***Janarion Grant to return to Rutgers***

Thanks Mr. Grant for returning for your senior year....look forward to a Winning Season this year !!!
Nobody runs like Grant -

OUTSTANDING!! -And what a special gift it is for all of us to be able to watch this electric young guy for one more year "On The Banks"!!

JG = RU TD's!!!!!! [thumb2]:football::boom::100points:[banana]
Here's to hoping that Grant has such a big year that he contemplates, but does not, sit out the bowl game.
Grant and Harris on the field at the same time could be very interesting.
I think Washington is every bit as important this year. Mix in a RB group that is focused....hmmmmmm

Well, I've never seen Washington, Melton, or Mitchell play at this level. But Grant and Harris should give DCs something to think about.

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