Laviano constantly is falling backward when throwing...


Jan 17, 2014
Rewatching the game and realize that Laviano is almost always leaning back, sometimes falling back while throwing. His for looks horrendous. No wonder why he has 75% of his throws fall short.
I posted about this earlier this morning.

He doesn't like to get hit and lacks the poise needed in the pocket, so the first sign of pressure he typically takes a step back and throws off the back foot.

A more mobile QB would be able to avoid the rush more often.

I do give Chris props for making the "block" on the Grant direct snap TD run that made it 20-14.
Showed guts there.
The coaches know this, hence we got to see Gio and Tylin against Howard. They are the way to go the rest the rest of the season.
couldn't agree more....his mechanics are so bad and has no zip on the ball. even on short passes the ball ends up at the receivers knees or feet. I don't think we can be competitive with him at the helm. bring on Gio!
I posted about this earlier this morning.

He doesn't like to get hit and lacks the poise needed in the pocket, so the first sign of pressure he typically takes a step back and throws off the back foot.

Showed guts there.

I'm no CL fan, but let's be fair. Show me the QB who "likes to get hit." The kid sacrificed his body to spring Grant's TD run. Toughness is not his problem!
As I wrote in other thread, very questionable play calling, requiring Laviano to throw across his body. Could use somebody like the Fridge.
I'm no CL fan, but let's be fair. Show me the QB who "likes to get hit." The kid sacrificed his body to spring Grant's TD run. Toughness is not his problem!

Word games. I'm sure few if any QBs like it, but some will square up and take it, putting the ball and play first. That's something we need more of.

I'd imagine blocking and getting plowed over by an oncoming defender you hardly see take two different kinds of toughness. Not saying I blame him, but do agree it's an issue.
As I wrote in other thread, very questionable play calling, requiring Laviano to throw across his body. Could use somebody like the Fridge.

Saw that. It's inaccurate. Those lateral passes you mentioned are set up plays and a big part of these offenses. If you can't consistently make that throw, well...
I really think Laviano is a scrimmage hero . He probably looks great in practice and does all the right things . His teammates probably love him and respect him . But the coaching staff is finding out what we all knew already : the lights go on and he just doesn't get it done most of the time . Puts the staff in a tough spot .
I don't thin k being tough is his problem. I'd call it a lack of pocket presence. Up the middle bull rush,sure, he can't step up, but I saw more than a few times he could have stepped up into the pocket, and been able to step into a throw. Not sure if you can teach that, or if it's just a gift some QB's have more than others.
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He did look awful yesterday on a number of drop backs. Balls not reaching receivers beca use he was falling backward that's pretty unacceptable at this juncture in his development. His throw on quick out which was no where near receiver was real bad. He has a lot more to clean up than coaches are letting on
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for lack of a better term he seems to lack moxie... Some guys go out there and perform, stand in and make throws. He's had some moments in games, but generally i feel more like we have a liability at QB.
I think a really fair argument can be made to add packages for Gio or Oden. We still have not seen them throw the ball, so I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves by shitting all over our starting QB for what has to be the 23rd year in a row or so.
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couldn't agree more....his mechanics are so bad and has no zip on the ball. even on short passes the ball ends up at the receivers knees or feet. I don't think we can be competitive with him at the helm. bring on Gio!
I guess the pass to Harris was a mirage?...His big problem has always been to drift back and the throw off his back foot ( bad habits are hard to break...Chris never got proper direction his first few years)...when he plants and shifts his weight forward he 's ok...when our uptempo offense is working set up by our running game he's been better...this will be a season where we use 2-3 these QB's and Laviano is ok with is why he is respected by his team...if you doubt it your not in the know...that is why the staff has kept him at the #1.
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for lack of a better term he seems to lack moxie... Some guys go out there and perform, stand in and make throws. He's had some moments in games, but generally i feel more like we have a liability at QB.
Do you actually think your statement " lacks moxie" makes sense?...the kid is a tough hard nosed guy...not by my account but by his team and coaches statements...lay your body out on a sweep in D-1 and see where your cajones are... they 'd be sucked back inside your belly thing is to say he 's not qualified to be the QB but balls are not what this guy lacks...Lacking balls are those who post dumb things and yours is just that.
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Do you actually think your statement " lacks moxie" makes sense?...the kid is a tough hard nosed guy...not by my account but by his team and coaches statements...lay your body out on a sweep in D-1 and see where your cajones are... they 'd be sucked back inside your belly thing is to say he 's not qualified to be the QB but balls are not what this guy lacks...Lacking balls are those who post dumb things and yours is just that.
call it what you want but he doesn't stand in the pocket and his clock speeds up. Some guys are very calm when the pocket is collapsing. Hes not one of them. My post did not warrant yours.
Saw that. It's inaccurate. Those lateral passes you mentioned are set up plays and a big part of these offenses. If you can't consistently make that throw, well...

