Laviano ahead early in RU QB competition

I'm well aware of what was going on, and am not "projecting my thoughts onto others," simply stating the facts as I read them then and continue to read them now: most simply felt that Rettig never got a fair shot and that, more than anything, was the cause of the outrage.

no. the cause of the outrage was a stupid fantasy that Rettig was going to be the best QB RU ever had because he went to LSU for a year. That is what fueled all the nonsense. They HAD to think he never got a "fair shot" bc that is the only way to reconcile their untrue fantasy with the results of the QB competition.
no. the cause of the outrage was a stupid fantasy that Rettig was going to be the best QB RU ever had because he went to LSU for a year. That is what fueled all the nonsense. They HAD to think he never got a "fair shot" bc that is the only way to reconcile their untrue fantasy with the results of the QB competition.

That may have been a contributing cause, but the primary cause was that the fan base (including me) had lost faith in Flood's decision making regarding many things, including managing the QB's. I think if Fridge had stayed in charge of the offense last year and had made the same decision to stick with Laviano, you would not have had the outcry for Rettig because Fridge had credibility that Flood lacked. That's my 2 cents.
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I'm well aware of what was going on, and am not "projecting my thoughts onto others," simply stating the facts as I read them then and continue to read them now: most simply felt that Rettig never got a fair shot and that, more than anything, was the cause of the outrage.
I think between the middle of the season and now, there have been some attitude adjustments (if I were a cynical man, I might call it revisionist history) regarding the QBs. At the time, a lot of people were very aggressively stating that Rettig was absolutely the better QB. Go back and look at some game day posts.

Now, people have softened their tone quite a bit.
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Lavianos arm strength is not power 5 level.It will limit the offense..if thats the best we have ..
Arm strength is one of many factors in running a spread offense. If the other QBs are behind Laviano in the other elements of running a spread offense, arm strength does not overcome the other deficiencies.
I agree. But a lot of folks here think that Rettig was so obviously superior to Laviano that they'd disagree that Laviano should be ahead.

Still, like I said, it's early days yet. And I like the forthrightness from Ash.

For my part, I thought Rettig had a better chance to STRETCH the field. I wanted the switch because everyone started to put 9 in the box, and I thought the better THROWING quarterback might be able to keep the D honest.

Regardless of his QB choice, it was Flood's insistence to stick with a run game when the other team's defense schemed against it, and wouldn't try to adapt.

I still think Rettig has a better arm. But, Laviano handled the offense well (at times). He was a first year starter, hiccups will happen. Going forward, I hope we use the assets we have, if you want to back the defense of the line, throw over the top. We didn't do enough of that last year, IMO.
I'm starting to thing Rettig just isn't capable of grasping a playbook or maybe he is physically stronger but mentally just Indy right for starting QB
Or maybe Rettig just isn't that good. There's more to it than just filling a uniform nicely and having a strong arm. Some of these kids become elite QB prospects for those reasons, but are never actually good quarterbacks.

Odder still, maybe Laviano actually is the best quarterback on the roster. Hey, it would surprise me, too, but if he's still atop the depth chart late in August, you can be sure that Rettig was strictly the beneficiary of being everyone's favorite player, the backup quarterback.
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I actually think Laviano might be better suited for this offense, just like Rettig was for a pro set.

As usual, Flood did things ass backwards.
no. the cause of the outrage was a stupid fantasy that Rettig was going to be the best QB RU ever had because he went to LSU for a year. That is what fueled all the nonsense. They HAD to think he never got a "fair shot" bc that is the only way to reconcile their untrue fantasy with the results of the QB competition.

Actually he never DID get a "fair shot" on Saturdays. How anyone can argue this is mind-boggling.
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This is how rumors get started. Rettig is a member of the B1G All-Academic team. I'm sure he can "grasp" a playbook. We're in spring ball, 1 scrimmage down, and the guy who started all last year has a slight lead over #2. That's all.
Agreed, and here is another wrinkle. Perhaps Laviano thinks faster on his feet than Rettig and Gio, and despite Rettig being a fine student and teammate, he does not execute the plays as fast as needed in the new offense. I have seen this in my workplace and in several other scenarios--the smartest or "best qualified" by tangible measures is not the best performer in pressure situations.

Again, let's trust Ash and Mehringer to make the correct decision.

And again, it is EARLY, and Laviano has a SLIGHT LEAD. He does not have the job.
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I think it is time for us to stop blaming Laviano for Flood's pig headedness. It is not his fault he was selected to be the season starter!
I totally agree that a QB change was clearly needed numerous times simply based on Laviano's inability to do the job. Now, that said, who knows if the change would have had a positive impact, but we will never know because Flood apparently didn't like the idea of not having one starter.
Laviano, like any player, wanted to play. Again, what do you think he should have done differently? I have no doubt he was trying his hardest, it just wasn't enough.

