Here's our offense ...

1st and 10 - Incomplete screen pass
2nd and 10 - Off-tackle run for 2 yards
3rd and 8 - Overthrow the WR by 15 yards
4th and 8 - Good punt for 50 yards

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
If I was the coach and saw a player do that hand waving gesture after and incompletion down 27 nothing I would sit them immediately
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I would ask who the third string QB is but I don't think Tom Brady could help this offense.
Been trying to bite my tongue. Unless he’s hurt, Carter earned the right to start the 3rd. He was getting poor pass protection to begin with. Sitkowski comes in and does what he does. So going into week 3 we have a QB controversy. Deflating.

I think we have a staff that is lost and has no answers and very little talent on offense. Nothing personal but it’s time for a reset.

Putting my emotions towards our tailgate.
Who the f*ck is he throwing to? THese have to be the two most inaccurate QB's I have ever seen in a single game.

Its a total re-run of last year. The slow burn. The team is not that bad....frankly, I think they are a lot better than people think top to bottom. But we get nothing out of the QB position.
It’s long overdue to burn this program to the ground and start over with a new coach...what’s the definition of insanity again??????
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Been trying to bite my tongue. Unless he’s hurt, Carter earned the right to start the 3rd. He was getting poor pass protection to begin with. Sitkowski comes in and does what he does. So going into week 3 we have a QB controversy. Deflating.

I think we have a staff that is lost and has no answers and very little talent on offense. Nothing personal but it’s time for a reset.

Putting my emotions towards our tailgate.
To me there is zero controversy. Sitkowski continues to prove why he is not the answer. Most of his passes aren’t within 10 yards of a player
Art is absolutely shell shocked.

Doesn't want to stand in the pocket anymore and just looking to get rid of the ball ASAP.
To me there is zero controversy. Sitkowski continues to prove why he is not the answer. Most of his passes aren’t within 10 yards of a player
Carter missed 4 wide open passes that would have resulted in first down while the game was still in doubt. Let's not forget that.
A CEO of a company would have asked to leave after last season, gotta start thinking of it like a business
Defense and special teams. Game balls.

I actually think our special teams has played bad
Our Punter awesome
Our kick return team is scary (Have we ran any ball past the 20 yd line)
Our Punt Return team is scary (We have not tried to block the kick and our returner has zero time)

If it wasn't for punter, i would rate our ST as 1 out of 5
Awful tackling today also, however, they have been on the field 3/4 of the game
Carter missed 4 wide open passes that would have resulted in first down while the game was still in doubt. Let's not forget that.
I’ll still take him over Sit every day of the week. He is still a better option. Art is awful. Carter showed more last week then Sit ever has even if the team stunk.

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