Ray Ray don't do exams was a real thing his last semester. More than one friend of mine, in classes with Ray, confirmed the quote. He was handed an exam, get up from his seat, handed it back, made the statement and walked out.
On to the meat of this thread.
1. In reading the OP's post and subsequent follow-ups there appears to be a level of rooting for the hammer to fall on HCKF. With all that is at stake in year 2, 12 days before kick-off, that seems bizarre.
2. As one of only a handful of people on this board who has ever issued a grade at RU, profs/instructors get similar requests every semester. Now, should the request come from the student himself? Yeah, probably. But, not every student has this much at stake. But in 2 semesters of grading at RU and 1 at Duke, I've gotten requests for extra credit for kids trying to keep academic scholarships, to swimming scholarships (Duke) to needing a "C" to not get kicked out of school and subsequently their house. lol. It happens.
3. The "T" grade is a real thing at RU. So, is "INC." We issue them all the time. I've issued them interchangeable. Too lazy to look up the difference, but I *think* it has to do with time to completion. INC generally gives you a calendar year to complete. T probably turns to "F" if not addressed sooner than that.
4. I think the inference of "wink wink...if you think HCKF wasn't implying that the Prof. give Nadir an A- you're nuts" is pretty outrageous. I don't think HCKF is going to be confused with Bill Walsh anytime soon, but he's not a cheater and he's not into cutting corners. The academic standards Greg built are in good hands. I believe that without hesitation.
5. I'm not in the, what is it this week...blue sky crowd? by any stretch. But wanting HCKF to have to deal with a "scandal" at this stage of camp is pretty twisted shit territory.
Carry on...