The problem is two fold.
A) If the concussion happened on the charge he took on Mathis, it was less than 3 minutes into the game. And Powell played another 10+ minutes in the 1st's highly doubtful that any symptoms occurred immediately right there, because he played most of the rest of the 1st half after that.
B) If the 1st hit was it and then it was compounded by a potential 2nd hit (ran into his own player on a screen is what I read), then it's possible that the 2nd one was the one that sent him out of the game and that he was fine up until that point and that the 1st charge taken was not when the concussion symptoms were apparent to the SHU coaches and bench.
The issue is the majority of the people are stating the concussion occurred on the charge taken 3 minutes into the game and he played afterwards. By stating that's when it occurred places SHU in a bad spot.
1) They didn't recognize it, when it happened, which I don't think anyone at the time had any idea something was wrong.....That I don't think makes too much sense to me, but it is possible.
2) It happened later in the 1st half, on a play we are not focusing on, and we are only focusing on the 1st charge taken on Mathis........This is what is most likely to have occurred, based on the flow of the game and Powell playing up until the last 4 minutes of the 1st half.
I didn't rewatch the tape of the game to confirm or look for when the 2nd bump occurred. The 10+ minutes Powell played didn't appear by a casual watcher of basketball, to be out of the ordinary and I didn't sit in the RAC thinking at any point there was a Powell injury. I think that is where the doubt comes in, by stating it happened in the 1st 3 minutes, SHU is 100% wrong on 1 of the 2 items.....
A) they completely missed it when it 1st happened, which is probably a bigger issue of them all., because there were timeouts every 4 minutes or so, in a huddle with coaches, trainers and players around each other.........OR, B) they should not have hitched their wagons to communicating that it happened in the 1st 3 minutes on the Mathis charge taken and essentially telling the world they missed it.
Instead they should have just stated or likely did a better job of identifying when it happened....I think the easiest way to do it, was to focus on the charge taken, because it was a body collision etc.....if you take that approach and choose to ignore all of the minutes Powell played after the charge was taken, then I'm not sure how anyone can walk that line as to that being the point of when it happened....
No one wants to see anyone get injured and I can safely say, every fan wants Powell to make a fast and quick recovery and to not miss much time......but because it's not the typical clearly visible basketball injury of a rolled ankle/knee or flagrant foul where the player immediately leaves the game, doesn't mean it wasn't a concussion. The premise was WHEN did the symptoms impact Powell not that he didn't have a concussion, no one can know or argue he didn't have is doubtful that the effects were immediate based on the charge taken, which is why someone logically would be somewhat skeptical about it occurring right then and there on the charge.