Early drives were most certainly and did Laviano no favors.
call it what you want but he doesn't stand in the pocket and his clock speeds up. Some guys are very calm when the pocket is collapsing. Hes not one of them. My post did not warrant yours.
You prove your stupidity the more you continue with the Laviano throws off his back foot crap ......the entire board knows he does ...he has a bad habit. that was never addressed the way it should be in his first 2 years...the Washington game our o-line blocked like a sieve...the opening half against Howard was another questioned his " lack of moxie"...I call you out on that ( moxie statement)since it is known by his coaches and team members he is a tough team guy...after watching him throw that block to free up Grant one thing he doesn't lack is moxie...only those with no cajones would question his "moxie"...once again just dumb...
You prove your stupidity the more you continue with the Laviano throws off his back foot crap ......the entire board knows he does ...he has a bad habit. that was never addressed the way it should be in his first 2 years...the Washington game our o-line blocked like a sieve...the opening half against Howard was another questioned his " lack of moxie"...I call you out on that ( moxie statement)since it is known by his coaches and team members he is a tough team guy...after watching him throw that block to free up Grant one thing he doesn't lack is moxie...only those with no cajones would question his "moxie"...once again just dumb...
noun, Slang.
vigor; verve; pep.
courage and aggressiveness; nerve.
skill; know-how.

Not sure why you are getting so angry, anger management brother. I commended Laviano for the block. However his QB/pocket prowess leaves a lot to be desired.
I'm no CL fan, but let's be fair. Show me the QB who "likes to get hit." The kid sacrificed his body to spring Grant's TD run. Toughness is not his problem!
If you want to be a QB at D1 or the NFL you have to stand in and step up and deliver an accurate pass with some zip, in the face of pressure, when you know you will be hit. It really is that simple.
I've been saying this since last season. He loves to throw off his back foot. He's got to stride into his throw and deliver a strike.

For as inconsistent as he plays, he is still considered our "best" QB by two different regimes. Imagine how poor/inconsistent the rest are...
This offense just doesn't optimize his skill set.

He's not particularly quick.
Or agile.
Or strong-armed.

But he would be a fine game-manager in the run-first, pro-style offense he was recruited for.

That way you could max-protect him and let him take a full 5-steps & windup that he seems to need to launch the ball downfield with velocity.

You can also bootleg him and give him half-field reads to speed up the decision-making.

I criticize him, but I also realize that -- like the coaching staff -- he's just doing his best with the cards he has.
"pocket presence" has never slowed down for him but also hard when you are coached to drop back and got guys in your face after .5 seconds and now in this hurry up tempo set.

If we were still in the pro set and we still had the fridge working with the QB I was sure we'd have another Gary Nova Senior year.

I will never question the kid's guts, but round hole-square peg and no time or ability to sand off the edges.
This offense just doesn't optimize his skill set.

He's not particularly quick.
Or agile.
Or strong-armed.

But he would be a fine game-manager in the run-first, pro-style offense he was recruited for.

