Is This Team As Good as ‘98-‘99?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 15, 2007
Question for long time fans. I’ve started following RU hoops again from afar since Pike came on board but am nowhere near the college hoops fan I was growing up and going to RU games in the late 90’s. The sport is completely different now and IMO not for the better.

I know the 2004 team lost the NIT final (I was there at MSG for that one) but I still think 1999 is the closest we came to the tourney before choking away those last 5 games down the stretch. So my question for those in the know. For my point of reference, can we expect this 19-20 team to be about the same as that 99 Bannon squad? Or are we still a year away? Thanks.
For overall depth, size and athleticism this team is better, imo. It remains to be seen if we win as many games, but if we do, then I’d have to say this team is just better. Next year we have to be a dancing team, if we replace Shaq and Kwasi with near equivalent talent.
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People forget how good Rob Hodgson and Rashod Kent were in the front court and Jeff Greer could bury the 3-ball with consistency. (This current squad needs a Jeff Greer type desperately). That team just wasn’t deep at all other than Salvi and Earl Johnsin and Billet wasn’t exactly breaking down defenses off off the dribble. Dahntay Jones was a premier recruit who’d go on to transfer to Duke and play in the league but he was VERY raw as a frosh. No different than Mathis.
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That team also did things to win and keep us in games that you wouldn’t see in highlights like make free throws. Billet and Hodgson especially.
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To answer the question

This team potentially has a legit chance to dance and therefore be better than the 98-99 team.

Until it does’s conjecture

The 98-99 team wasn’t deep
Enough and that cost the team down the stretch when 17-7 turned into 18-12. Grant it, three of those 5 losses were top teams that got 1,2, and 3 seeds...but it came up short in games against the hall and georgetowb ...both in the end game.

We lost Dabney early in the year and then lost Kent late and that cost us close games inside against Miami and St. John’s (a game we led mid way through the second half)

This team is potentially far more athletic (and that says a lot, Bessie dahnthay, Greer, Kent, and salvi were pretty athletic).

If geo baker and RHJ develops the leadership that Geoff and rob did ...I think this team dances
Big 10 conference play is very difficult but for you to say stink is ludicrous. This team has a real chance to go to post season. Harper Jr. is potentially an NBA draft pick. I’ve been watching since 1989. This team is extremely talented!

I hope you’re right . I have been burned by rutgers hoops many times. So I just assume they will stink until they don’t
I hope you’re right . I have been burned by rutgers hoops many times. So I just assume they will stink until they don’t

I realize it’s a bit of semantics, as the word “stink” has different meanings in different contexts, but if we go 9-2 OOC and 9-11 in league, that’s 18-13 before the B1G tournament.

Not an NCAA tournament team, mind you, but certainly an above average NIT team. And I think it would show solid progress year over year.

Such a team would not “stink” by most people’s measurements even though it was below .500 in league.
I realize it’s a bit of semantics, as the word “stink” has different meanings in different contexts, but if we go 9-2 OOC and 9-11 in league, that’s 18-13 before the B1G tournament.

Not an NCAA tournament team, mind you, but certainly an above average NIT team. And I think it would show solid progress year over year.

Such a team would not “stink” by most people’s measurements even though it was below .500 in league.

Ok I will take 18-13 and 9-11.
That team also did things to win and keep us in games that you wouldn’t see in highlights like make free throws. Billet and Hodgson especially.

I miss the days of automatic Hodgson at the line. Abysmal FT shooting never sits well with me, and it doesn’t sound like things will be much better this year.
I think this year’s team will be the last one SOME will sleep on until they’re bitch slapped. This will be an easy team to root for!
People forget how good Rob Hodgson and Rashod Kent were in the front court and Jeff Greer could bury the 3-ball with consistency. (This current squad needs a Jeff Greer type desperately). That team just wasn’t deep at all other than Salvi and Earl Johnsin and Billet wasn’t exactly breaking down defenses off off the dribble. Dahntay Jones was a premier recruit who’d go on to transfer to Duke and play in the league but he was VERY raw as a frosh. No different than Mathis.

