GREATEST Rutgers Football Team EVER Assembled

Clueless as usual. I’ve been actively since ‘96. Prior to that was on the AOL messageboards.
Numb nuts, I wasn't aiming to give him your whole sordid history just when people started taking issue with these Don Quixote missives.

He can find out about your cringey Savon Huggins love song video on his own.
Teams underperform to expectations all the time. Our 2007 team with Ray Rice, Kenny Britt, and Tiquan Underwood only won 7 Games, and ended up in the Toronto Bowl. Games are opportunities, not guarantees.

For us, any winning season is a good season, considering we’ve had so few of them.
Toronto Bowl ? Show your work Fieldhouse Al of La Mancha. Shelby was there with Finkenstadt and none of their souvenirs cite that name of the highly prestigious but now defunct contest.