As for him being "a couple of steps ahead", I would be dumbfounded if he didn't have some kind of a lead over guys who virtually didn't see the field. There is simply no substitute for real game experience.

We just have to wait and see what happens on opening day. Ash is not anywhere near Flood from what I can see. If things are not going well, I fully expect him to make the necessary changes.
Up until today I didn't care who won the QB position because I have faith in this staff that they will pick the guy who they think is the best. Now, I hope it is Laviano just to drive some people crazy. Last year is over. Flood is gone. The pro style offense is gone. EVERYTHING is different even though the players are the same they are hopefully healthier and more experienced and better. Stop projecting your hatred of Flood on Laviano. Whether Rettig was treated fairly last year is now irrelevant. Whether Laviano should or should not have reacted to the boos the way he did is irrelevant. Get over it and move on.
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Are you kidding. Around here SOMEBODY has to be demonized.
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Out QBs are not the problem. Those of you already bashing this decision are the problem. Guess what? We need Laviano more than we need you losers. C ya

Wow man WTF is wrong with you? Nobody is "bashing" any QB in this thread and calling other people "losers," because they have opinions on something near-and-dear to them, is rather childish. Com'on man.
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Laviano was poor last year. But some can point to the spectrum of excuses: the weather, the fact that the sun was in his eyes at key times during the games, he had a bad cold on some game days, the receivers dropped his passes, the line didn't protect him well, he was distracted by the Flood off the field issues, he played on odd numbered days instead of even numbered days and he likes even numbers, his mind was on his history class instead of the game on the field, etc etc. He was not good last year. Plain as vanilla ice cream. This is not an argument about ANY OTHER PARTICULAR QB. This is about a QB who indeed was a big problem as far as lack of efficacy last year.
The problem last year was we could not throw downfield!!! North south passing is not low percentage; it is moving the football. The problem with Laviano last year was that he only completed incredibly short east west passes THAT DIDN'T MOVE THE CHAINS (and of course not moving chains means not scoring points... For the clueless)
What? This makes no sense. The problem last year with the short check down passing was that Laviano was not accurate. Receivers had to constantly adjust to his ball causing very few YACs. This new spread offense is short to medium timing plays which requires the QB to hit receivers in stride. Allowing for YACs. It's a one read type offense which allows QBs to plug and play. Defense lines up X, WR B will be open. The option variant adds another dimension which makes it so tough for defenses to defend. I'm not sure if your being sarcastic but this new offense is not predicated on the deep pass. For the clueless
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This is not about the deep pass. This is about watching Laviano for a full year. And watching a bad QB. Period. For the clueless.
There's an age old quote that states that on a struggling football team, everyone's favorite player is the backup quarterback.

What I will say is the last year of the paterno era, for some reason they kept switching around QB's between Matt Mcgloin and rob boldin, Mcgloin wasn't very good under jay paterno (no QB was) but the next year when bill O'Brien came in, Mcgloin flourished and is still in the NFL.

Sometimes a coach makes all the difference but at the same time, any asshole can sit behind a computer and type anonymously on a message board and act like an expert
Laviano was poor last year. But some can point to the spectrum of excuses: the weather, the fact that the sun was in his eyes at key times during the games, he had a bad cold on some game days, the receivers dropped his passes, the line didn't protect him well, he was distracted by the Flood off the field issues, he played on odd numbered days instead of even numbered days and he likes even numbers, his mind was on his history class instead of the game on the field, etc etc. He was not good last year. Plain as vanilla ice cream. This is not an argument about ANY OTHER PARTICULAR QB. This is about a QB who indeed was a big problem as far as lack of efficacy last year.
Lost money on some of the games, did you?
I agree. But a lot of folks here think that Rettig was so obviously superior to Laviano that they'd disagree that Laviano should be ahead.

Still, like I said, it's early days yet. And I like the forthrightness from Ash.
A lot of folks used the "he was highly recruited to a big time program" as the reason for his superiority...there were threads fully dedicated to this when he decided to transfer in...
This is not about the deep pass. This is about watching Laviano for a full year. And watching a bad QB. Period. For the clueless.

