Investigation (changed title)

RU57's whole hysteria driven position is based off of nothing more than is agenda. He has been a Flood hater, and is trying to prop this up as a reason to get rid of him.

He should be banned. Have some respect for the board, Mods.

Wow. Seriously, the agendas come out upon one blink of an issue. There are some certifiably insane people on this board. Everyone relax. No one is
getting fired much to the dismay of some of you. And Flood sending an email to a professor does not make him the world's worst football coach either. I know it will be tough to convince some of you otherwise but try to stay with us here....
If you read my posts, I actually stated that he shouldn't be fired.
You're just as bad over here as you are on CE.

Taking the polar opposite of your stupid, uneducated, idiotic logic puts me at the opposite end of the spectrum of you, than all I can say to the above is thank you.

Mods, ban this loser.
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That's the smartest post you have made in this thread. Congrats.

Mods, ban this moron. He is the same loser arguing Hillary Clinton didn't do anything wrong.
Barnwell had all summer to do the extra work to raise his grade and apparently didn't do enough, which is why he is in limbo and possibly ineligible. If Barnwell was already given the chance to raise his grade and wasn't succesful then Flood emails the professor and asks, 'is there anything more he can do?' Well, Flood just might have a problem.
That's the smartest post you have made in this thread. Congrats.

Mods, ban this moron. He is the same loser arguing Hillary Clinton didn't do anything wrong.

What? I never argued that at all. I hate Hillary.
And now you keep repeating yourself. Take a deep breath.
as an outside observer, I agree with those who feel this is probably overblown. The reason I say that is that Flood would have to be a special type of moron to put any request IN WRITING to a professor of a student who is on the borderline of being academically ineligible. It all comes down to the actual content of the email. If it comes down to an email that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest he was inquiring or hinting of special treatment, then he should be reprimanded for pure stupidity.

This is the one time when Chris Carter's fall guy scenario actually would be appropriate. Why is Flood even emailing the professor. Send a grad assistant up there to find out. NEVER put it in writing.
RU57's whole hysteria driven position is based off of nothing more than is agenda. He has been a Flood hater, and is trying to prop this up as a reason to get rid of him.

He should be banned. Have some respect for the board, Mods.
The Sunshine Mafia

feels 57 doesn't deserve to be banned ( wink wink ) , but needs to join them
and sing this song :
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as an outside observer, I agree with those who feel this is probably overblown. The reason I say that is that Flood would have to be a special type of moron to put any request IN WRITING to a professor of a student who is on the borderline of being academically ineligible. It all comes down to the actual content of the email. If it comes down to an email that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest he was inquiring or hinting of special treatment, then he should be reprimanded for pure stupidity.

This is the one time when Chris Carter's fall guy scenario actually would be appropriate. Why is Flood even emailing the professor. Send a grad assistant up there to find out. NEVER put it in writing.
According to some on this board, Flood having a fall guy would make him a neanderthal...or maybe it wouldn't apply to him for some reason.
So it looks like we can declare a winner on the most hyperbolic nonsense to ever come from an avatar wearing "RU 5,7,8".

I really thought it was going to go a different way, but Ron Jeremy came on superhumanly strong around the last corner. Ban or no ban, he has solidified his place in SN lore.
Look this won't be over for a long time. You have to realize the NSL and are going through RU's Faculty directory trying to find other Profs.

I really like Flood but this was sooooo dumb.
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It's the implication though. I don't know what kind of attorney you are (was it tax or real estate?), but you know if you have a crime committed, circumstantial evidence can be huge, even if no wrong doing actually happened.

You would need enough circumstantial evidence to remove any reasonable doubt. Flood stating "is there anything that can be done" means squat without further supporting evidence. In and of itself this statement can be interpreted to have widely different meanings. For you to create a thread like this and continue to perpetuate the hysteria in non-stop shock type posts tells the reader much more about your apparent defect than the supposed Flood email tells us about his integrity.
This entire thing is a set up. Someone is trying to get Flood fired so the athletic department can hire another PSU grad.
We'll see if it ends up being nothing. If it's as bad as some innuendo is implying, then he needs to go. Otherwise, slap on the wrist is fine.
Ray Ray don't do exams was a real thing his last semester. More than one friend of mine, in classes with Ray, confirmed the quote. He was handed an exam, get up from his seat, handed it back, made the statement and walked out.

On to the meat of this thread.

1. In reading the OP's post and subsequent follow-ups there appears to be a level of rooting for the hammer to fall on HCKF. With all that is at stake in year 2, 12 days before kick-off, that seems bizarre.

2. As one of only a handful of people on this board who has ever issued a grade at RU, profs/instructors get similar requests every semester. Now, should the request come from the student himself? Yeah, probably. But, not every student has this much at stake. But in 2 semesters of grading at RU and 1 at Duke, I've gotten requests for extra credit for kids trying to keep academic scholarships, to swimming scholarships (Duke) to needing a "C" to not get kicked out of school and subsequently their house. lol. It happens.