That way you could max-protect him and let him take a full 5-steps & windup that he seems to need to launch the ball downfield with velocity.

You can also bootleg him and give him half-field reads to speed up the decision-making.

I criticize him, but I also realize that -- like the coaching staff -- he's just doing his best with the cards he has.

no he wouldn't, he was in a run first, pro-style offense last year
Roko: He was, I don't disagree. However for a run-first offense to be effective it has to run the ball well, which we didn't.

In other words, he has limitations, but given the right circumstance I think he has the skill set to be serviceable. In a Mark Sanchez kind of way.
Roko: He was, I don't disagree. However for a run-first offense to be effective it has to run the ball well, which we didn't.

In other words, he has limitations, but given the right circumstance I think he has the skill set to be serviceable. In a Mark Sanchez kind of way.

I just don't trust him at any point of the game. He's a tough kid but doesn't inspire a whole lot on offense. Worried about when the schedule gets harder.
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You prove your stupidity the more you continue with the Laviano throws off his back foot crap ......the entire board knows he does ...he has a bad habit. that was never addressed the way it should be in his first 2 years...the Washington game our o-line blocked like a sieve...the opening half against Howard was another questioned his " lack of moxie"...I call you out on that ( moxie statement)since it is known by his coaches and team members he is a tough team guy...after watching him throw that block to free up Grant one thing he doesn't lack is moxie...only those with no cajones would question his "moxie"...once again just dumb...
It's acknowledged by every source CL is a tough kid, no one should dispute that. He does not however run tough, he exposes himself to big hits because he lacks speed, elusiveness, pocket awareness and the basic intangibles you notice in QB's that make plays out of breakdowns. D1 P 5 athletes prey on slow footed players who lack the ability to be evasive...It's pretty simple, he's an easy target.
To his credit, the kid keeps getting up and never gives in...his moxie is completely in question...his toughness is not.
It's acknowledged by every source CL is a tough kid, no one should dispute that. He does not however run tough, he exposes himself to big hits because he lacks speed, elusiveness, pocket awareness and the basic intangibles you notice in QB's that make plays out of breakdowns. D1 P 5 athletes prey on slow footed players who lack the ability to be evasive...It's pretty simple, he's an easy target.
To his credit, the kid keeps getting up and never gives in...his moxie is completely in question...his toughness is not.
What is your interpretation of " moxie" Zap?...I did not say Chris throws well , runs tough , commands the pocket or is evasive and fleet afoot...if you're claiming moxie refers to his awareness and running in fear that has been from day one ...Chris' vision is not his best asset we all know that...but the "moxie" term can mean more than 1 or 2 things played many sports at Montclair ...the block he attempted to spring Grant was " moxie"...he got rolled but that was exactly moxie.
What is your interpretation of " moxie" Zap?...I did not say Chris throws well , runs tough , commands the pocket or is evasive and fleet afoot...if you're claiming moxie refers to his awareness and running in fear that has been from day one ...Chris' vision is not his best asset we all know that...but the "moxie" term can mean more than 1 or 2 things played many sports at Montclair ...the block he attempted to spring Grant was " moxie"...he got rolled but that was exactly moxie.
Ok, you're asking me a direct question...what is my interpretation of moxie.
If I were describing moxie in a point guard, I'd say what he lacks in height and foot speed, he more than makes up for it in court awareness, vision and decision making.
CL's lack of arm strength and foot speed cannot be over looked, he unfortunately does not offset it with savvy, pocket presence, and awareness (eyes in the back of his head) so to speak.
The block is nothing more than a reaction to me, or I'll give him a little more credit, he's not afraid to sacrifice his body.. it has nothing to do with moxie. IMO
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Exactly Dale that is my point...we all know his limitations ...we have renewed hope that for just a few more games he can get us a win or two until Resigno or Odin are game ready ...whatever that means / ... Webster's Dictionary : Courage - Determination.... the definition of moxie...
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