Prostyle offense lad by a HC who had no clue about game planning or in game adjusting and, yes,, a QB whose play overall was bad. However, that was last year. This year is totally different and if he wins the job it is because Ash and his staff feel he is the best we have, so, put last year away and start rooting for the guy. Or, are you hoping he fails so you can say "I told you so". other than that there is no reason for you and others to be bashing this kid rout now.
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The difference is Flood was afraid to lose so e would not change. Ash is it expected to win so e can do whatever he wants this year and get a pass.
This board reminds me of the old joke about the prisoners who were so familiar with all the jokes they told each other that they gave them numbers. Whenever somebody wanted to tell a joke in the chow hall, they just shouted out the number ("Nine!") and everybody laughed.

We should just assign numbers to some of these threads. That way, nobody has to waste time writing a redundant OP. They could just start a thread entitled "15" and everyone would know what it's about.
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Except, again, that Laviano DID throw the ball downfield in several games for TDs. But hey, why worry about such persnickety things as facts.

Ducks that Caroo made plays on.

But for the topic as a whole, many mnay times last season laviano's critics said that they don't think he is being used to match his skillset... high-completion on short routes. I forget who it was that put it very simply and elegantly.. saying Flood insistence on running on 1st and 2nd more than not results in too many 3rd and long.. not Laviano's comfort zone. But Laviano's high completion percentage meant that we would have fewer 3rd and longs if they just threw more.

And that was the main point in suggesting we see the backup.. better long ball.. useful on the ever-present 3rd and longs.

That HC Ass.. or HASH.. doesn't want to do what Flood did is great. If he says Laviano is best for his scheme.. I'm happy to give him another shot.. just don't panic and throw INTs.
This is how rumors get started. Rettig is a member of the B1G All-Academic team. I'm sure he can "grasp" a playbook. We're in spring ball, 1 scrimmage down, and the guy who started all last year has a slight lead over #2. That's all.

there are plenty of guys on Ivy league teams who can't grasp their playbook as well as they need to.
Nuts, Im sure you're very aware, but lets remember that top level college football is so much more than talent. There are immeasurable elements that come into play - and these elements are in my opinion a little more important than just the physical side.
Laviano is not a bad QB by any means. The guy has had to deal with an impatient fan base and 3 OCs. Lets rally behind whoever
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If Friedgen had stayed for his second year as OC, we would have had at least 6 wins. And Laviano and the other QB's would have progressed far more than they did.

"at least" 6 wins? We weren't getting anymore out of the O than we did that day/night against either Wazzou or MSU, IMHO, so Maryland, maybe, we don't completely blow. Sorry can't agree with this comment.
I was OK with Lav being chosen as the starter last year. I was not OK with him being left in when playing poorly. This year I think Lav can be decent after getting some experience and working in an offense that is harder to defend. Teel was 55.4% 12TD 13 INT his first year, Nova 51.1% 11/9, Lav 60.9 16/12. The competition was tougher last year too.

Thing is, as our qb's will be expected to run more, they will get banged up more, so I think we see all three at times this year. I am still hoping for a Gio goal line package ala Tebow.
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If Friedgen had stayed for his second year as OC, we would have had at least 6 wins. And Laviano and the other QB's would have progressed far more than they did.
"at least" 6 wins? We weren't getting anymore out of the O than we did that day/night against either Wazzou or MSU, IMHO, so Maryland, maybe, we don't completely blow. Sorry can't agree with this comment.
09/12/15 Washington State L, 37-34
10/10/15 Michigan State L, 31-24
11/28/15 Maryland L, 46-41

With Friedgen as OC, I say we win at least 2 of those games.
09/12/15 Washington State L, 37-34
10/10/15 Michigan State L, 31-24
11/28/15 Maryland L, 46-41

With Friedgen as OC, I say we win at least 2 of those games.

Disagree buddy, sorry. You do remember that our D sucked in those 3 games, right?
You are both wrong about Wash State. We lost because of Laviano's turnovers. We lost against PSU because Laviano couldn't move the offense downfield one bleeping yard. Anemic is being kind. Ralph couldn't have done anything to help poor Laviano and our lousy offense in that game against PSU. We made PSU look like Paterno's best teams!
Disagree buddy, sorry. You do remember that our D sucked in those 3 games, right?
Absolutely. But with Friedgen as our OC, our QB's would have developed far more than they did. Look what he did for Nova in 1 year that Spence, Prince, and 2 other OC's could not.
Everyone on this board things that it is mostly coaching with our team. Wrong. It is mostly about a lack of talent at most positions which makes us non-competitive against half of the Big 10.
This board is underestimating the skill set of our new head football coach. He chose his words very carefully in the presser. He watched enough film of Laviano's performance last season to know we're in big trouble if another QB doesn't step it up and win the job. He was letting Rettig and Geno know that the job is there for the taking but they need to work harder. Coach Ash is the master motivator.
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