Read what they said rather than trying to molecularize it in order to repudiate some nuance and re-direct their intentions. A good working principle is to take a writer at his or her stated intentions. Each said they do not believe he should have hit her. When we refuse to take someone at his or her word, it brings into play the age-old lament in marriage: Whenever I have a disagreement with my wife about something I said, she is right there to tell me what I meant.It's called a technicality. Usually used to defend someone.
If you're still in school, take a Philosophy Of Law class. You'll be able to make better distinctions in people's arguments, which would be doubly beneficial given the subject matter ITT. There are multiple forms of "law" at work here, and you are working in a rigid binary mindset--if someone dares to bring up any qualifying issues other than "Crucify him!" you assume they want to throw a party in his honor. Listen to what their stated intentions are in their posts. Believe it or not, it's right there.