Rashod Kent is one of my all-time favorites: A glue guy...a nearly immovable force in the paint...truly, a mountain masquerading as a man. And yet, statistically, I think Myles can have as good or better a career @ RU. The future is bright.
Rashod Kent is one of my all-time favorites: A glue guy...a nearly immovable force in the paint...truly, a mountain masquerading as a man. And yet, statistically, I think Myles can have as good or better a career @ RU. The future is bright.

Loved Kent - the FTs not so much. :)
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People forget how good Rob Hodgson and Rashod Kent were in the front court and Jeff Greer could bury the 3-ball with consistency. (This current squad needs a Jeff Greer type desperately). That team just wasn’t deep at all other than Salvi and Earl Johnsin and Billet wasn’t exactly breaking down defenses off off the dribble. Dahntay Jones was a premier recruit who’d go on to transfer to Duke and play in the league but he was VERY raw as a frosh. No different than Mathis.
Jeff Greer did not shoot the three ball all that well that year – – about 32%. It was Billet and Hodgson who were consistent that year and each shot around 41% from three.
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This is a flawed comparison to begin with. You would have to look at where the 97/98 team finished (14-15, 6-12 in the BE) and what the roster looked like BEFORE the start of the 98/99 season.

You can’t compare the OUTCOME of the 98/99 season to where we are now before the start of the 2019/20 season.
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98-99 was better and lets start with the fact that they had leadership.....the current team does not have the proven leadership yet..they will just not yet

Billet was the key. His buzzer beater to beat Georgetown in the BE tourney the year before set the stage for the following season.
Regardless of opinion, the fact we need to go back 20 years to find a comparable team tells you just how amazing a job Pikiell has done here.

To be fair, some may say the Douby teams of 2004 and 2006 were better than 99. You could make that argument as he was a premier scorer.

IMO what Pike has going is this is the best I’ve seen us consistently play defense in my 20+ years of watching RU basketball. His philosophy is pretty evident just from watching a handful of games. This is late 80’s UCONN.
Clearly, this is the most talented and deepest team we have had since 98-99. There are 5 legitimate 3 point shooters, in Geo, Yeboah, Ron , Caleb and Jacob. When I say legitimate I am talking guys that should shoot between 33-39% . I excluded Kiss because of his inconsistency. All five of the above plus Paul can grab a rebound and bring it up, to go coast to coast or dish to a wing. Montez and Carter are 2 guys that can really take a huge step up both offensively and defensively . Myles likely will be a monster like his tweeter handle namesake. I really feel that Caleb , who is so versatile, will do so much for us that Ron and Geo will not have the pressure on them to take over every game. Yeboah will be our best % 3 point shooter but I think he is a really good all around player, that can rebound , play defense, run the break and pass the ball. If Jacob Young can play defense as the reports indicate, which will be crucial in guarding Simpson and Winston , who absolutely killed us in pick and roll last year , we have a decent chance to finish in top half of the Big 10. Lots of teams lost all league players and although their recruiting suggests the new guy will be good, they will certainly be a drop off. We can ease Paul into his point guard role a luxury we have never had. This is the most excited we have been in almost 20 years. Getting the freshman extensive playing time in the Big 10 last year will pay enormous dividends this year and next.
There are 5 legitimate 3 point shooters, in Geo, Yeboah, Ron , Caleb and Jacob.

This is what we can hang our hat on.

Defense, rebounding, getting 50/50 balls is so important.......BUT going 11-25 from 3 on any given night keeps you in just about every game.....and if your opponent goes 4-21 on the same night it become virtually impossible to lose.
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He had a few of those. ND on the road, Monmouth at the RAC his freshman year... There is another one I am forgetting.

Going to take a lot to boot Billet from fav player of all time, but I welcome the day.