brain....what a hypocritical world we
live in. there doesn't seem to be any outrage over this. noooo, just the
great all American game of football...mmm..ill go put on my tinfoil hat
but, to me this seems deliberate....stay tuned (sorry I'm a Belleville high graduate
punctuation, and spelling is not what it should be.... I skipped school the
day this was being taught in English class to attend a peace rally
in the football stadium)
I'm sure that anyone who really played football and retired to crippling arthritis, chronic migraines, severely limited function and depression to the point of suicide would happily take you behind the gym and straighten your @$$ out.
ok, you can agree, or disagree with my statement. I'm a sixty two yr old former
lover of this game. college , and pro. if any one around my age remembers
the game in the sixties, and seventies ,when men, were men, and the game of
football was not some sort of a social experiment politics,and social
causes would never be associated with the game. I mean like pink October...I get it, lets bring
awareness of breast cancer to the general public.. is that the only cancer that needs awareness
its still a mans game, I think. why not prostate cancer...I have realitves who
died of breast cancer. I get it...I cant watch in October. I try and avoid the
n.f.l in my birth month.....then there's the sacred don't harm the qb.
cant hit him high, cant hit him low.really, this is foot friiggin ball. I'm sure
joe Namath, and johnny U.would have loved, the force field the league
has installed to protect the so called franchise player. again johnny, and joe
would find it quite amusing..and now the famous concussion proticall
me being the heartless bastard I am, have no feeling's for the player.. BULL!
you sign a contract to make millions of bucks to play a violent game
if you want to keep your brains in your head get a job in the real world
you have a college education. sorry for my rant, but, this is .were the game is
headed it will be totally unwatchable in the next decade....I was watching
the MMA by accident, as I was channel flipping. Rhonda rousey was getting
the livin tar knocked out of her, and she wasn't wearing a specially designed
helmet to protect her face, and her brain....what a hypocritical world we
live in. there doesn't seem to be any outrage over this. noooo, just the
great all American game of football...mmm..ill go put on my tinfoil hat
but, to me this seems deliberate....stay tuned (sorry I'm a Belleville high graduate
punctuation, and spelling is not what it should be.... I skipped school the
day this was being taught in English class to attend a peace rally
in the football stadium)

Sorry won't read this pos! There is something to be said about paragraphs.
In summary the OP doesn't appreciate that a business is being run as a business. In particular he doesn't care for the fact that the business owners and the union workers unanimously agree that they should limit the kind of hits that the OP never had to endure, otherwise if he did, at this advanced age he wouldn't have the language and motor function to express such beliefs from behind his keyboard.

Femininity has nothing to do with it.
I am in your same age. My big thing is the general disrespect there is in sports and for that fact in general. Trash talking was basically calling someone out for physical confrontation. Any general disrespect to someone was keep private. People did not feel that they were entitled to have free benefits sponsored by the government. You were expected to work and pay your way. I live in VA and to graduate high school with an Advance Diplomia you have to have 4 years of English, Math, Science, and History. I was class of 74, this was a high school diplomia. Times changed and those values or no longer acceptable. Was that time period perfect no, but you have to except that change will always happen, both for the good and bad.

I am starting a new business and I can not till you how difficult it is to find someone to make change. When I purchase something for $1.28 and give them $5.03, 3 of the 4 are lost. Show up 15 minutes late everyday and this is considered on time. It is just a different world and you have to release it. The end result is you have to find a way to work within this time. I dumped my new company idea and moved to a software solution for billing and decided to work with disabled veterans to set-up their own business. Software figures the cost and change. Setting up Vets in their own business helps them from being depended on anyone and they are always 15 minus early.

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ok, you can agree, or disagree with my statement. I'm a sixty two yr old former
lover of this game. college , and pro. if any one around my age remembers
the game in the sixties, and seventies ,when men, were men, and the game of
football was not some sort of a social experiment politics,and social
causes would never be associated with the game. I mean like pink October...I get it, lets bring
awareness of breast cancer to the general public.. is that the only cancer that needs awareness
its still a mans game, I think. why not prostate cancer...I have realitves who
died of breast cancer. I get it...I cant watch in October. I try and avoid the
n.f.l in my birth month.....then there's the sacred don't harm the qb.
cant hit him high, cant hit him low.really, this is foot friiggin ball. I'm sure
joe Namath, and johnny U.would have loved, the force field the league
has installed to protect the so called franchise player. again johnny, and joe
would find it quite amusing..and now the famous concussion proticall
me being the heartless bastard I am, have no feeling's for the player.. BULL!
you sign a contract to make millions of bucks to play a violent game
if you want to keep your brains in your head get a job in the real world
you have a college education. sorry for my rant, but, this is .were the game is
headed it will be totally unwatchable in the next decade....I was watching
the MMA by accident, as I was channel flipping. Rhonda rousey was getting
the livin tar knocked out of her, and she wasn't wearing a specially designed
helmet to protect her face, and her brain....what a hypocritical world we
live in. there doesn't seem to be any outrage over this. noooo, just the
great all American game of football...mmm..ill go put on my tinfoil hat
but, to me this seems deliberate....stay tuned (sorry I'm a Belleville high graduate
punctuation, and spelling is not what it should be.... I skipped school the
day this was being taught in English class to attend a peace rally
in the football stadium)
Yes, avatar pic is a knock out !! Is she some sort of super cougar ? Or is that your daughter, either way let's go out for a cream soda and I'll give her my varsity letter jacket
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FWIW, if Namath had the chance to do it over again he has said he would not play football.

Shortly before Johnny Unitas's death, Sports Illustrated did a profile on him. He literally could not hold a football. Mental damage is not the only threat from football. Earl Campbell, the great running back, said he retired because "I want to be able to play with my kids."
Not absolving the NFL of anything but it was their choice to play.
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Not absolving the NFL of anything but it was their choice to play.

They played for pretty much the same reason coal miners went down into dangerous mines...... because it was their best ,and fastest way to make good money and support their families. In the 60s and before the NFL players took off season jobs because their NFL pay stunk.

If it was up to the auto manufactorers , seat belts and air bags would still be an option .
Have got to figure out how to reduce the effects of hits to the head. No two ways about this. OP is just silly.
I think everyone is missing the most important part of the OP's thread- how hot the chick in the avatar is... we need answers

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