3. The "T" grade is a real thing at RU. So, is "INC." We issue them all the time. I've issued them interchangeable. Too lazy to look up the difference, but I *think* it has to do with time to completion. INC generally gives you a calendar year to complete. T probably turns to "F" if not addressed sooner than that.

4. I think the inference of "wink wink...if you think HCKF wasn't implying that the Prof. give Nadir an A- you're nuts" is pretty outrageous. I don't think HCKF is going to be confused with Bill Walsh anytime soon, but he's not a cheater and he's not into cutting corners. The academic standards Greg built are in good hands. I believe that without hesitation.

5. I'm not in the, what is it this sky crowd? by any stretch. But wanting HCKF to have to deal with a "scandal" at this stage of camp is pretty twisted shit territory.

Carry on...
It's the implication though. I don't know what kind of attorney you are (was it tax or real estate?), but you know if you have a crime committed, circumstantial evidence can be huge, even if no wrong doing actually happened.

'If a crime was committed, circumstantial evidence is huge, even if there was no wrongdoing.' The infamous crime without wrongdoing. In short - I have no idea what this means. You are so far off the reservation legally, its difficult to comprehend. Good memory though.. I am a tax guy.

To repeat myself, again: If the email said what Flood said it did, there is no implication unless there are additional facts. (i.e. he was seen handing the professor a bag of $$) If there is only an email, there is only speculation about whether the words meaning something other than what Flood wrote.

As far as whatever the hell you wrote above means... Speculation and innuendo are not circumstantial evidence. The email is direct evidence. Its contents will tell us whether or not there has been a violation. There is no dispute as of yet that Flood sent the email, and that it was intended to reach the professor. There is no need for any circumstantial evidence. If the email amounts to Flood asking the professor to provide special benefits, a violation has occurred. If he did not ask for that, no violation has occurred.
If this ends up being a whole lot of nothing, I hope RU fans are asking themselves who was leaking info to trying to get Flood fired. Maybe the boosters who were picking up the tab for the doubled buyout in his new contract?? Regardless of what comes of this, RU has a mole that is attempting to undercut Flood.
However this ends up, this can't help but affect the team adversely not only because it is a distraction but because the distraction involves the leader of this group. This reminds me of the week before the loss to a horrible Cinncy team in '92- we were paying well and in bowl contention and they were terrible - among other things, they started at center (the position arguably requiring the most experience) a lightly recruited true freshman.

Well, as many will recall, I believe that the week before that game was when our assistant coach (h may even have been associate head coach) was arrested for selling drugs. This isn't a crime like that of course, but is worse from a distraction perspective because it involves the leader - Not good. These guys need to focus on football (and then class) and now they have this 10,000 gorilla in the room. Ugh.
How does Barnwell not get straight A's knowing that he could be academically ineligible?!
My issue doesn't rest with Sargeant reporting it, but rather the fact that the very first sentence of the article speculates that Flood could be fired. Assuming that's a highly improbable outcome, it's misleading the reader to open with that.
This seems like an overblown situation. That being said, Flood has to be smarter going forward. This is Rutgers and New Jersey, not Ohio State or Alabama. The state is not behind the university and its leading paper would like nothing more than a scandal with which to bash the university. This is just another totally avoidable scenario that gives unnecessary ammo to all the Rutgers football haters out there, some of whom are faculty members.

He should have called in the football academic liaison (or whatever title that person has) to his office and said: "Can you please find out Barnwell's academic status. The season begins in two weeks and we need to know if he will be eligible or not so we can plan accordingly. Thank you."
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My issue doesn't rest with Sargeant reporting it, but rather the fact that the very first sentence of the article speculates that Flood could be fired. Assuming that's a highly improbable outcome, it's misleading the reader to open with that.
Fair criticism.
I don't understand what is taking so long for them to find out if he is eligible or not? Don't professors have a deadline as to when they have to release the grades?
Which is just sad. Huge season, huge opportunity for him, and he didn't seem to give it much effort or else Flood wouldn't even be in this position.
Yes. Its sad. There are alot of people who for whatever reason arent equipped to be successful even when given a golden oppurtunity like a scholarship to a very good school. Hes not the first and wont be the last guy to blow his chances like this.
Could it be that all he did was to expedite the grade so the kid isn't left hanging?

Summer semester ended on August 12th. Believe every other RU student knows their grades by now and probably did a week or so ago.

Maybe Nadir's grades are still unsatisfactory and maybe Flood was asking for a "T" grade (as he noted in his press conf he had done in the past) so extra work can make up for a poor grade?
Summer semester ended on August 12th. Believe every other RU student knows their grades by now and probably did a week or so ago.

Maybe Nadir's grades are still unsatisfactory and maybe Flood was asking for a "T" grade (as he noted in his press conf he had done in the past) so extra work can make up for a poor grade?
I agree with this scenario, Barnwell probably didn't make the grade. I don't think Flood was asking for a T grade, (by the way if he did that would be very bad). I think he meant just what he asked, 'is there anything more he can do,'.... (to pass your class and become eligible). Like I said, if this is what happened then either way Flood may have a problem.